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Everything posted by Liontamer

  1. The complete version, with production revisions, is now available here and any further reviews can be posted here.
  2. Cool stuff. Glad EA let it out there for $0. I blogged about it briefly. Great catch, Dan. You should get a shot at scoring one of the games.
  3. First, you clearly don't understand the principle behind torrents. Second, your idea is addressed right on bt.ocremix.org. Third, exactly what Soltanis said. n00b! I kid. But n00b.
  4. Yep, don't mind Damned being a dick. I can't think of anything off the top of my head, but I'm sure I've been guilty of it as well. A fair amount of regulars take everything for granted, including how intuitive they perceive the answers to be. For a lot of newcomers, that's just not going to be the case. Welcome! 1) Help & Newbies is for all help; forum issues, downloading issues, computer issues, you name it. So it's not necessarily OCR-exclusive problems, which you can see by reading down the topics list there and getting a feel for the questions that pop up. The moderators can always merge something into the main thread of discussion when that's not actually located in Help & Newbies. 2) I've merged your thread into the main torrenting discussion thread. The talk of seeders is merely a sub-discussion due to the recent new torrent release. You hopefully were redirected to it, but the thread itself is Stickyed at the top of the "Community" forum. 3) Torrents are now updated every 100 mixes (we used to do every 250), so the next torrent revision won't be out for a while (we're currently at #1610). Anything from 1601-on isn't bundled anywhere, so you'd have to grab those 1-by-1. 4) You're correct in that problems with the tracker aren't merely newbie issues. While it *could* be something just on your end, the wording your provided seems to indicate otherwise. We'll have to hit up our torrent guy, Aubrey, to have him investigate further. Thanks for the heads up, and otherwise enjoy your stay!
  5. I would not be caught dead at this product and/or event!
  6. name: Damon Campbell / Shaun Wallace email: avaris.studios@gmail.com remixer name: Blue Magic / Avaris 88369 game: Xenogears source: The One Who is Torn Apart (The mix is part of the Xenogears: Humans and Gears Proj. The mix should not be released until the project is.) First of all I would like to say that we really appreciate everyone's feedback on the mix and apologize for taking sooooo long to finish it on my part. I also want to thank you Avaris, for helping a brotha out on this mix. I was attempting to remix in a style that i don't really know too much about, but with his help, we were able to pull it off. Much love to everyone that worked on the project and I look forward to seeing the Humans and Gears project posted up on OCR's main page. Peace, Damon Campbell (Blue Magic) I’d like to thank Blue for allowing me to join in on this mix. The coolest thing about this collab was that we basically kept on tossing the flp back and forth. One person would come up with an idea and then the other would improve on it and vice versa. That whole concept pretty much applied to every single aspect of this mix from synth design, arrangement, composition, sequencing, FX…right down the line. It was great working with an experienced remixer like Blue, seeing how he approaches the whole creative process. As always thanks for listening dudes and dudet ~Shaun
  7. Contact info Remixer name: Begrimed Real name: Mike Silcox Email address: anzudime@gmail.com Website: http://www.begrimed.com Remix info Game: Super Metroid Songs remixes: Lower Brinstar and Lower Norfair. Comments: "Garden of Magma" is the title of this remix. It is a combination of lower Brinstar and lower Norfair's themes from Super Metroid, fused with Metroid Prime's futuristic glitchy style, and a dash of slow trance on the side for a heavy beat to carry things through. I know these two themes are a bit overdone, but, what can I say? They've always been my favorite tracks from the game, and it's only recently I've felt that my skills were polished enough to attempt a worthwhile remix for your site. Enjoy the tunage. This is my first submission to OCR, but I may crank out another remix or two in the future if any particular themes come to mind. Akuma's ending theme from Street Fighter Alpha II has always interested me. --------------------------------------------------------------- http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=sm - "Brinstar Red Soil Swampy Area" (sm-20.spc) & "Norfair Ancient Ruins Area" (sm-26.spc) There are a lot of bells and whistles in the original writing that forms the foundation of the track. Though the soundscape was thin, and repetitive to an extent, it resulted in some