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Posts posted by Liontamer

  1. Artist Name: CJthemusicdude

    Cheetuh Men.

    Games & Sources:
    • Name of game(s) arranged:  Cheetahmen II
    • Name of individual song(s) Main Theme
    • Link to the original soundtrack (if it is not one of the sound archives already available on the site):

    Lufia II was one of the first RPGs as a kid I had ever had the pleasure to play solo, and to this very day I remember renting it from Blockbuster for the first time--ages past--and thoroughly enjoying it. Great story, a colorful cast of quirky characters, and to top it all off, mind-busting puzzles galore. I don't think I've ran into many games up to that point (or since) that utilized such a wide-variety of puzzle mechanics and skills related to each, that were almost seamlessly interwoven with the overall gameplay elements, and at that young age it blew me away and boggled me, for sure.

    ...Was probably the most fun, albeit aggravating bit of puzzle solving I've done in any game.

    In this, I had an interesting time reliving the nostalgia (...perhaps more like PTSD) of hearing the theme to Dragon Mountain once more, and I am truly ecstatic and lucky that I had caught the ability to make a remix for the album when I did. I was aware it was in a hellscape limbo for the longest time of not getting released (almost two decades!!!), and I didn't think I had a shot...but I took the gambit, asked Gario what's the 4-1-1, and here we happily are. :)

    For anyone wondering, the title is a bit of a tongue n' cheek inside joke about the wacky puzzles in Lufia II, in particular one infamously known by the nickname/moniker "The World's Most Difficult Trick" (‘TWMDT’); this is in relation to the pretty damned tough sliding puzzle at the end of Dragon Mountain (that a *whole lot of people* cheated on using gamer magazines, GameFAQs or RPG Classics websites to figure out how to do), and it held some of the best items/gear in the game for either the party or your dragon companion Capsule Monster.

    ...And OH BOY, do I remember it, and the puzzles before it (the weight puzzle, the ice blocks, the burning plants, etc) . . . And the *frequent* amount of random battles in-between--(hence the interlude with Battle #1!)

    Truly, the greatest pro gamer move is just spamming the "RESET" Spell like a mo-fo until you passed it. ;)

    Jokes aside, I did not have a particular inspiration for this piece, but the closest to ones are probably artists like Savant, GameChops, DJ Cutman, Joshua Morse and James Landino, and my approach was rather random AF. It came together and was built in a way more piecemeal fashion, oddly me working from the top (high-end synths) to the bottom (bass, drums, percs and kicks) rather than the opposite way...as this time I tried to find the vibe within the source's lead material first and foremost, rather than via the source's bass or additional drum machine / samples. And it was a wild ride. People who had a glimpse at this track over the time I've been working on it and endlessly tweaking it can attest: it had grown and mutated and was thoroughly carved and fleshed out and embellished over a lengthy period...and I think the improvements are there and shine to a fine waxed polish. :) A lot of my focus here was on tightening technique and employing more interesting synth groupings, call and response, and chord stacks than I ever had before--in pursuit of strengthening my hardcore EDM skills. I wanted a banger, I craved it, and with Lufia II (being one of my fave RPGs from the SNES era) I'm glad it was the one I gave said treatment to.

     ...This may not have been the "world's most difficult [track]", but it certainly pushed the limits of my current arranging, mixing and production knowledge and skills, and added an abundance more to my repertoire. :D Thanks again to those who gave me a lot of hints, tips, tricks and critique on this piece (ya'll know who you are!), and to Gario for helping me, encouraging me along the way, and allowing me to add some spice to the wonderful album stew. If it weren't for those comments and this opportunity, I do not think the song would have elevated to the heights I've managed to raise it to.

    I hope it meets expectations, and people groove out to it. ♥ :3

    Games & Sources:

    LUFIA II - RISE OF THE SINISTRALS / ESTPOLIS DENKI II: ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK; DISC 1, Track 34 - Towering Mountain (Logismos Shrine) & Track 8 - Battle #1; Composer(s): Yasunori Shiono; Release Date: 17 February 1995; Label: Pony Canyon & Scitron

  3. Well, I think the first thing I should probably address is that, this is more along the lines of a cover and I am not sure it is transformative enough. In fact, I probably wouldn't submit it if I wasn't so happy with how it turned out as is. I tried going back to it over the past two years to see how I can expand or change things but nothing really ever came to mind. I remember seeing a track by someone recently that had a comment along the lines of "Not everything has to be for OCR, and maybe that's fine." Or something like that. And maybe that's the case here but I am not a judge and I wanted others opinions to speak for themselves! Anywho,

