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Everything posted by Mustin

  1. MAGFest. We return. After 8 long years... FIGHT!
  2. Damn, Jodo Kast - that's a name from back in the day...
  3. Yeah, gotta second that one. Incredible music. Would love to hear a piano Jazz trio do that whole soundtrack some day.
  4. I think Mega Man V is the best MM soundtrack and it's not very talked about in comparison to Mega Man's 1, 2, 3, X, etc. Definitely check it out.
  5. http://www.chronocompendium.com/Term/Albums_and_Doujins.html
  6. @Theophany hahahahahaha Yes, that 1999 is amazing - never seen it before. My favourite is still http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WeJs0_26XMk
  7. zircon: I still disagree with this pretty wholeheartedly. For example, nobody in the academic world would dispute Stockhausen's status as extremely innovative (in the normal sense of the word) yet he almost exclusively focused on concepts like chance music and manipulation of sound. Music is not just notes and rhythms, it is also timbres, so by definition anyone who is creating new timbres is being musically innovative. Yeah, me too. I disagree. Even more is the production and sound design. I just can't see how the old guys would have found Squarepusher in any way comparative to their music. They probably would have just listened to it and had their brains melted inside their heads.
  8. LAoS, awesome posts. zircon, the Noisia track is awesome. Production is great. It sounds a lot like "the future." You know in movies when they are in the future and they're trying to make music that sounds like it's "the future," but it was usually crap like Total Recall and the music sounded like 80's crap - two buttholes rubbing together. That stuff? The only thing I've come across that actually "feels" like "the future" music to me is like Garage/DnB stuff from the UK. Check out this track, especially at 2:55 - http://soundcloud.com/mj-cole/battle-stations-ep-preview-128k But that's just my opinion. i no rite?!.lol I'm really enjoying the posts in this thread 'cause I've needed a little "mental musical challenge" lately.
  9. Actually, I'm going to double post and say that www.chicoray.net is innovative as it is "intellectually stupid" - perhaps a more rare juxtoposition than innovative, though consideration.
  10. www.chicoray.net *ahem* Well, not really. But gotta get in a shameless plug in the pretentious thread. Sounds like you're looking for IDM stuff. Not sure what that means, really. Genres like what? I can has? Well, here's one of my favourite electronic works from this decade.
  11. I use SoE as my sleep playlist. No wonder all my dreams are jacked up.
  12. Just gotta chime in here and say the site changes are great. Was a little worried, but then the search bar was added AND it goes behind the characters. Style points +9 Great work.
  13. It's very good to be home. Looking forward to MAGFest.
  14. Up at balls o'clock to catch the plane for this. Y'alls gets readys.
  15. This track is unskipable. I've never skipped it when it's come on my playlist at random. Not once, not never. Absolutely amazing work.
  16. I might go.
  17. I'll do it. Send me a MIDI. Let's do this. And if you need creds: www.OneUpStudios.com www.BadDudesMusic.com www.MustinProductions.com www.TheOneUps.com WE DID THIS FOR THE SHOW
  18. Gotta say, now that I'm on a real screen and not my Netbook, the site is lookin' pretty snazzy!! Great work!
  19. Right. FAIR USE IS FOR SCHOOL. Fair Use means you can put copyrighted material in a presentation for school. There are some exceptions, but that's really what Fair Use is for. Again, I'm not a lawyer. I just look like one.
  20. Okay good 'cause I was scared.
  21. Did I break the boards?
  22. Legal status is 99.9% of fan made isn't licensed and is illegal, but so is everything on this site, aside from the specific endorsements by composers on their copyright-owned material. But again, how many game sites, game developers, and even game companies talk about, link to and endorse game music remixes? Nobody. Cares. How many game companies sought out video game music arrangements to put into their official game? Just one that I know of so far and it was for a project on this site. If you want to care, that's cool. But bottom line - Xoc is a talented motherfucker and he deserves my $5 for this. I want to pay him. I did. You don't? Cool. WE DID THIS FOR THE SHOW
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