interesting textures. But when it came to the Super Metroid source material, the treatment was simplistic and lacking. It's seems like not as much effort was put in in terms of interpreting the melodies or giving them any body or depth. Brinstar faded into earshot around :41, with some rhythmical alterations. The robovox handling Brinstar at 1:11 just sounded thin & cheap and needed some harmonic support to beef it up, otherwise it just sounded really lonely. The brass handling Norfair at 2:47 (1:09 of that source) also sounded really cheap and flimsy, plus as an instrumentation choice I don't see how it fit alongside the other sounds, but maybe that's just me. Flesh the textures out, figure out ways to vary up the backing patterns more, and do more substantive interpretation with the actual Super Metroid source themes. Interesting ideas though, but ultimately at the expense of doing anything meaningful with the Metroid material. NO
  8. Hey my name is Fru, my email is , my user ID is fru. This is a remix from Mega Man 2 on the NES. It is a remix inspired by the Quickman stage. The title is 'Quickman (Breakneck Remix). The idea for the remix came around while I was playing the Quickman stage in Mega Man 2 while listening to Linkin Park, I thought the pace of the song fitted the style quite well so I started messing with it. What came out was this kinda spanish metal electro sound which was quite amusing. Hope you guys enjoy. Many Thanks Fru ---------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.zophar.net/nsf/megaman2.zip - Track 9 ("Quick Man Stage") The drum writing was lazy and needs to be more progressive/varied. You don't need to make it more active so much as you need to use some off-beats to color it up more and keep it from dragging the energy down. As is, those patterns were just boring. Decent genre adaptation, but the Quick Man melody wasn't handled in a significantly interpretive way. The arrangement was just vastly undeveloped and repetitive on that level. 3 iterations, one of them quiet but still the same. By 1:54, you've already heard everything. You had me interested with the intro until :15, but you didn't follow through with anything else afterward. Develop the ideas further; do more to personalize the arrangement and give it a unique flavor. NO
  9. ReMixers: ilp0 (Ilari Nieminen) and tiiiu (Tiiu Helinä Tanner) in vocals Remix: Game: Metal Gear Solid 3: Solid Snake Song: Snake Eater If the song/remix should qualify in ocremix I'd like to send very special thanks to tiiiu for her singing and encourage ocremix people to visit her at www.myspace.com/tiiiu (indeed with 3 i's) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kind of hard to top the original in terms of vocals, but the bar isn't that high over here. Always been a big fan of the James Bond/spy feel of the original. Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater Original Soundtrack - (01) "Snake Eater" Some weird phrasing with the piano to start things off, but whatever. I suppose it all resolves ok, but led to some odd moments. In terms of the vocals, keeping the structure and lyrics of the original verbatim was a negative to me. In terms of the other instrumentation, I can't comment on how clean the production is as I'm not on my usual setup and everything sounds lossier than it should on this crappy HP soundcard. Anyway, the instrumental arrangement is a plus in terms of offering a different feel, and lessens the negative impact of keeping the lyrics wholesale. Production-wise, this could be put together better, especially the treatment of Tiiu's vocals. The delivery sounds a little too beginner-ish, but more production trickery could be used to make the vocals sound smoother and better couched into the rest of the instrumentation. Stuff like the simplistic way the harmonic voices dropped out one by one from 2:25-2:27 sounded too cheap; additional effort could be given towards masking deficiencies in the delivery. Spit polish the vocals and get them not sounding so dry, and this would be in better shape. Cool concept so far. No problems if this passes, as the arrangement is fine per Ilari's usual, and the vocal criticisms only lessen upon repeated listening. Good luck with the rest of the vote! NO (resubmit)