    Some things of note, I submitted another track from FFVIII this year (I promise to try and branch out in 2024 lol) that incorporated thunder and rain. This is the first track I actually tried experimenting with using it as sort of an instrument or a pad so to say. I'm imagining the scene this comes from, after the dance and SeeD fiasco, but its a rainy day and Quistis (mah gurl) just confessing and oof. The beauty of it all. This is probably also where I began using vocal overlays a bit more and sort of using it as a trademark of mine. Sometimes I'm self conscious about that but oh well, I like what I like. This is also rather short which is problematic from a transformative standpoint but I liked that I squeezed a bunch of different kinds of sounds that I enjoy in a tight space.

    Anyway, sorry for the long post for such a short little piece. Again, its not the most transformative thing I've submitted but I'm okay with that. As always, I'm just happy to hear back from others and continue to improve. And who knows, maybe with some more inspiration I'll find what I need to change this up some more, but if not, its been a pleasure little track of mine.

    Artist Name: H36T

    Games & Sources:

    Final Fantasy VIII

    Nobuo Uematsu

    Tell Me

  4. Viewers were digging the Light Infantry soundtrack a lot as well, by isonosuke!


    Same with Pizza Tower!


    During this past Summer’s event, a lot of viewers dug Logan Hayes’ soundtrack to The Pedestrian!


  5. Original Decision


    This track was a labor of love! What started out as a last-minute bonus track for Final Fantasy VIII: SeeDs of Pandora has evolved quite a bit with the addition of live guitar and bass, rerecorded saxophone, an entirely rewritten percussion section, and brand new effects to bolster the lo-fi vibe. 

    I love writing lo-fi music, and when I was exploring songs from the FFVIII OST to rearrange, Fisherman's Horizon immediately stood out to me as a track that would fit the genre with it's softer, comforting feel. I felt like I could make it work in the short amount of time I had to create a track for the bonus disc on the album. With the help of Lucas Guimaraes and GameroftheWinds, I was able to include some live winds on the track.

    Since the release of the album, this rearrangement has gone through several iterations. Most recently, I've had the pleasure of collaborating with Zack Parrish and Emunator, who hopped in to expand on the existing parts. Zack especially jumped in head-first: he re-recorded the saxophone section, and played live guitar and bass for the track, replacing my previous virtual instruments. Emunator rethought the entire percussion section, bringing in a more dynamic beat to help move the song along while still keeping you in the groove. Finally, Lucas topped it off with some additional sound effects that brought in the right amount of ear candy. I can't thank these guys enough for all the work they put into the track, along with multiple rounds of feedback to get the mix balanced just right. Their expertise and advice really helped me hear where this track needed to go in order to succeed.

    Games & Sources:


  6. Thanks for enjoying the site so long, and I appreciate the sentiment of putting this together.

    Unfortunately, we don't accept traditional remixes where original music is extensively sampled, we're primarily about rearrangements.

    Particularly the FFXIII stuff is just taking Eino's audio with no changes.

    This track violates our Submission Standards:


    2. Ownership
    1. Your submission must be your own, original arrangement.


    4. Arrangement
    2. Your arrangement must be substantial and original.
    Submissions must be different enough from the source material to clearly illustrate the contributions, modifications, and enhancements you have made. Acceptable arrangement often involves more than one of the following techniques:
    Modifying the genre, chord progression, instrumentation, rhythms, dynamics, tempo, or overall composition of the source material
    Adding original solos, transitions, harmonies, counter-melodies, lyrics, or vocals to the source material
    Taking the original game audio and simply adding drum loops or using an existing MIDI file and assigning new instruments does not qualify as substantial or original arrangement.

    NO Override

  7. From Dual Blade

    This is a tribute to two of the best artists on OCRemix: mp and Eino Keskitalo. I've been a fan of OCRemix for about 15 years (thanks to Limewire). This was inspired by djpreztel's farewell post on November 4, 2023, "It's time - some would say past time - for OverClocked ReMix itself to be ReMixed".

    Games & Sources:

    Final Fantasy VIII, Final Fantasy X, mp's Final Fantasy VIII Liberi Fatali Overhaul Liberi Fatali, and Eino Keskitalo's Final Fantasy X Katumus Lulus Theme Hopes Theme FF13.


