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Everything posted by Polo

  1. Super. Here they are then: Drabo Chun Chun Pikar LT: Bueno. How did you get the names for these characters; I couldn't verify them anyhwere I was looking. P: I used two sources to find their names: 1) The Spriters Resource pages have names for some of the characters, but not all of them. Fortunately... 2) ...the Japanese Wiki article on the game does, under the Character section (キャラクター). I can read and approximate hiragana and katakana with no problems (ちゅんちゅん = Chun Chun, ドラキュラのキャラクター = "Dracula character" under Drabo/どらぼー, etc.) They also have "stage #" (ステージ#) in their descriptions, no doubt telling me when they appear. My first source notes level appearances as well, so I matched up the info and filled in the blanks. I also watched a playthrough on Youtube, but only to count off levels and check when each character appears. (And yes, Willy Whistle is named Drunk (どらんく) in the Japanese Bubble Bobble games.) As for the resizes, do these look any smoother? Sakaki (Azumanga Daioh) Kyon (The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya) Yotsuba (Yotsuba&!) OCR 4-tan, of course LT: First two are better, so they're in. The others too still look too sharp. What are the source images for those. Maybe I can take a stab at it? P: Sure, if you'd like. Here are the sources for Yotsuba and 4-tan. If you're curious, I used these crops to color replace/downsize/sharpen. If you change your mind, lemme know and I'll tackle these two again.
  2. Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories and Final Fantasy XII have been linked in their respective bios thanks to the new ReMixes that cover them. Clickability coding-wise, only djp can answer that. We're otherwise done.
  3. Once more, here's the Puzzle Bobble 2 test subjects (Drabo, Chun Chun, and Pikar, respectively): The 3rd and 4th Drabo and the 4th Pikar have solid background colors; the rest are linear gradients. LT: Let's do the 3rd vamp, 1st chick, and 2nd robot! Awesome, we finally got a great fit. Thanks for trying so hard, bro. And The Coop will be pleased.
  4. Moena from Angel Blade: Nakoruru from an OAV titled Nakoruru: Ano Hito Kara no Okurimono: Yotsuba from Yotsuba&! (well, manga form anyway): blackmyst's latest OCR 4-tan: LT: First two are good, Yotsuba looks slightly over-sharpened, and 4tan IMO wasn't quite smooth enough as well.
  5. Resizes (7 Anime, 1 Other) - First up is Sakaki and Kyon again, both with sharpness upgrades and alternate pics. Azumanga Daioh - Sakaki: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya - Kyon: LT: Not feeling the new ones. The sharper ones are aight, but seem a bit too sharp now.
  6. A very enjoyable read. Whether it's revamping "Man With A Trance Machine" or coming full circle with his latest MMX3 ReMix, it's commendable how Beatdrop's always finding ways how to improve his musical abilities. I also appreciate his comment that even if the end product is LOUD, as long as there's no unintentional clipping or distortion, then all the better (not his exact words, but you get the idea). Sweet haircut, btw.
  7. Sure. Here's a go at it: LT: I like the smoother gradient style of the middle column, the girl. Whether gradient or solid color, I'd say base the background color off their clothing, so purple for the vampy chick, turquoise for the girl and red for the robot. That seems like the best approach when looking at the other accepted avatar, that girl in the pink dress. She had a slightly darker pink as her background.
  8. More colorations: LT: Gradients? And the pink chick (I posted it above after your comment as well): LT: Yep, already grabbed it! I also learned that the cat from the game is named Packy. LT: Danke.
  9. I didn't say it was gone. Larry wanted to see Hammer Jack in his full pose (more than 32 pixels tall/wide). Whether he takes him as an exception to the rule I can't say. "Giants" = bigger than 32 pixels one or both ways. I was talking about this Crono: and this Samus: She's the Metroid Fusion Samus (but is currently mislabeled as from Super Metroid; THAT Samus is even bigger). LT: Thanks for the extra Samus. Why not, eh? Other one was almost as tall anyway. The correction on the previous Samus is also appreciated! P: No problem. But credit for the extra Samus goes to Gollgagh.