  10. Contact Info * Your ReMixer name: Shulleoghedd * Your real name: Íbiel Berciano * Your email address: Shulleoghedd@hotmail.com * Your website: http://escritosdeunelfosolitario.blogspot.com * Your userid (number, not name) on our forums :41159761, i think. That was my activation ID. ReMix Info * Name of game(s) ReMixed: Super Mario Bros. * Name of individual song(s) ReMixed: Bowser Battle, Underground * Additional information about game if it has not yet been added to the site, including composer, system, etc.: N/A * Link to the original soundtrack if it is not one of the sound archives already available on the site: N/A * Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc.: Okey, so this isn't really a huge song (actually it's not even three minutes long) and it has not complex melodies that take one's heart and drives it crazy, but... Oh, well, it's just my second arrange (if we can call arrange the first thing I did for OCRemix). This was done with Guitar Pro 5. Well, at least the secuencing of the MIDI and the sampling of the guitars. Then I took the MIDI to Finale and gave it a bit of live with some samples. I'm still not so happy with the ending (the piano part yes, actually I loved that tiny detail coming out of my mind (you know, sometimes my head is great... Well, usually not, but once or twice a month, maybe); but when, after that, it retakes the theme, and it seems too copy+paste -but actually it isn't). The whole idea came hearing some arrange of that Bowser Battle song somewhere, and the arrange Motoi Sakuraba did of the themes of Super Mario. The idea was to take those two song and mix them into a piece of epic/power metal, and... well, instead of that, I made this... thing. I only hope someone likes it, or at least, I hope you find it hearable and fun to hear. ------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.zophar.net/nsf/smb1.zip - Track 4 ("Castle BGM") & Track 2 ("Underworld BGM") Not a bad start. Your drum writing, particularly on the snare, was lazy and the snare tone didn't mesh well with the other instrumentation. Segue at 1:20 to the Underground BGM was really bad. At 1:31, the timing among the parts was too loose, and the guitar work sounded pretty cheap. Just a really poor transition back into the rock portion at 2:10 with the Game Over and 1-Up jingles; the idea there could have been executed more strongly. Decent base, but very rough around the edges. There's no polish yet. NO
  11. HoboKa Lower Maridia Super Metroid I always wanted to do a remix of this song. I remember getting so frustrated trying to get the notes right, and well I think I've done it now. I've also rearranged it quite well methinks. It's short and sweet, dark, ambient at parts, quite eerie and sad. I've put my heart and soul into it and I don't have much else to give, short of my genitals, which I intend to keep a while longer. I hope you guys like my rearrangement of this song LT EDIT (10/10): I have no idea why Alex sent in a new version of this song on 10/7 other than that he probably forgot he had this one in the queue. It's cleaner and shorter. J-hosted link has the latest version, as does the sub email as of 10/10. Newer sub email is below: Artist name: Hoboka Game: Super Metroid Song: Lower Maridia Remix: TheAquaticAbyss Okay...last submission for a long while and I'll stop being a thorn in your guys' sides. This is a remix of Maridia (Super Metroid) and I've been itching to get it over and done with...I think that it lacks the "wall of sound" crap that I had for my other remix that got horridly blammed. Basically, my interpretation was of a sound upgrade and a change to the melody, as well as some different instruments, LagunaCloud said that he likes the atmosphere and that it might need more of a lower end, which I compensated for by putting in some low-octave piano notation. I'm sorry for submitting that cruddy BoF2 song before without any critiqueing beforehand. Luckily I've done that for THIS song, and so I think I have a better chance of hitting pay dirt this time - if not, well it was a good run. Thanks guys. ----------------------------------------------------------- http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=sm - "Maridia Rocky Underwater Area" (sm-24.spc) The glassy lead sounded extremely cheap, and wasn't helped enough by the effects on it. The note changes for the vox were too rigid and robotic sounding. Heh, sounded like car trouble at 1:28, what was that? String sample at 1:32 was extra jerky, especially to start. 2:08-long, there wasn't much to work with in the big picture. Gotta refine the sequencing and develop the arrangement further, probably at least another minute's worth. But adding length comes second to refining the sounds, especially in the first 30 seconds where everything sounds extra cheap. New Vote (10/10): You have some good instrumentation in here, but other instrumentation was really thin, for example the melodic lead and vox introing the arrangement. So you still have a pretty big disparity in terms of sound quality. The sound balance though was pretty good, and the end result sounded pretty clean. You set a mood for the arrangement that, even though underdeveloped, was personalized. This isn't terrible, Alex. But 1:49-long though with limited interpretation and spotty execution clearly isn't getting it done by a longshot. I don't believe you should quit. Hell, as a listener, I'm already jealous of what you know. I'd be pretty encouraged to even make something like that, just based on potential's sake. Just keep working at things and keep on learning. Stay hungry. You could be surprised at how much you can pick up over a year or two. NO