  8. Would need a unique title if it passed -LT

    Artist: Astroverse Dimensions

    i have redone almost the complete soundtrack in rock/metal style

    tried to keep the sequence the game pretends and put in as much themes as possible and mixed it with original samples to keep the feeling

    Games & Sources:

    TMNT II Back from the Sewers (Gameboy)

    Almost complete Soundtrack

    Tsuyoshi Sekito

    Yuko Kurahashi



  9. This was originally written about 10 years ago. I wrote a few remixes all at once and only got around to submitting Firewalker, which is my only other submission. In that time, I've had a lot of time to fidget around with this mix and arrangement to land on where it's at now. That has mostly resulted in making it more compressed and louder as time has gone on haha. I was quite apologetic in my first submission because I didn't feel like I used the original material enough but I feel more confident this time around. That is to say I think this track rules but I'm prepared to be humbled by the judges. ?

    Games & Sources:

    The song I'm remixing is the Lost Woods theme from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time composed by my man Koji Kondo. I don't know if I need to give a lot of description for this haha. Ocarina of Time has to be one of the most remixed games on OCRemix. Ocarina of Time is about a young lad trying to be a horse farmer but he is easily distracted and accidentally saves a kingdom. ?

    Here's a Youtube link for the exact track 

  10. This was my Dwelling of Duels submission for December 2022, MAGFest Month.

    I participated in DoD for the first time in January 2022, not knowing what I was getting in to. After seeing the enthusiastic (and constructive) response to my submissions, I got hooked and committed to do a full year of DoD to practice recording, arranging, and production. This track was the culmination of that year.

    I wanted to take everything I had learned submitting to DoD in 2022 and crank it up to 11. I thought the Mole Knight boss theme would make for a good djent cover, so putting the arrangement chops I gained over the year, this is the result. It's heavy, it's prog, it's got vocals, it's got guitar solos, it's even got a violin solo!

    Track credits:

    * minusworld - guitars, bass, programming, lyrics, arrangement, production

    * Brandon Strader - vocals

    * Development of Avoid - guitar solo at 2:23

    * Shea's Violin - violin solo

    The opening of Mole Knight's Boss theme reminded me of the intro to "Make Total Destroy" by Periphery, so I adapted it into a similarly fretboard-spanning octave tapping riff and went from there. I knew I wanted alternating growled and clean vocals, and Brandon Strader delivered 110%. Development of Avoid did the solo at 2:23. This track was perfect for his style. The solo is weird and alien, but also strangely memorable. I added the bridge really late in the month, and Shea's Violin came on board for a short violin solo and killed it.

    The main source used is Mole Knight's boss theme, "Claws of Fate". Mole Knight's stage "An Underlying Problem" is used in a few places, and the Specter of Torment version of the stage, "Facing the Task" is lightly used.

    Main source: Shovel Knight - Claws of Fate (https://virt.bandcamp.com/track/the-claws-of-fate-mole-knight-battle)

    Other references:

    * Shovel Knight - An Underlying Problem (https://virt.bandcamp.com/track/an-underlying-problem-the-lost-city) - melody from source at 0:00 adapted at 0:49 in this cover; bass line from source at 2:14 adapted into breakdown at 1:23 in this cover

    * Shovel Knight: Specter of Torment - Facing the Task (https://virt.bandcamp.com/track/facing-the-task-lost-city), chord progression and melody from source at 0:44 adapted in the bridge at 1:57 of this cover

    The lyrics are mostly a generic "down with the system" deal, but with some mole- and shovel-related imagery. I did take some inspiration from current events at the time... namely a certain head-of-state warmonger and a certain owner of a bird-themed company. ?

    ### Verse 1
    We are beneath you
    We make the ground quake under your feet
    Collapse the system
    Bring it down to earth

    You are beneath us
    You think your status makes you our savior
    Demon in disguise
    Fallen angel

    ### Chorus
    Walking all over us again
    Can’t take much more, we are at our wits end
    Look at this world you left for us
    Covered in rust, and dust, and lust

    Fire and smoke reach toward the sky
    Brandishing claws, revolt sparks in our eyes
    Through with the lies you’re shoveling
    Disgust, distrust, combust
    Yeah, bring it down

    ### Verse 2
    For all your worth
    You are worthless
    A blight
    On our kind

    Your cultists
    Have disowned you
    True colors
    Red stripes, blood

    ### Bridge
    Shining brightly
    As we unite! We
    Will strike the ground
    Move this mount-ain
    On our own
    And you’ll
    Be left all alone
    All alone

