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Posts posted by Liontamer

  1. The track was 3:00-long, so I needed to hear the source tune invoked in the arrangement for at least 90 seconds for the source material to be considered dominant in the arrangement.

    :03.5-:32.25, :48-:55.75, :57.75-:59.25, 1:00.75-1:08.25, 1:10.5-1:11.75, 1:41.75-1:45.5, 1:48.5-1:50.75, 1:54.75-1:57.75, 2:00.75-2:08.5, 2:35-2:38.25 = 66.75 seconds or 37.08% overt source usage

    Otherwise, it's definitely enjoyable in a vacuum, mixed reasonably well, also well-performed. If you can add other references to the source tune as backing elements to make the majority of the track a VGM arrangement, Mike, then it's golden.

    NO (resubmit)

  2. On 1/22/2024 at 7:46 AM, prophetik music said:

    the chords don't map directly from what i can hear. that makes these blobs of chords inspired by, and not directly taken from, the original track. they may be highly different voicings and that's where i'm losing it. i really don't dig the idea of us trying to parse this ourselves, this should be an artist-provided breakdown to ensure we're not missing stuff in either direction.

    I'll still try to do one anyway, but that's my bad, I should have asked in the first place. I'll reach out to Rebecca.

    EDIT (2/1/24): Rebecca kindly provided video-based timestamps (added to her submission comments in the first post).

  3. Crazy, needless clipping & distortion throughout; plenty of ways to do wild percussion and noises without that (see: https://ocremix.org/remix/OCR04536). I liked the dropoff at 1:31, which was offering something different as far as the leads and briefly moving away from the source melody. Ending at 3:01 had a very nice trailoff, but otherwise came after an abrupt stop of the music with no real resolution.

    It might be a MIDI rip, but the sound's meaningfully personalized and expanded, and we have a number of arrangements that spin off from MIDIs, though I hope in this case, this isn't wholesale taking an arranged MIDI and reinstrumenting it without credit.

    Barring a Standards violation on potential lifting of an arranged MIDI, there's potential here though, and I'm open to approaches like this; it's a very basic source tune, and there needs to be adeqate space for an expansive concept like this to have a chance. In my opinion, it still needs further development, because while the instrumentation's personalized, the different patterns used here feel too repetitive, which (along with the poor mixing) is what sinks it.


  4. Started this originally as a challenge to try and make a remix / arrangement in 2 hours again but was met with failure as I had only reached about 2 minutes into the piece before reaching the end of that sprint. Shared what I had with Emunator who teleported to my house somehow and threatened me if I didn't finish it. Fearing for my life I obliged and spent several more weeks working on it off and on in bits and pieces... sometimes sharing it in the workshop and getting feedback from Hemophiliac and some others in private. Eventually I tapped on the shoulder of Jesus once again for some Irish whistle treatment and he delivered as always. I've always loved this particular theme ever since playing the game originally back in 1999, because of the tragedy of Rena's background story. No spoilers. I have played around with different ideas for it before but apparently it took a spontaneous sprint to really get anything solid down and then a threat from a kind lunatic to buckle down and finish it. 

    Irish whistle, performed & record: https://ocremix.org/artist/14128/e-jesus-chic-acevedo

    Games & Sources

    Star Ocean: The Second Story, Theme of Rena

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