  12. Sounds like a straightforward call even in light of the sub letter, but then we have usage of the Jurassic Park: Lost World theme, so we've gotta do the homework on the usage of the movie score - LT * Your ReMixer name: Long Dao * Your real name: Long Dao * Your email address: longebane@gmail.com * Your website: http://longebane.aoikokoro.net * Your userid (number, not name) on our forums, found by viewing your forum profile: 14009 * Name of game(s) ReMixed: The Legend of Zelda: A link to the Pastzorz * Name of individual song(s) ReMixed: Dark Worldz * Additional information about game, if it has not yet been added to the site, including composer, system, etc.: this game is about a manchild named link * Link to the original soundtrack, if it is not one of the sound archives already available on the site * Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc. : This remix was inspired by not only the Dark World theme of Zelda but also the Lost World theme from Jurassic Park. I always found some sort of similarity between the two themes, and eventually decided to embark on the wild journey to remix the two themes into one. I had some help from my friend Jeremy Robson during the process. I eventually finished around April 2006, but got too lazy to upload it until now. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks to DarkeSword for obtaining "The Lost World" from The Lost World: Jurassic Park film score. http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=loz3 - "Dark World" (loz3-12.spc) & "Dark Mountain" (loz3-13.spc) The Lost World: Jurassic Park - (01) "The Lost World" Was gonna email Long about what exactly was used from the film score, but aside from the arrangement intro being a fairly direct spin on the intro of "The Lost World", all that was there were stylistic similarities. Nice work adopting the character of the Williams score while melding it with the more upbeat Zelda material. The arrangement's pulled off pretty well. Aside from 1:17-1:50 being non-Zelda, this was very firmly rooted in arranging the source material. I get tired of Zelda, to be honest, but I know what I like. The cymbal at 3:17 probably should have resonated more; as is, it sounded awkwardly placed. The crescendo at 5:42 was a bit much on the volume, but not a big deal. The ending cuts off at 6:28 on my copy, so we may have to ask for a fix there. Was solid for a direct post if not for the need to make sure the film score wasn't used too much. Good energy, good articulations, good dynamics. On that level, a big improvement over the spotty, unrefined execution of your previous subs. You steal some niggasamples? YES
  13. I'll do something about that. In the meantime, new updates featuring Vega Projekt with another milestone and a feature on the music of Tetris. Enjoy!
  14. Of course, I blog about y'all again: http://oc.ormgas.com/links.php?18
  15. Congrats on your first ReMix, zohar! Reviews for the track should be posted in its review thread.
  16. Indeed I did, thanks Justin. Still comparing on price, Andy's suggestion of avadirect.com has been the best I've seen, in that I can customize every spec. I'm able to start at a $700 model and then beef it up how I need to reach around $1000. If I don't see anything else, I may go with the CUSTOM NOTEBOOK, ASUS S96Fm Core™ 2 Duo Value Notebook, Intel 945GM, 15" WXGA, Integrated Intel GMA 950 Graphics. If anyone has any opinions on the core notebook and the potential to build on it, please let me know. I'm looking to buy very soon after my next paycheck. EDIT: BTW, it really looks like AVA Direct is on-point. Everything I'm reading about them sounds awesome: http://www.resellerratings.com/store/AVA_Direct
  17. 1) You'd be surprised. 2) People don't necessarily contact me via this forum.
  18. If "at all times" you mean a ReMix has to be arranging from the source material at any point in the track no matter what, that's completely wrong. That would leave no leeway for original writing/sections. Club Showdow: That was our mistake in the first place. Once BGC gave a breakdown along with a comparison MP3, the connections were apparent, plus his revisions did more in the first part to connect the arrangement to the original. Rhodes to the Past: More of a case of being too close than being unconnected. Strolling the Mines: The original additions would have been fine if the melody itself hadn't been near-verbatim and the instrumentation hadn't been practically the same as the original.
