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Everything posted by Liontamer

  1. How the hell was that mix a rip? Do you even know the originals? You clearly don't.
  2. Apologies for providing that track with my black sexyness. You are the only person in existence that could resist. :'-(
  3. Uncanny Orchestra - Not really feeling the drum sounds in the intro, later brought back at 1:43. The snare doesn't fit the texture of the orchestration, plus the drums are somehow just as or more prominent than the brass harmonies. I'd examine some more orchestral mixes and see how the percussion work compares to yours, both in tone and volume. Beyond that, obviously the composition itself is only in the intro stages, so more writing ideas will show up, and the drums would hopefully end up being more varied, since this was a quick WIP as you said. Some random ideas. Think of a way to incorporate or interpret the Spider-Man bassline from :03 and :24 of the SPC Don't be afraid to grab other ideas from the Spider-Man & X-Men soundtrack now that you're outside of PRC100 and this WIP isn't locked into anything. Stuff like :15 of the Title theme, :08 of Briefing, :26-:42 of Cyclops, the string synth from :08-:31 of Gambit, could be pretty interesting given an orchestral take. You could also explore other Follin soundtracks and go outside the box. Why not give Wolverine by Geoff Follin a look as well (e.g. Track 23). Ride the Sky - Obviously, this sounds closer to completion. Bassline at 1:06 should be bumped up. It's not audible and plays 0 factor after 1:11 once more instruments come in. Better at 1:45 though. I thought the dynamic change at 1:45 wasn't as effective in the execution as the writing intended. Can't put my finger on it, but I'll hit some Js for feedback; there's something about the texture of the brass with the drums that doesn't quite feel right. The brass sample still lacks in realism, though the sequencing is ok AFAIK. Perhaps listen to DZComposer's material to hear what he may be doing differently than you. It's not bad though. Better changeups at 2:21 and 3:10. Lemme see what more I can dig out of some colleagues to help you refine this.
  4. Most people who look at the Info area.
  5. In the case that you feel compelled to drop Storm, I would say try to do what you can to give it an ending, because I thought what was in place was great, and very creative.
  6. I just mentioned them in what order they appeared. Good call on the alpha, as well as sephfire with a lowercase S (my fault there). The f is sephfire is also missing though. Source in 102 still needs the fix with the - instead of the /, as it's one source track just like 305's source. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aerith_Gainsborough#Development_and_reflection
  7. Swanky. I think the primary font could be a bit more stylized, but this is pretty cool. Hopefully my corrections don't sound ungrateful. Corrections: 102 - [Opening - Bombing Mission] (same hyphenated style as [Racing Chocobos - Place Your Bets!] 103 - Sephfire, SGX 105 - SnappleMan 107 - Not sure if the needed space was there in [Turks' Theme]; currently looks like Turks'Theme, but it could be the font 110 - Keep source as Shinra Company (reasoning: 2nd para of this linked Wiki article; even if this was kept as is, it should have been "Shin-Ra") 202 - AFAIK your sources are right but in reverse order; maybe check with zircon 204 - Would be a cool bonus to revise it to Mustin (with or w/Tim Yarbrough, Lisa Leamons, Jennifer Graham), as this info wasn't given to us in time for the first art); source is also [Main Theme of FINAL FANTASY VII] with caps in keeping with the style of the original soundtrack listing (VGM soundtracks are weird like that) 307 - FFmusic Dj Nice work, Leah.
  8. Anytime there are updates to seemingly completed bios, of course let me know. It's never a bother.
  9. Gotta check. If you could send me a copy of the song (I'm assuming you have it on you), we'd appreciate it. Thanks for the heads-up. When this was subbed to the panel, no mention was made of that influence, i.e. it clearly should have been mentioned.
  10. This is essentially what he's looking for. Advice, not a top 10 list. This thread is fine, minimods.
  11. This was a great synnergy of both artists' styles. I was just really impressed by Lee and Will's work on this one, for a great espionage-style piece. Everything comes together seamlessly, for some great energy. There's a lot to choose from off of the FF7 album, but this one is my genuine favorite.
  12. This is far and away the sexiest track off this album. Love how it was put together. Too bad we couldn't co-credit the 3 other collaborators to beef up the artist ranks, but I still love 'em. Sereeeeeeeeeeeeeeene.
  13. "Hey Mikey, he likes it!" [/Life] We basically spent everything on new shirts months ago, so we're tapped out. Consider buying some gear.
  14. http://www.ocremix.org/info/Frequently_Asked_Questions#Why_aren.27t_the_ReMixes_ranked_by_popularity_or_numerical_ratings.3F You want an unofficial list similar to that, the Ormgas.com Top 100 is it.
  15. S'ok David, but if you feel like you have free time, let me know if you'd like to have some themes run by you to see if anything clicks with you. Feel free to name a style you'd wanna go for, and myself and CHz may be able to offer something. That goes for anyone who's on the fence! Justin, I will get back to you with comments on both tracks ASAP, hopefully before the FF7 project release monopolizes my time. Mattias, any comments regarding the Storm WIP?
  16. And, if we're screwed, he clearly meant Friday night, 11:59PM. Pacific time.
  17. In other words, you're stalking him. For shame.
  18. It definitely wasn't tagged as Radiowar, but I can change that ASAP at your request.
  19. I can't say how it'll fair on the panel, but I was very pleasantly surprised at this one.
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