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Everything posted by Liontamer

  1. From the trenches, quick album pre-release thoughts over at the VG Frequency blog: http://oc.ormgas.com/links.php?18
  2. I blog you up! http://oc.ormgas.com/links.php?18
  3. Pretty beefy file, so I'm not going to DL it. Repeating Bahamut with some more detail: Read the info at the very top here: http://www.ocremix.org/info/ReMix_Changelog Here's info on the removal of songs 1 (#48 in the linked section) and 3 (had been renamed by the artist to "Electric Mix" but was later removed) Both mixes are available at OC ReMoved, but aren't a part of OC ReMix any longer. "Vampire Killer - Techno Gothic Remix" doesn't sound like anything we've ever hosted based on the name. If I heard a clip of it, I or someone else could likely verify it. Please note the "Ayrez" track was stolen, but was later given proper credit to Nines.
  4. Gotta download that joint when it comes out. It sells the whole thing.
  5. Even I'm in on this bitch. I'm still marveling at my sexyness.
  6. YEAHYUH! OKAAAAAYYYYY! He's 27! And black! The Lord smiles upon thee, Rob, for he has blessed thee with mature age and resplendant blackness! Happy Birfday!
  7. Used the American name of the game (Relentless instead of Little Big Adventure), as we normally do over here - LT Hello, * Your ReMixer name : Kanar * Your real name : Léo Mathieu, Yann van der Cruyssen * Your email address : corneliuskanar@hotmail.fr * Your website : www.nurykabe.com * Your userid (number, not name) on our forums, found by viewing your forum profile : 75615811 ? * Name of game(s) ReMixed : Little big adventure * Additional information about game : original composer : Philippe Vachey Thanks -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for providing the source tune. Relentless - LBA1-07.mid I loved the staggered melody playing on the pair of leads. On the negative side though, the guitar strumming from :27-:58 is panned way too much towards the right channel, which is disorienting listening on headphones. Arrangement basically repeats at :59 with some additional percussion stuff and other well-performed nuances to vary up the delivery until 1:39/the end. Holds very fast to the structure of the original, but is well personalized. Much like your previous Faxanadu subs, I love the arrangement, which can't help but be leaps and bound above the original in terms of sound quality. But, again much like the past Faxanadu submissions, the arrangement only scratches the surface as a nicely stylized cover and doesn't develop the material further. The countermelody brought into the source tune at :29 also could have been used, as well as the melody brought in at :37. As much as the great organic style has me enjoying this track immensely, it's not quite there yet. 1:21's section definitely felt like you were merely gearing up for another section, before the arrangement quickly switched gears and wrapped up at 1:35. If you can get a minute's more material out of this one and explore the theme further, the arrangement would feel more substantial. I really enjoy what's in place so far, and would to see something like this on the site. This could sound like a complete enough idea to some. Good luck with the rest of the vote. NO (resumbit)
  8. If Post A links to Post B, WordPress automatically generates a comment in Post B directing a reader to post A with a link and exerpt of Post A. Lots of As and Bs. Meanwhile, JigginJonT has a sketch of a new Chrono Trigger piano arrangement available exclusively on YouTube. ... WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?!?
