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Everything posted by Schwaltzvald

  1. I can't imagine would be game breaking at all.
  2. I may actually get it...
  3. Land Rovers are a given though D:, What about a Shriner car, a 1947 DeSoto, a 1967 LeSabre, or at the very least a flashy clown car Yes I know it's a smart car but fuck all if it's not a clown car either!
  4. It helps to show people what exactly you're referring to as googling it actually took some effort considering there are quite a few things referred to Blur before the link for the actual game comes up. Makes a good impression when you're trying to showcase something or share something. Now in regards to requests then yes that's when it's best for the actual searcher to utilize all available options before finally giving up and asking where the fuck is it. Just saying bro. As for the game.... but I'm disappointed in not seeing at least one cop car with sirens wailing and lights flashing racing alongside the others for shits and giggles; or a beat up mini-van with fins.
  5. I got 2 and 4 myself but I'm going to pick up the collection as well.
  6. I'm actually quite excited to try it out, however I rather go cool and collected through it all rather than anxious and jiggling. Nonetheless I'm also waiting on picking up Yakuza 3 when it comes out by this Thursday or Friday...
  7. I'm perfectly content with waiting for it to come in from the mail.
  8. Links man links... http://www.blurgame.com/ Upon further research... Published by Activision, and 360 exclusive..? double fail dood... Edit* Upon researching yet again... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blur_%28video_game%29 PC, PS3 and 360 versions, alright not so bad... Unless the beta is actually just a 360 exclusive they ought to quit saying so or be clear they just mean the beta...
  9. Curiously for OSX users how would TF2 play with just one mouse button, or have they finally gotten around to using two buttons and I happen to miss that..?
  10. Quite interesting, may have to get SI:E2... Curiously what's this about a MMZ collection? Wouldn't that be merely a DS port of the GBA games in one or would it be something more..?
  11. I would have imagined that rpgs in general would not be for him. It's like playing American Football/ping pong then quitting after the first down or first 20 returns of the ping pong ball. Maybe Dora the Explorer or Hello Kitty would be better suited for the likes of him..?
  12. http://www.tssznews.com/2010/03/07/new-information-game-informer-interview-iizuka-on-sonic-4/ http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=20143227&postcount=6665 Oh fucking Hell... This better be good
  13. similar to Dustman's stage theme you say..?Hmm...
  14. Well said Prophet, well said.
  15. Why didn't you say so then rel?
  16. As if it's necessary I just happen to have them available.
  17. Is it just me or did the site suddenly cut down the image allotment to 2 from the previous 4 limitation? I remember posting 4 images (One of the two being a thumbnail on my last post) and now I don't see them...
  18. Why yes, yes it is bro Excuse the hi-res images that are thumbnails here, would have wrecked the page; assuming the board would have allowed it to be posted.
  19. ah then yes Hentai is, for simplicity's sake, porn regardless if it's hand drawn/CG or live models... Now if he wants to get into the semantics and argue about the definition about it he ought to make a thread on it on PPR; not to mention I'm not about to share clips to give examples to emphasize points.
  20. pornographic parody versus original porn..? I see the difference between say... hentai/doujin works on Witchblade and Bible Black in those terms... Or perhaps hentai/doujin works on Evangelion versus Urotsukidōji would be a better example..?
  21. HEY! HEY! GUESS WHAT?! I HAVE THE SOUNDTRACK TO FFXIII ALREADY!! Although I'm considering canceling my preorder on the players guide; the paperback edition not the collector's edition... Not sure.
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