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Everything posted by Schwaltzvald

  1. May want to continue them on the off chance there is not enough iron to make tracks to begin with. Not to mention I remember a couple of players throwing their iron away by making buckets for lava collecting to fuel their furnaces. Not sure though...
  2. Once you do get on the server, I'd recommend heading either East, South or North. As far as I've noticed we already have quite a few head West. But if you do head West and you see a thick Watch Tower just keep walking as my place is dead West. Nearby myself is Kirgio's place and a little before me is Gollgagh who, last I've heard, has claimed a floating island. Don't try to set up camp near spawn as it's crowded enough as it is.
  3. Not our fault you've yet to truly explore beyond the arches. Trust me when you actually look outside, it's a much brighter, interesting place. In regards to the McRib, I'm better off making my own variation of the McRib as I demanded my cash back after trying it.
  4. You should and if you ever get the chance, try IN-N-OUT as well. Heard both are regard as the best possible burgers from a chain in the United States of America. Even heard some people are arguing either one or the other is better due to the "east coast vs. west coast" thing. 5 Guys from the East, IN-N-OUT from the West.
  5. I celebrated the McRib by going to a Five Guys and got me a Bacon Cheese Burger along with a Barq's root beer. Best celebration I've had of the McRib.
  6. The address still the same or has it changed now?
  7. Haven't heard whether an English port would be released or not but the Japanese PS3 version been out since Sept of 09...
  8. This doesn't change the fact that quite a lot of people, to put it mildly, actually enjoyed both of them at the time they debut. Not to mention it's easy to dislike or not care for something you couldn't get into in the first place. Disgaea is a good example of this as well as Touhou.
  9. Hell of a typo you did there Brush, fixed that for ya. As for fps's on the Wii, it's doable if only the controls as well as response time were actually any good; especially for those that are used to precision from using the good ole "Keyboard & Mouse".
  10. That's like saying cheese is just cheese while totally ignoring varieties with differing textures and flavors.
  11. What does it sound like?
  12. He probably thought you meant the first iteration of golden sun in regards to your thoughts. That said...
  13. Well that's fine and dandy but that still doesn't explain the inexplicable fire that occurred over at hemos and near by Halt. I remember The Damned talking about a fire and then suddenly vanished before Hemo and I could have reached him. In any rate we just need to be more careful and quit being lazy about the leaves/trying to set chickens & pigs on fire near wooded areas. On the note of trees... Sure Notch broke the coding on leaves decaying but that shouldn't stop us from breaking the leaves up in the first place and replace the tree with a sapling before leaving.
  14. Also Kirby's always been good to me. On a similar note if far away from the classic hand helds... These are on a god damn slot machine... YES A SLOT MACHINE! Cappricio of Scarlet Moon Reinlich When the Bletilla Blooms Divine Blood The Blue Dragon FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
  15. Okay just recently Hemo's place that had some trees were suddenly found on fire. Is there any possible chance it could be game related rather than some one intentionally setting forests on fire..? If not we got a quick arsonist
  16. The change of characters is something of a deal breaker for me, not to mention the cheats that can be unlocked in the original are simply available from the very start. I'm glad the old cheats are there but where's the fun in them being available with no effort? Where are the timed challenges and such to accessing them worthwhile..?
  17. While the the water ways are much faster I just realized consider how dead west I am, the canal would inadvertently cut through my place unless directed accordingly... Is it just fire_slash directing the water canal operations or someone else? I'd like for whomever it is to show me where it would go through exactly so that I can either modify my place or provide a detour that wouldn't hinder/slow the waterway construction.
  18. god damn it Any news on a third party fixed or we screwed in regards to any water canal project?
  19. For such a simple game it sure as hell chews through servers like Crysis having it settings on "max" with all the bells and whistles.
  20. Was waaaay too busy due to Halloween events but I'm glad someone caught it. Surprised the Hell of out me that our pixietricks is on there though. WHY KEEP SUCH SEEEEECREEETSSS!?
  21. Parasite Eve's - Chrysler Building in EX-Mode. I just didn't understand why I could not complete it and I only knew one other person that had the game but couldn't do it either. Had no money to buy a copy and had to return the copy I had to an associate because of a deal we made. Never did finish it way back. Since hearing news that Parasite Eve 1 & 2 will eventually come out on the PSN (JPN though I'm hoping the NA/EU areas will get it too) I'll try once more... OH YEAH ALMOST FORGOT! Super Ghouls n' Ghosts - OH LAWL did I nearly break a snes controller OMG ARTHUR WHY MUST YOU BE A DICK ABOUT MOVING ON THE LADDERS AND DON'T GET ME STARTED WITH THE HOLY WAT- I MEAN TORCH!
  22. Cmon man it's been nine (PS2/Xbox), eight (PC) years since its release. Time to complete what you've started regardless of you may already know what happens. Perhaps seeing some one else go through it would help you muster up the courage to finish it yourself..? Would have edited my earlier post on what dazzled me but I had to respond to GT's current inability to complete SH2. MMZ4 pretty much dazzled me back in 05'. It's not so much how it gives a definitive ending for Zero's story but it just feels like a culmination of the previous titles and series. Starting from Mega Man on the NES, to the X series and finally to the Zero series. While fighting Weil I couldn't help but think back of all the previous Robot Masters, Mavericks and "variants" of both leading up to Weil's "shoggoth-ic" final form. It really did feel as it I witnessed and experienced a particular earth's history and watched/interacted with said history. Never had the chance to play the MMZX series to say anything about them and MML is supposedly waaaaaaaaaaaay past all previous titles in regards to time line; it's separate to me.
  23. In some strange news, "No More Heroes: Heroes Paradise" will be coming out exclusively for the PS3 & PS-Move with help from Konami in the NA/EU territories since Ubisoft passed up on it. Basically it can be played both with the regular controller as well as using the PS Move. I'm guessing the 360 version I remember reading about was cancelled..?
  24. I love the 2:00 mark on the second link; hilarious and scary at the same time. I would have to say Silent Hill 4's ghosts bothered me a lot. "FUCK WALLS" they say as they squeeze through them and swiftly try to kill me. Beat the shit out of them, they come back as aggressively as ever. Later on in the game even if I stun them they instantly revive. The hauntings occurring in my apartment does not help things either as I had been living in an apartment at the time I first played it. I don't need to start imagining the squirrels scratching on the other side of the walls are anything more then that. They are worse than the Shibito from Siren in this regard; perhaps on equal levels as the poltergeists in the Fatal Frame series. For the record I'm aware of the five swords I could use to pin down the especially powerful ghosts but that doesn't make the situation any better that there are plenty of them floating about.
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