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Everything posted by Mustin

  1. He said it was a Chrome thing already. I used to feel the same frustration but I've now come to see that it's for my betterment. Google shows me the way.
  2. This is cool, man. The discographys and credits are stellar. They make you look like the big shit. Because you are the big shit. Really excited for you. I only hope I can be as successful in all my endeavors.
  3. Now you're playing with power!
  4. No, dude, there's dissonance. There's no need to be so defensive about it. I don't need to "expand my ears" any more than I strive to do daily.
  5. Yeah, that took me out of the moment because I loved Dhsu's WIP and then I heard some if it in a track on the project and I had to look down and see what it was. anyway WHO IS MIKU? CAN I COMMISSION A WHOLE PROJECT FROM HE/SHE/IT? Hands down my favorite track on the album.
  6. Fuck dude I JUST NOW realized that prophetik = the prophet of mephisto = Brad Burr Just use your names, holmes! It has two Bs and that's tight! Anyway, listening through the project and it was this Face Shrine track that made me figure out who this is. Cool beans.
  7. Wow! Been a while since I've heard something like this. Hats off! I dig the creepy vibe. Really captures my imagination. I'm also biased because this is one of my all-time favorite scores. Still, it's fantastic work. I enjoy it thoroughly.
  8. Def excited about the Contra music explosion. Also, the album artwork is really nice, as are the updates to the ID3 tagging. (sucks when your mix comes along with a big site change 'cause the mix can sometimes take a back seat) America, fuck yeah!
  9. Is it me or is there a topic on this once a week? Is there really NOT another topic on this?
  10. [slow clap] Glad you've come to the light. Just use your name. It's nice and easy! Plus, I can pronounce it!
  11. Was hoping to have the first arrangement of this game up, but this is amazing. Great stuff! BOO FADE OUT WTF
  12. Doesn't it say that Jill's husband is her brother? NICE lock it down. lock it ALL down
  13. You ain't gotta lie to kick it. We know that's you in the video.
  14. Well if you want Super Mario Kart... http://theoneups.bandcamp.com/album/super-mario-kart-album Otherwise, there were some DECENT cuts in Super Circuit. I haven't liked much anything else music or game-wise (with a FEW exceptions in Wii...).
  15. Awesome! They cancelled Kansas City so I'm NOT going tomorrow! ...
  16. The entire soundtrack is amazing. I mixed several of the themes for a string quartet - you can find it in the .ZIP folder here: http://www.oneupstudios.com/ep_00.php The OneUps will eventually record and release a version of "Metropolis."
  17. So there we go. Thanks!
  18. It says "it's back," so I didn't know if it was around before or if there was a dramasaurus rex lurking in the distance.
  19. http://gamersoundtracks.com/index.php What is/was this site?
  20. A-RoN, There's a lot of stuff I don't like but I've learned to keep it to myself, or to just talk to others that are like-minded. If you don't like what's going on in the community, then you don't like what's going on. You're not going to change people's minds. The best thing you can do is just look the other way and just be positive and support what you do enjoy - and don't be passive/aggressive in that positivity by calling out someone else. Just trying to help you out. It's best to learn that it's just best to not say anything if you can't say anything nice. Here's the ultimate test:
  21. I might go. just maybe
  22. Hey, this is actually some REALLY good House/Down Tempo if you all are into that. I highly recommend this! Put your stuff on Bandcamp! It's a great store!
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