  19. Another Soundscape/CHz/Dhsu/DragonAvenger/Fishy: I've already added you into the system, so there's no need to register. To get your new password, go to http://www.vgfrequency.com/wp-login.php?action=lostpassword and request a new one. I used the email address in your OCR forum profiles as your email addresses for the new blog site. Please let me know when you have successfully gotten access. Anyone else that can write WELL about video game music and the arrangement scene, let me know of your interest, and if you're bueno I can get you set up. You have to be ok with representing OC ReMix via your work. If you don't like the site... :'-(
  20. Hey Larry, I tried twice to email my submission to the submissions@ocremix.org addy and kept getting failure notices. So, I figured I'd just send it your way if thats cool. Here's the info: Remix Name: Out of This World - Stranded Suite Contact Info: Real Name: Rich Douglas Email: rdouglas@sbcglobal.net Website: http://www.thq.com User Id: 7038 Remix Info: Game Remixed: Out of This World / Another World Additional Info: Music Composed By Jean Francois Freitas, released on PC, SNES, Genesis, Amiga Links to source material: Unfortunately there really isn't much in the way of chiptunes available for this game.. so I found in game footage on youtube which I'll utilize as my source for you guys to crosscheck the validity of my suite. My suite is broken up into 5 sections which are as follows: Logos / Menu - from 00:00 to 00:15 This is a darker slower rendition of the logo / menu sequence which can be heard from 00:03 to 00:13 here: =Lesters Lab - from 00:15 to 2:16 The first minute or so of this is completely original up until 01:08 in my suite. At that point the string motif is fairly dead on (all the way through the female chorus I put in) from 02:46 to 03:50 here: There is one chiptune for this cue which can be heard here: http://www.exotica.org.uk/tunes/unexotica/games/Another_World.html Another World - from 02:17 to 03:35 I had to find some way to work in the discovery piano theme heard throughout the game, so I put in an original ambient lead up from 02:17 to 03:08 which utulizes the 2 bass notes that accompanies the piano later on. At 03:08 the piano discovery theme is note for note and can be heard from 06:30 to 06:40 here: Action - from 03:36 to 04:23 There are variants of this theme heard throughout the game, but my main influence stems from the beast chase near the beginning of the game. I utilized many of the motifs from the original and of course added in some more orchestration and electronics. It can be heard from 05:46 to 06:39 here: The End - from 04:23 to 05:05 As I didn't feel like the original end cue fit the vibe, I made my own which utilizes the string motif heard in Lesters Lab once again... only this time it sounds a bit more hopeful. Additional Comments: Like my Flashback Memory Leak suite submitted a couple of months ago I approached this as if I was going to score an Out of This World remake or film and make it sound as epic as possible through the use of a full orchestra, choir, and a slew of synths (mainly an old yamaha DX7). This is a game that really blew me away when I first played it and the music (however sparse it was) was fairly catchy... mainly that discovery piano theme and the action music. I opted to utilize a fair amount of reverb, raido delay, and EQing to give the music more of a spacious alien feel. I understand that this is... once again... a fairly unorthodox sort of mix and the lack of chiptunes definately doesn't help either. If you have any questions please feel free to pm or email me. Rich ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks to Rich for the thorough explanation regarding the arrangement, including the much appreciated YouTube links for easy reference. The source usage is obvious once you check those out. Using Rich's cue names, here's how I'd break down the actual source usage per each section: Logos/Menu: :00-:18 Lester's Lab: 1:08-2:15 Another World: 3:08-3:33 Action: 3:37-4:23 The End: 4:23-4:58 So for 5:02's worth of music, there was 3:11's worth of arrangement. Honestly, I would have just passed this along for DP, but I just had to be sure of what was there, plus the rest of us get to check it out. The only changeup I wasn't feeling was the one into the ending section at 4:23, which was just abrupt and had no meaningful transition. Too bad. I was loving everything else though. I really liked the difference in the treatment of Lester's Lab comparing the middle (1:08-2:16) and the last section (4:23-4:28). The electronic stuff in the foreground above the Lester's Lab strings until 1:50 was a great idea. The Another World section was another good expansionist take and cranked up the tension that was already in the source's writing. The dynamics were excellent, and the louder portions of Rich's orchestration were full of bombastic energy, in this case the Logos/Menu and Action sections. Very up in your face. Solid stuff, and a great addition to the site. If this doesn't draw GrayLightning out from the dead, nothing will. He was sad that we had to remove our only Out of This World mix for being too close to the original. He'd get a kick out of this one. Way to go for arranging under-appreciated games. First Flashback and now this. Awesome. Rich has an arrangement from a more familiar game coming up next, and it's sure to be good stuff as well. I'm looking forward to it. Say it with me now... YES!