    ### Breakdown
    Influence overthrown
    Name no more known
    Monuments overgrown

    ### Down Bridge
    The future’s
    Shining brightly
    As we unite! We
    Will strike the ground
    Move this mount-ain
    On our own
    And you’ll
    Be left all alone

    ### Tag
    Rise up
    Break through the fallow ground
    Sharpen your claws
    New world inbound

    ### Outro
    Walking all over us again
    Can’t take much more we are at our wits end
    Fire and smoke reach toward the sky
    Brandishing claws, revolt sparks in our eyes

    Games & Sources:

    Main source: Shovel Knight - Claws of Fate (https://virt.bandcamp.com/track/the-claws-of-fate-mole-knight-battle)

    Other references:

    * Shovel Knight - An Underlying Problem (https://virt.bandcamp.com/track/an-underlying-problem-the-lost-city) - melody from source at 0:00 adapted at 0:49 in this cover; bass line from source at 2:14 adapted into breakdown at 1:23 in this cover

    * Shovel Knight: Specter of Torment - Facing the Task (https://virt.bandcamp.com/track/facing-the-task-lost-city), chord progression and melody from source at 0:44 adapted in the bridge at 1:57 of this cover


  11. Artist: 8bitsofglitch

    I had a rhythm in my head for what I wanted the SMRPG map theme to sound like, and I've wanted to do a version of the Wario land map theme for a while, but seeing as its so minimal I decided that it would be a good idea to combine them together. Originally I was going to expand on the Wario theme a bit, but it just wasn't working in a way that suited me.

  12. RTA in Japan (essentially the JP version of Games Done Quick) is doing their Winter speedrunning event RIGHT NOW and using OC ReMixes as the break music once again!

    Their charity of choice is Doctors Without Borders!

    They first used OCRs as the break music for their Summer 2023 event, and we're honored as always to be a small part of it as the break music!



  13. Opens up sounding kind of flooded and muddy; not sure why it feels like it's cluttered, but it does. Vox in the intro was cool, then it transitioned more into strings at :53, and it really feels like something's lightly distorting or messed up with the mixing. Arrangement-wise, I'm about 1:45 in and enjoying the expansive treatment. The brass at 1:50 actually sounded pretty solid for samples and had some impact. Still, the mixing's all off, because most of the soundscape seems like mud and muck. The parts themselves sound good, so it's unfortunate that different instruments are so hard to hear and parse due to the mixing.

    2:40 had a dropoff and gave things a chance to reset. 3:00 had a return of the vocals, then :41's vocals were repeated at 3:21. 3:53 went for a bigger energy again, but it was a rinse and repeat of 1:13's section, though you did try to vary up the placement of the vocals to provide some textural variation later on. Still, from about 2:44-on, the overall energy was being retread with some minor differences; the arrangement really didn't have anything new and substantive after that halfway point.

    Agreed in full with prophetik that the mixing needs to be addressed so that the piece's dynamics aren't undercut so much, and you also need to either drastically reduce the track's length or add some new compositional ideas or variation somewhere in this, otherwise the second half feels too tacked on and unnecessary. The overall concept and sound is very promising, Bryan; don't be discouraged if this doesn't make it with any YES votes. Great source tune choice, and you've got something to be proud of here, even if you don't work on it further. I hope you'd be open to revisiting this and would love to hear how much you can improve the arrangement and production.

    NO (resubmit)

  14. Despite the strong energy of the performance, the mixing sounds pretty rough and lossy, so much so that I needed to throw on a control track to ensure my setup wasn't messed up. What happened to the highs? From :36-:54, you can very faintly hear a pad-like line doubling the guitar, but if you're not listening on headphones, you won't hear it, and it was mixed in a way where it might as well not be there.

    The overall performance still has a strong presense, with the drums in particular do a nice job filling things out. The arrangement has nice dynamics in spite of seeming like just a big shot of metal intensity. I'm not going to go conditional YES because if the source files were gone, I'd want this on the site, but we should certainly ask Mauricio about it.


  15. Still has lots of sample-exposing moments, like at :15, 1:50 & 1:52, where the highest notes absolutely made me wince, plus the timing still feels too rigid. More attention to the right-hand part in particular not sound as stilted would help. That said, the updated piano sample's thankfully richer and more expressive. Dunno what you did, Chimpa, meddler of meddlers, but whatever secret sauce was added pulled it over the bar. :-P

    YES (borderline)

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