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Everything posted by wildfire

  1. Yea you can sub a mix with multiple sources, but I think you have to pick a primary. In my case it doesn't matter because I didn't use very much of my own source.
  2. Submitted! There were a few things I'd have liked to change, but right now my mixing computer can't render, so I have to render on my old laptop with a broken screen. Also the last render took over 30 minutes. I plan on submitting it to OCR once I clean it up a bit.
  3. Submit it anyway!!! This is a friendly competition and I'm sure lots of people will give you good feedback on it. Plus, the whole point of me peer pressuring you into this compo is for you to get better, and as we both know, !
  4. Today's going to be busy, I have lyrics written but not recorded. Song structure's done though, and it's under 4 minutes. (Which is weird for me)
  5. The main thing i'm worried about in my remix is the sources not being recognizable enough. I'll definitely provide a detailed source breakdown when I sub it.
  6. Aha! I guess I read it wrong. I'll still aim to do lyrics but if I run out of time doing oohs and aahs is damn easy.
  7. I have about 2 minutes of pretty good material, but I don't have lyrics written yet. I asked my boyfriend to help me write them and I should have them done by tonight. Recording and editing tomorrow and I'll probably submit Saturday night because I don't trust myself to get up before 11am on Sunday.
  8. Can you make that Nicolas Cage's 4'33", and just fill it with sounds of him freaking out?
  9. Disambiguity's one of my close friends from college. He said he's doing ok and is on track to be done by Friday night (I think) because he's busy all Saturday.
  10. I have about 1 minute of material now, and things seem to be coming together a bit better. I still need to write lyrics (or even just come up with a topic!) but I know what melody I'll be using. I think tonight will be spent filling out the rest of the song and writing basic melodic parts. I'm aiming for about 3.5-4 minutes, so it'll be a pretty short mix by my standards.
  11. I still don't have anything written that I really love, but I think I know what direction I want to take the song in now. Hopefully writing Latin House genre music isn't too different from writing regular house music. </spoilers>
  12. OMG I noticed the similarities immediately and haven't been able to get these lyrics out of my head for days.
  13. Oh glob, the only way I can fit my two sources together well is to write it in a major key. I never write in major, it sounds too weird and happy to me. This feels funny.
  14. I like the first half of what I've got, and the second half, but they don't go well together. Also, I'm cursing my past self for pushing my limits and picking a difficult source.
  15. Originally the game was supposed to be self-contained, but there was too much material for the cartridge so they had to split it into two games. It's probably a remnant of their initial ideas.
  16. Isaac battle plays in GS2 when Felix isn't in the battling party, iirc. Same for Jenna Battle, you can't have either Felix or Isaac in the party.
  17. Sounds awesome! Can you send me the lyrics? I just want to make sure everything stays on topic and fits with the original lyrics.
  18. My entire life I pictured the vocalist for Sonic R's soundtrack as a sassy black woman. I just found out what she looks like and now I wonder how many other vastly incorrect assumptions I've made.
  19. Good! It would work a lot better if I had both male and female voices and lots of ranges.
  20. I'm planning on doing a lot with ambient vocals on my song. If possible it might be cool if I could get samples from a bunch of people and create a choir or something. Just a thought for any potential vocalists.
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