  21. Contact Info Remixer Name: Mykel Francys (forum name) Real Name: Michael Mercurio (preferred name) E-mail Address: mike_merc2002@hotmail.com Website: None UserID: 5418 Remix Info Game: Shenmue Song Remixed: Main Theme Remix Title: Boldly Lost Composer Comments: This is my very first submission...anywhere. I don't have any formal musical training (or any training for that matter). I can't read notes, I don't know any of the fancy terms or Italian phrases, and I probably will never get anywhere with any of this. Now that the self-deprecation is out of the way, I HAVE taken a couple of odd semesters at my local community college. For what it's worth, my current major is music production technology. It was here that I was able to record this piece. As I said, I'm still not familiar with any of the technical terms (I suppose that's what I've been going to school for on and off). I DO know that I did it through a keyboard hooked up to a Mac. I used Reason for the instrument patches. There are no pre-recorded loops, sampling, or any sort of time-automation. Everything was done in real time...with me performing with one instrument patch, recording it, playing it back, and then recording another instrument over it...and so on. Since everything was performed "free-hand" in this manner, it most likely will not match up with any automated time signature. It does however, sound "pretty." Well, at least my ex thinks so. Thus, without further ado I present to you my take on the main theme from Shenmue...which I have entitled Boldly Lost. Enjoy! You will tell me if it doesn't completely suck, won't you? --------------------------------------------------------- Shenmue Chapter 1 ~ Yokosuka Original Sound Track - (101) "Shenmue ~ Sedge Tree (Original Version)" The arrangement seemed like a pretty easy pass to me. The piano, particularly the left hand, was exposed and more mechanical sounding at times. While definitely a significant negative, those issues didn't dent the arrangement quality enough for me. The left hand was definitely the weaker part of the arrangement, not only exposing the sample, but also feeling meandering in places in part to being so loud. Personally, I don't mind a NO on that level. There was some complaints in the judges channel about the left-hand writing being too repetitive as well, but there was enough variation in the long run for me to be OK with it. I thought the piano lead combined nicely with the string support, with the overall tone/feel of the track not being too similar to the original. The stated lack of time signature didn't hurt the piece either, as I didn't get any sense of a lack of cohesion between the instruments. The dynamics could have been more pronounced, but the dynamic changes were there and were due to increased intensity in the instrumentation rather than mere volume changes, so I was OK with that as well. Not without its flaws due to that left-hand piano part pulling the track down (the only thing I'd really NO it on), but the overall execution was solid enough. YES (borderline) The letter and complete lack of searchable information seems sketchy, so we'd have to look into it further if this passes. Dunno how exactly, but I suppose we'll cross that bridge when we get there.
