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Everything posted by Liontamer

  1. What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix.
  2. Interesting combination of two step-cousin themes, not unlike DaMonz's "Medieval Koopa Jam" weaving Super Mario 64 and Jazz Jackrabbit 2 together. Here's how I broke down the source usage, for reference: Castlevania 64 - :40-1:00, 1:20.75-2:22, 2:53-3:02.5 = 90.75 seconds Super Mario World - 1:20.75-1:32, 1:41-1:51, 2:11-2:40.75, 2:43-3:02, 3:27-3:56 = 99 seconds Will co-sign on these YESes. A bit thin, but the arrangement's smart and creative!
  3. What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix.
  4. What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix. Incredible voice sampling, for one thing.
  5. Just include a PSD file hosted somewhere in case any last-minute text decisions are made. Ultimately, it's The Damned's call, dammit! Happy subtitling!
  6. 1) The subtitle should be "A Tribute to Satoru Iwata" 2) I will co-sign on Mario having crazy eyes; and 3) I believe Pikachu's body shape needs another pass, especially because all of the other characters are much more true-to-form by comparison. Good job so far, Odai!
  7. What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix.
  8. Just quoting the Standards to drive the point home for anyone reading: Even when it's not an actual medley in terms of source usage, I feel this holds true as far as a (purposefully) disjointed structure. Interesting, but a very straightforward NO.
  9. As someone who works at a non-profit, I will co-sign to this. Loads of people make salaries/livings working at non-profits, and if people are being paid more than subsistence-level salaries at Feminist Frequency, that in and of itself shouldn't bother anyone. Since I'm being invoked, I'll also add there are better, less stressful ways to gain notoriety. And even if you granted that all of the women being attacked are even somewhat exaggerating, the genuine threats they receive easily represents the worst of the gaming community. At the end of the day, they're mainly being attacked for wanting more equitable representation of women in the games industry and more well-rounded storytelling for female characters in games, neither of which deserve criticism. On the flipside, it's sadder that a horrible person like Milo Yiannopoulos had his profile raised by Gamergate. I'd rather see people complain about how it's put money into his pocket. That would be like criticizing Planned Parenthood for mentioning they're under attack. It's actually pretty important they mention that. Their problems aren't over.
  10. OC ReMix Presents Vampire Variations: Volume III! October 31, 2015 Contact: press@ocremix.org FAIRFAX, VA... Celebrating Dracula's favorite holiday, Halloween, OverClocked ReMix today released its 54th arrangement album, Vampire Variations: Volume III. The album pays tribute to Super Castlevania IV, released by Konami in 1991 for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. Featuring twenty-four tracks from twenty-three artists, Vampire Variations: Volume III represents the third directorial endeavor of French arranger Alexandre "Chernabogue" Mourey, and is available for free download at http://vampire.ocremix.org. Vampire Variations: Volume III includes a diverse roster of musicians honoring the work of composers Masanori Adachi and Taro Kudo by arranging it in a variety of musical genres with orchestral elements. Vampire Variations was made by fans, for fans, and is not affiliated with or endorsed by Konami; all original compositions are copyright their respective owners. Accompanying this newly-released third and final volume in the trilogy are re-released editions of Vampire Variations: Volumes I & II, originally published by KNGI and featuring arrangements of the first Castlevania for the NES, 1993's Rondo of Blood for the PC Engine CD and 1994's Bloodlines for the Sega Genesis, including brand new artwork for all three volumes by Andrew Warwick and a grand total of over 4 1/2 hours of music. "This is the end of a grand adventure," said director Alexandre Mourey. "It started all out as a simple tribute to Castlevania's 25th anniversary, and we're now celebrating its 30th with the final volume of the Vampire Variations trilogy. Once again, Dracula rises as humans wish to pay him tribute. I truly hope we have been able to do justice to the Castlevania series with this trilogy, and that people will appreciate our hard work." About OverClocked ReMix Founded in 1999, OverClocked ReMix is an organization dedicated to the appreciation and promotion of video game music as an art form. Its primary focus is ocremix.org, a website featuring thousands of free fan arrangements, information on game music and composers, resources for aspiring artists, and a thriving community of video game music fans. ### Preview Vampire Variations: Volume III: http://youtu.be/KKBHKD4uwio Download the Vampire Variations trilogy: http://vampire.ocremix.org Torrent: http://bt.ocremix.org/torrents/Vampire_Variations_Trilogy.torrent Comments/Reviews (Vol. I): http://ocremix.org/community/topic/42027- Comments/Reviews (Vol. II): http://ocremix.org/community/topic/42028- Comments/Reviews (Vol. III): http://ocremix.org/community/topic/42029-
