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Everything posted by Liontamer

  1. Correct. Rob & EAR should also be visible the next time we sync the site with the database.
  2. We sync the database with VGMdb's information, and if the artist isn't already in the database at the time (i.e. has an individual OC ReMix approved on the site), then they don't get matched to anyone in the database to appear on that page. When that happens, I have to manually add the information in, which I can do later. Desert Catz are just a group name for two artists with mixes on the site.
  3. A bit long, and like Polo said, would have benefitted from some more tweaks/variations here and there. That said, it's easily one of the catchiest and most unsung heroes on the site. If chiptunes are your thing, this is awesome.
  4. The brass articulations from :32-:52 don't hold up too well, but the overall presentation was excellent, and the brass part at 1:05 still holds up beautifully today. I wish the overall sound was a bit fuller, but in no way does it take away from this being a great old-school arrangement. Russell always succeeded in demonstrating the potential of VGM for orchestration, and this makes me want to here more of the Guardian Legend soundtrack orchestrated with today's standards.
  5. Classic mix from back when I discovered OCR. In particular, I enjoyed Stephen's final section going for the rhythmic switch-up to keep the presentation fresh. I'll also add, just learning of the concept of the Sonic Crackers ROM from this mix existing was eye-opening, and it's great the original music saw the light of day in Knuckles' Chaotix, which is more than can be said for so many abandoned games.
  6. Fixed PW issue by removing that old sig image, and corrected songs (will be fixed on site the next time it syncs with the database), though when Pixel first released names for the tracks, the corrupted English was there.
  7. Just co-signing on these votes to acknowledge the fun arrangement and performance by LBC. YES
  8. What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix.
  9. What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix.
  10. No, the game's been reclassified based on more information I found from what source tune the artist actually arranged. In this case, it was the Invincibility theme specifically from Yoshi's Island. The next time we do a torrent update, we'll also update the MP3 itself. The writeup's basically frozen, so if there's some outdated information or links, for example, we're not going back to change those things.
  11. Hahaha! Yeah, that was the first thing I noticed. Fun FruityLoops-style stuffs though for back in the day, and a great source tune!
  12. "Melee music doesn’t translate into rap music very well to me," Strongly disagree; this works great, IMO. How this version could be called busy, yet the others are praised makes no 0 sense. Oh well. PART 1!
  13. Agreed it's too repetitive and could have used more dynamic contrast, but still a good listen and a classic theme.
  14. Good energy, though I would have loved a tighter guitar performance and more sophisticated/fuller textures in the build-up of the rock section. Swanky transition to the piano, even though the timing was very blocky. This theme needs more love.
  15. Dated, but I definitely rocked this back in the day. Good use of some bread-and-butter FruityLoops. This theme got a lot of love in the old days. I'd love to see someone else revisit it with another very transformative take with the current standards in place. That said, this is a good genre adaptation for its time from Ty.
  16. What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix.
  17. It's fixed, but should take a few hours to update on YouTube. Thanks!
  18. I'm not sure what caused the issue, but we'll fix it the next time we do a post-3,000 torrent set. For whatever reason, the field "%disc" was populated with a 1 somehow, but the actual field we use is normally "%discnumber." If you load the file in MP3tag, just view the extended tags window and delete the Disc field.
  19. What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix.
  20. Wow. Jesus H. Christ. Liam, no hate, but what are you listening back to your stuff on? That flute at :17 is ear-breaking. OK, yeah, the levels on everything are jacked for the brightest elements, so you'll have to go back and re-balance the volume of things to reduce the overall volume and the clutter during the densest sections. I disliked the snare tone, and didn't think it fit the track, but there are enough other good things going on with the rest of the arrangement that I can look the other way. Again, the levels are jacked, but just looking at the writing and the build, you hit some good grandiose writing before an excellent drop at 2:15 toward the finish. I agreed with OA that you could have gotten more mileage out of the arrangement; in particular the ending was a letdown in rehashing the verse for a few seconds before a sudden held orch chord, and then it was just over. Needs to be something more there for a stronger build and finish, IMO. That said, wow, what a start. Awesome energy and a orchestral/rock concept that's already clicking fairly well, maybe 80% of the way there. Definitely don't drop this, get some more feedback, and knock this one out of the park so we can post it! NO (resubmit)
  21. I loved this theme as well, after discovering it back in 2002 from the couple of old-school OC ReMixes of it. OA nailed it both on the arrangement and production crits. There's a lot of extended clutter (e.g. 3:05-3:46) and the meat-and-potatoes/vanilla/basic feel of the production was repetitive, like he alluded to. Dynamically, there are subtle additions and subtractions of various parts, but they don't register that well due to the clutter of the fullest sections. On the arrangement side, this is actually pretty good at getting mileage out of the theme, but OA's right that you basically expended your ideas around the 3-minute mark and this just continues without much further evolution or development. It's a great sound, maybe 70% of the way there in terms of passing for me. Decluttering the soundscape, getting more sophisticated with the sound design and employing some more subtle variations of the melody could be enough to get this above the bar. A bit plain jane for this genre, but the arrangement shows a lot of promise. Keep at it on this one, Mattias! NO (resubmit)
  22. Sounds very lossy to start, but we'll see if that changes. 30 seconds in, I don't think the lo-fi sound is going away. Yeah, you need to clean this up. Pretty low energy lead at :34, which sounds like a gradual build to a more straightforward version of the melody that never comes. The supporting beats, which were relatively basic, were already getting tired by :52. I'm 2:00 in, and I haven't heard the actual theme once, just bass work and VERY liberal and sparse lead work. If the goal's to make something Sonic-esque, that's no problem, but I've heard "Special Stage" a billion times, and this is like a soundalike take that isn't meant to directly use the melody of the original song. Bad notes from 2:55-2:57, repeated from 3:04-3:07. There's Green Hill Zone cameo-ing at 3:13-3:29, which is always a nice melody, but doesn't combine well with those odd notes I just mentioned. Wow, I dunno what OA heard, but I lean toward him being high on whey protein and strongly disagree with a YES on this. Emu nailed why this is a NO-go at the moment on sequencing and production levels. Calbert, I hope you know I like your material, but this isn't the track that'll put you on OCR yet. In short: 1. Don't be too liberal with the theme. Where's the Special Stage melody in all this? 2. Vary up the core beat pattern more. It's too plodding and repetitive, and leaves the track flat in terms of the dynamics. 3. Restore high-end clarity. Also, more of a PS, but you should get someone to perform your FF7 arrangement from 2010 live, and get that piece posted, if you're still interested.
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