  22. Original Decision: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=10379 The Link to the mix: ------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- Contact Info * Your ReMixer name : Red Rum * Your real name : Greg Costa * Your email address : * Your website : http://www.myspace.com/ygmaniackob1 * Your userid : 15997 ReMix Info * Name of game(s) ReMixed : Streets of Rage 2 * Name of individual song(s) ReMixed : Streets of Rage Super Mix * Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc. Well, personally I like to remix and remixing is what I do. But I just had to take that extra step on this song. I'm not one for Breakdowns on drums nor extra compositions, I usually keep my mixes traditional. But on this remix, I went all out. I recently submitted this song before and OC said it wasn't interpretivate enough. So I figured to change what I had which some would say a cover, and turned it into a true arrangement. I blended some of Enigma's Sadness at the beginning just to give it that dark feel. Came out good so I started to work around that. I used FL Studio 7 and I used alot of Synths in this remix to add to that feel. The inspiration behind this... Well to be honest, one time a remixer on here sent me a SoR Remix he did that wasn't on here. Some of you know him by the name of "Gecko Yamori." Anyways, It was a remix and then I wanted to try to be more like how he was. He basically influenced me in my music today which I why I remix Streets of Rage alot. My mixes usually don't make it out here and I just had to find out on my own what the site wants. So I started listening to other remixes on here, besides anything that is related to Streets of Rage. So then it hit me. So I worked on it for a little over a month some more and it just came down to this. Hoping that I can finally get one of my mixes on OverClocked. Now no matter what happens. I know I'm good with remixing and I'm very confident in myself. If it didn't make it, I was going to keep trying and trying until it did. No matter what happens. I'm always up for a challenge and this is has been my greatest challenge yet. Hope you enjoy this remix as much as I did making it! *BGC EDIT* Greg contacted me and asked me to reinsert a link to his track so people can hear it. It's the same as the original submission, except it's rendered at a higher bitrate, and at 48k instead of 44.1 here it is - http://www51.sitesled.com/soulofrage.mp3
  23. Original Decision: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=4706 1st RESUB Decision: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=6818 Remixer Name: DJ SymBiotiX Real Name: Fernando Chorney E-mail: djsbx@hotmail.com Website: http://www.djsbx.com User ID: 15925 Game ReMixed: Beatmania IIDX 7th Style Song Remixed: Traces Info: Traces (made by Taku Sakakibara) is one of the songs solely created for the IIDX series. This game is for the PS2, as well as arcade. (Wasn’t sure which to place it on, so I just placed it on ps2, if I was wrong please correct it) Link to original song: (This is the short arcade/ps2 version, I couldn’t find the long version for some reason ) http://www.djsbx.com/othermusic/traces.mp3 Link to ReMix: http://www.djsbx.com/othermusic/TracesRemixFinal.mp3 (I would like to request that you keep both links available for people to see. thanks) Comments: Ok guys, this is my 2nd resub. Its been about a year since I’ve worked on this, but I think I’ve got it nailed down this time. I’ve learnt a whole bunch of new mastering techniques which is what I believe was bringing in the mix down last time. I’ve made sure all the volumes are good, and all that jazz. So again, I really hope you enjoy this mix . DJ SymBiotiX --------------------------------------------------------- TaQ released an extended live version of the track on his album bounce connected. beatmania IIDX 7th style Original Soundtrack - (129) "traces" bounce connected - (111) "Traces" Intro was pretty badass. Very tightly done fade-in of the piano. Source comes in at :49. Not liking the synth design at 1:20, and the percussion work at the foundation at 1:20 (not the additional stuff starting at 1:32) was pretty weak and underwhelming. Cool SFX from 2:07-2:10 whatever that was. Glad to hear the source return at 2:11 after the dabble in original material. It fits really seamlessly though; if I didn't know the source, I'd assume all of the arrangement writing was derived from it. 2:37's section was based off of the intro of the source for those of you scoring at home. Would have liked for the beatwork to have changed up at some point before the overall changeup at 3:03, as it wore out its welcome earlier. Don't let it get so repetitive; 2:11 & 2:37 were good opportunities to do something subtle but different with that core beatwork, like what you did at 3:35. Though the tempo acceleration was spot on, I wasn't quite feeling the transition into the different sounds at 4:33. Minor stuff. And now...to timestamp the arrangement. Fun. Now AFAIK, the short/PS2 version of "Traces" provided by Fernando has all the composition of the arcade version and isn't missing anything. I'll have to assume that, because the 8:14-long live extended version off TaQ's album, bounce connected, doesn't have any new compositional ideas not heard in the version Fernando gave us, and the original soundtrack verision is indeed 