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Everything posted by wildfire

  1. I guess my whole issue with the debacle isn't that there are people who don't enjoy other remixers' work, it's that this site (at least for me) has a reputation of offering constructive criticism for everything. Just saying that you don't like that X was posted without really giving any useful feedback for the remixer is frustrating. That sense of openness and support is one of the reasons I've stayed with the OCR community for so long, and it's kinda lame when people in the community hate on others.
  2. Yea sorry! Stevo and Jason Covenant helped me out on this mix, advising mostly. Jason helped soooo much with production tips and Stevo helped me hone my lyrics and guest rapping. I totally forgot to credit Stevo in the title because it was so so late when I submitted. THANKS GUYS OMG
  3. I reallllly want to watch House of Cards all night instead of working on my remix. Must. Resist.
  4. I finished my first pass of lyric-writing on Wednesday, and since then I've been doing some edits with the aid of Jason Covenant (helping me with lyrical flow and eq-ing my track) and Stevo (helping me write lyrics that are in the same vein as my original pass but much more ridiculous and full of Sonic-related innuendo). I'll probably do most of the recording tomorrow and reserve tonight for cleaning up the music. Can't wait for you all to hear it so I can hear all of you collectively facepalm and fall to the floor laughing!
  5. Me too! I have about half the lyrics done and maybe 1 minute of currently-mediocre material, but I'm pretty sure I can polish things up in time. I'm hoping mine won't turn out too embarassing.
  6. The way my writing is going so far, my song will be full of innuendo. Hopefully it doesn't turn out too stupid.
  7. Sorry bro, signup ended a few weeks ago. You can still vote on the entries and give feedback though!
  8. I assume you can ask for criticism on your track as long as you're the primary remixer. I certainly do.
  9. This, IMO, is the entire point of compos: to become a better remixer/musician by challenging yourself.
  10. For anyone who wants to be in on my choral arrangement, please PM me to let me know you're interested, and either send me a sample of your vocal range or if you know your register (tenor, soprano, etc.) that's also fine. I want to write in the appropriate number of parts and in the correct register when I get started. Then I can send out a synth example of the part I'd like you to sing. Don't worry too much about getting it perfect; non-verbal vocals are super easy to clean up and I can do pitch correction and fix timing issues on my end. I haven't started production yet, so no rush. I may also reach out to some people on the project if they don't volunteer themselves.
  11. I want to submit this to panel while it's still fresh in my mind, so let me know what you think about the arrangement and/or production! Endless Mind (Lost in Me).mp3 Lyrics are on the Soundcloud page. Thanks!
  12. I think it's a combination of poor recording technique and not much experience in vocal processing. If anyone's got tips for vocal mixing, PM me! I want to learn!
  13. My entry mainly focuses on the Endless Mine source (all of the lyrical lines are from EM), and the Aqua Planet source is mostly in the rhythmic wooden instrument, with a few other small snippets here and there. The bass line is from AP as well. I think I used the sources rather liberally, so let me know if you need me to point out where they are. The remix is done in the style of Latin House, which I only learned about on Tuesday. Lyrics: when did I become so blind to all the thoughts in my endless mind and with this heavy weight hanging over me clouding my judgment so I hardly see through lost in all my fear I'm lost in here where I can see I'm lost in me with all my fear I'm lost in here where I can see I'm lost in me late at night i become myself i fade away fall under your spell only then am i finally free see through the haze staring into me
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