  11. Preview Vampire Variations: Volume III: http://youtu.be/KKBHKD4uwio Download the Vampire Variations trilogy: http://vampire.ocremix.org Torrent: http://bt.ocremix.org/torrents/Vampire_Variations_Trilogy.torrent This is the end of a grand adventure. Looking back five years ago, I didn't expect I would end up finishing an album trilogy in 2015. I wasn't a posted remixer and not well-known in the VGM scene, and I know I improved a lot since. It started all out as a simple tribute to Castlevania's 25th anniversary, and we're now celebrating its 30th with the final volume of the Vampire Variations trilogy. Once again, Dracula rises as humans wish to pay him tribute. This last album's production started after several people encouraged me to do it. Plus, when you already have two albums out, you cannot quit before doing a third one. After thinking about which game we should cover, and discussing it with djpretzel himself, I decided to choose Super Castlevania IV for its classic, yet under-remixed soundtrack. As the final volume had to be the most epic, I also decided that all tracks should feature orchestra instruments in order to create a somewhat cinematic experience. I cannot thank enough all the artists who helped me and dedicated their time to create those albums. I truly hope we have been able to do justice to the Castlevania series with this trilogy, and that people will appreciate our hard work. I am far from being good at writing such notes, so I'll keep it short: enjoy, and thank you for everything. -Alexandre "Chernabogue" Mourey
  12. Download the Vampire Variations trilogy: http://vampire.ocremix.org Torrent: http://bt.ocremix.org/torrents/Vampire_Variations_Trilogy.torrent Following the success of the first album in October 2011, Alexandre Mourey (Chernabogue) and KNGI.org are proud to present Vampire Variations: Volume II – a whole new tribute album to the Castlevania series, released on October 31, 2013. This new album focuses on two major games from Konami's series: Rondo of Blood (PC Engine CD, 1993) and Bloodlines (Genesis, 1994), and on the music composed by akiropito, Keizo Nakamura, Tomoko Sano, Mikio Saito (Rondo of Blood), and Michiru Yamane (Bloodlines). But this time, we decided to put it to the next level: 2 albums, more than one and a half hours of music, more than 25 musicians and performers, and full album artwork. Everything was done by fans, for fans, to celebrate the games' anniversary. The project's musicians were asked to arrange the tracks the way they wanted to, and to create their own vision of the soundtracks. The project features several different genres, including orchestra, metal, funk, electronic music, and many others. In order to respect the work of the artists, no final mixing or mastering was applied to the project. The project's artwork was created to bring the universe of Castlevania to life, but also to give Vampire Variations its own visual identity. Unlike the first project, different covers were designed for the second one to allow listeners to chose the one they prefer. I would like to thank all the people who made this happen, who trusted me, and who dedicated their work for the project. I truly hope you will enjoy this new musical experience, as much as I enjoyed directing this project. The Dark Lord is rising once again. Hold your crucifixes close. What an horrible night to be cursed once more... -Alexandre "Chernabogue" Mourey
  13. Download the Vampire Variations trilogy: http://vampire.ocremix.org Torrent: http://bt.ocremix.org/torrents/Vampire_Variations_Trilogy.torrent It is with an immense pleasure and honour that I am able to present to you Vampire Variations: A Musical Tribute to Castlevania. Vampire Variations was created to celebrate the twenty-fifth anniversary of Konami's landmark series, Castlevania. Twenty musicians to arrange the mythic soundtrack of the original NES game that started it all. Andrew Warwick as visual artist to recreate the unique atmosphere of the demon's lair known as Castlevania. A wide variety of musical genres going from rock and orchestral to jazz and electronic music, including various references to other titles from the series. It has been a true honour and a privilege to create, direct, and contribute to a such project. I would like to thank everyone who supported this venture, and to all people involved be they musician or visual artist. Now, be prepared for an Aria of Sorrow, a desperate Rondo of Blood to this Symphony of the Night! The Lord of Shadows rises from his grave and only one man can stop him... ...What a horrible night to have a curse! -Alexandre "Chernabogue" Mourey
  14. What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix.
  15. Wow, we have some great "Moon" mixes on OCR already, but this is my new personal favorite. The soundscape's a little muddy for me, but the way this is produced, it only enhances to the energy of this and allows Will to go VERY big with the sound. Will with an amped-up, Disney afternoon punch in the face. This. Is. Awesome. YES
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