2:13-long. :49-1:20, 2:11-3:02, 4:59-5:36 are the only sections where I hear overt usage of "Traces," with the arrangement being 5:54-long. So 119 seconds of a 354 second arragement, i.e. 33.6% of the track. Anyone that wants to offer their own take on that, please feel free in case I'm missing anything, but I think that's pretty sound. Ah man, fuck. Sorry for no one, including me, never mentioning or even noticing this sooner, but while the original parts you're using sound seamlessly integrated with the source arrangement (and the reason I didn't pick up on this sooner), there's apparently not enough usage of the actual "Traces" source tune. At this point, it's seemingly mostly original composition and not arranged material. I'd be a lot more unsure, to the point where I wouldn't vote. But, as mentioned, the live edition of "Traces" from bounce connected has no new elements compared to the short version you attached. With that said, I strongly doubt there's anything I've missed. I'm very unhappy about having to turn this track away, because it sounds good. We didn't do due diligence on any of the previous submissions in terms of arrangement value, but I can't pass the track as is with such minimal usage of the actual source tune. If it's not more than 50% of the track, I feel you've strayed too far away from the the music you're primarily supposed to be tributing. On the plus side, I feel like you've come a good ways with this piece, which shows the potential to have something passed in the future. NO (resubmit)
  24. Re-mixer Info Re-mixer name: Wiesty Real Name: Dylan Wiest Email Address: dwiest@hotmail.com Website: - User ID: 11643 Remix Info Game Remixed: Radical Dreamers Song Remixed: The Frozen Flame Name of Remix: Cold as Hell Comments: I had originally had a basic Idea for the song, so basic in fact, that it was the opening piano riff accompanied by the cellos. Being the ballad writer that I am, that eventually evolved into a whole load of new ideas. I wanted to do something Jazzy for this piece, but at the same time keep it a little contemporary, which was where the cellos and piano solo came in. At first the song kind of bounced along on one mellow beat, but that later evolved into more of a bossa nova rhythm, which in the end turned out very nicely, because it contrasted the intro, which is more of a classic jazz feel. A lot of things have been changed from the original piece, including the time signature, style, layout, instruments, and just overall feel, so while it reflects that of the original, my own style and ideas have greatly arranged it. Overall this was a tremendously fun piece to work on, with saxaphone recordings provided by The Prophet of Mephisto. Enjoy! A note: This is a remix for the Radical Dreamers: Thieves of Fate project, and must be kept private until project is released. Thanks --------------------------------------------------------- http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=rd - "Frozen Flame" (rd-10.spc) Hmm, the piano and string sequencing felt a little rigid to open things up; good overall, but just something felt a bit off with the overall texture. Maybe someone else can put their finger on it. Source finally got started at 1:06 after some...huh...Schala allusions by Brad. Dunno, but whatever. The guitar work felt really stiff as well. Just seems to me like a smoother approach would have worked better. On the plus side, the percussion was indeed very mellow and chill. The pattern felt a bit repetitive, but the brushes on the cymbals sounded especially nice I liked the interpretation on the chorus a lot from 2:05-2:36. Nice move into the gentler rendition of the theme on piano at 2:39, though again the sequencing and realism was lacking. Though there were some effects, it was rough hearing how exposed the sample was at times. The piano would have fit better if it had a similar room ambiance to the other sounds; the move back into the jazzier stuff at 3:46 felt like an awkward change as a result. The panning of the low bowed string brought back at 3:46 felt a little weird; didn't work as well as it did in the intro. In any case, this could be more polished on the smaller details, and I wouldn't mind tweaks in the interim, but overall I'm feeling it. The arrangement does a solid job, so I feel like it just squeaks by. Cool stuff, Dylan. It's a creative approach and definitely says something different with the theme. Good luck with the rest of the vote. YES (borderline) EDIT (11/5): After The Lady bought a better laptop with a better soundcard, I'm definitely hearing more of the issues zircon mentioned, those being the overall volume being too low (a shame, as it sounded better at a higher-than-normal computer volume to compensate) and distortion on stuff such as the louder sax notes and string stabs. Those issues need to be fixed before this could be considered passable. While I don't disagree with the production and performance criticisms zircon had (I certainly had my own on those levels), the arrangement was strong enough to weather those issues IMO, and I wasn't really feeling any major criticisms there. You now need to the get the post-production up to snuff. Do what you can, Dylan, to polish up the track. Bother whomever you need to get the answers you need. NO (refine/resubmit)
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