  10. All right, here's Hammer Jack in two out of four weapon-whirling poses (the other two don't look so hot IMO): Thoughts? I'm sure you don't want an influx of avatars that go above the limits, but I know you're not banning them outright since we already have "giants" like Metroid Fusion Samus* and Crono. LT: Yeah, having a couple of outliers like those are the reason why I was open to this one in the first place. They're not ostentatiously larger than the standard avatars. So the first Hammer Jack is a go. Hard to see it on a white background, but I love that the lil' swoosh/motion line was left intact. It's a nice touch. And since I feel sorry for The Coop, I tried my hand at recoloring the backgrounds of the 4 black sheep from Puzzle Bobble 2: LT: I'll take the pink character with the pink background. Nice work. The rest are "nah". Man, if you can't get 'em to work, who can? P: Haha, I appreciate your faith in me. Don't worry, there's still other background colors to try. I'll see what else may/may not work. In the meantime, here's the pink chick: http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d13/polo_83/puzzlebobble2_woolen.gif * I didn't notice at first, but met_samus.gif is labeled as "Super Metroid: Samus"; it should be Metroid Fusion Samus (in her Fusion Suit). LT: Glad to fix it.
  11. Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance (source). LT: Danke. Added. I stumbled upon the true identities of the following avatars, erroneously labeled Kamikaze Kaitō Jeanne 1 and 2 (probably due to the KKJ initials). From Kareshi Kanojo no Jijō: Yukino Miyazawa Sōichirō Arima LT: Always appreciative of any fixes. Thanks! P.S. What of these guys? LT: Yeah, I didn't forget that one. Just wanted to compare the WC2 ones with the old versions to see if I was feelin' em, but felt lazy at first.
  12. Nothing in particular. In my experience, it's more rewarding to hike through the city and get spectacular views from the steep hills and outskirts. And anyway, I'm sure the tourist sites you speak of (Golden Gate Bridge? Pier 39? Chinatown? Japantown? a museum or two?) should keep you occupied on your visit. If djp implements the mascot clickability feature while you're gone (might happen, you never know), I'll guard the fort with my life. Sir! *salutes*
  13. We need an image edit to pass the time. Enjoy.
  14. Polo


    4-tan ponders her potential.
  15. ...and for good measure, I sent a third Jackson to keep this site afloat. One payment per Cheetahman avatar.
  16. *slips another $20 into the pretzel's pocket* Also, I haven't seen that Reading Rainbow music video in years. Brings back memories.
  17. Ike for Arek: A brighter Kratos for Frustration Raptor: And Zenki and Chiaki Enno from Kishin Dōji Zenki: Batoru Raiden: LT: Not feeling that chick; face just looks goofy. Others are a go, but I need to know what FE installment Ike is taken from. Gracias!
  18. Lookin' comprehensive on the front lines, soldier. I fixed 4 minor details (just to get them out of the way): 1) "...clicking either of their images..." (referring to the mascots' images) 2) "...the one who wrote them, The Coop..." (capital T) 3) "All games that this character is in and that has ReMixes on the site..." (since djp coined the capital R and M version of the word remix) 4) "DarkeSword turned a thread titled..." (changed from "titelled") And here's some other stuff to consider... - I double-checked with The Coop, and essentially the first mascots appeared when OCR 4, i.e. the new design, was launched (May 23, 2004). And there's been 152 mascot images since July 15, 2007 (LT posted the rookies on page 72). So if you'd like to accurate-ize your first paragraph, you may do so accordingly. - As a general rule, I'd link to a username only once. Linking it more than that gets distracting and unnecessary. So I suggest linking to djp, DS, and your profile only in the Credits section. I see this as opening a can of worms, i.e. people saying "I posted in this thread when it was sexually referenced lol" or "I showed the difference between mascot A and mascot B" or something similarly moot. "The many supporters", I think, should cover everyone saying "Good idea, I support this" and "I'd like to point out an error..." and all. Plus, even without the above sentence, those serious about asking for noted credit would do so.
  19. Sure. Just write out the names listed below for the "16 writers" credit and you'll be set. Dafydd Rexy Linearity watkinzez Psychotic Ninja Bummerdude OmegaMe Daethar The Instrument of GAWD Miletus Kal aMari chez dogulov Less Ashamed Of Self Polo The Coop Spunodi
  20. You mean Hammer Jack? He can only fit the 32x32 limit in this pose (after throwing his weapon): LT: Well, as long as it's not egregiously large, let's see how Hammer Jack looks in a standard pose. And while I'm at it, here's some alternate crops of the Warcraft 2 Peon, Ogre, and Ogre-Mage: LT: Excellent. Thanks for trying different crops to get these in!
  21. Wow, I noticed each avatar in the roster is in its own Hollywood Square. Way to better define the boundaries, LT! Castlevania Legends: Alucard Dracula Sonia Belmont (intro) Sonia Belmont (cutscene) Super Mario Bros. 2 enemies: Mega Man 2 - Sniper Joe: LT: Danke.
  22. Signed up as Polo83 (someone already claimed Polo), voted, and fanned both of you. Your qualifying tracks display quite a lot of arrangement evolution, synth variety, and production polish. And of course heart. <3 Rock on.
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