  9. This is our current oldest submission on the panel. Let's keep it going!
  10. http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=sf - "Corneria" (sf-09.spc) I'm definitely not feeling the volume level; needs to be toned down. Otherwise, the soundscape was pretty clean. Yeah, like both of my colleagues are saying, this was cutting plenty of cookies. Plenty. On every level. So either you'll love it or hate it. What it lacks in innovation from a genre perspective, it makes up for on the arrangement side. But, IMO, only to a point. I felt like beyond adapting this to trance, there wasn't enough done to majorly personalize the arrangement approach over the course of the track. That's not to say it does nothing, just not enough to me. Also, from 4:40-on, we just got a retread of 1:45. Sounded like a cut-and-paste job. Finally got some new elements were added in at 5:09, though I thought the new sounds sounded pretty slapped on and pretty tacky as well. If the arrangement were more creative within the framework of the genre, I could ease up on how vanilla it all sounds. I'd love to see this one pushed futher into an exceptional mix. And it's certainly not to disrespect DS or BGC, but I just feel like a merely ok take on the theme coupled with generic sounds and production all feels decidedly average. I subscribe to the Vigilante doctrine. If patently unremarkable, then that's not a pass. I can't quite give it to you yet. NO (rework/resubmit)
  11. Remixer name: Ironhit Email: Gildarenn@gmail.com Remixed game: Castlevania Songs remixed: Poison mind,Wicked Child,Vampire Killer, Heart of Fire ---------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.zophar.net/nsf/castleva.zip - Tracks 9 (:00-:15), 4 (:16-2:15), 2 (2:16-3:17), 6 (3:21-4:57) Couldn't place the 3:21-3:43's portion but CHz made me aware that it was simply part of NSF Track 6 ("Heart of Fire"). I recognized the rest of the arrangement from there from the get-go. One bigger negative, the call-response between the orchestral strings followed by the flimsy guitar (e.g. 3:48-3:56, 4:00-4:07). 3:21's transition was also too sudden and didn't flow well. This has some good expansive spices, absolutely, but the writing plays it REALLY straightforward with the source melodies. A natural for any arrangement album, but could be more interpretive to make it feel like an easier sell. It's not that this is bad. It would have definitely been more than a no-brainer in ye olden days. But I feel like we already have a pretty cover-ish version of Wicked Child in "Wicked Six", and this has even less melodic interpretation value on that theme than that mix. Maybe it's just me. Overall though, I feel like this is still ok. Is it nostalgia bias from me? No, I don't have any bias toward (or against) the themes here. I've definitely heard these Castlevania themes enough to where they've very internalized, which makes it easy to initially dismiss the arrangement as too close. But I think it becomes a lot easier to justify the expansive approach here though once you side-by-side the arrangement with the NES originals. You get a much better idea of the additive parts, countermelodic writing, and instrument variation and how those were used to personalize the arrangement. Definitely interested in hearing other perspectives. I could be swayed depending on the point of view, but right now, I'm ok with this, and feel comfortable enough giving this a borderline YES. EDIT: Vote changed. See below.
  12. Double submission; typically not allowed, but I'll let this one ride on due to the obscurity of the source material - LT Hi, a couple of weeks ago I made a couple of tracks celebrating the music of marathon and halo, basically taking themes from both and orchestrating them together. They are currently up at halo.bungie.org: But I can email them to you if you want. The first track uses the theme "Leela" from marathon and mixes it with various motifs and rhythms from the halo soundtrack, mostly from the theme 'Covenant Dance'. The second is based on "Chomber" from Marathon and "Under Cover of Night" from Halo. No samples from the originals were used. I'm not good with names so I've just been calling them Marathon Mix 1&2..pretty lame I know. anyway let me know if there's anything else I can tell you By the way I'm a composer from London Uk working freelance for film/TV and trying to break into the game industry, more info on my website if you're interested. thanks for your time Nick Singer http://www.nicholassinger.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Marathon - "Chomber" Halo Original Soundtrack - (10) "Under the Cover of Night" Intros with the opening verse of "Under the Cover of Night" dropped down a bit. Transitions over to "Chomber" at :37 on some nice plucked strings, before bringing back the "Under the Cover of Night"-style writing from :49-1:37, greatly extending the progression of that theme, with "Chomber" constantly in play no less. Nice airy segue at 1:33 bringing back the "Under the Cover of Night" melody from 1:38-2:01, then laying some light strings based on that progression from 2:01-2:18 in a nice touch, moving the Chomber melody to the background from 2:02-2:13. Slick. And much like your first Marathon/Halo mix, a very subtle, yet deceivingly dynamic arrangement. It says a lot in a short amount of time. Two mixes, but with both I'm heavily impressed. You gotta submit some more material in the future, Nick. These took a while to internalize and appreciate in comparing them to the sources, but once everything clicked, I loved what I was hearing. Awesome stuff. YES
  13. Double submission; typically not allowed, but I'll let this one ride on due to the obscurity of the source material - LT Hi, a couple of weeks ago I made a couple of tracks celebrating the music of marathon and halo, basically taking themes from both and orchestrating them together. They are currently up at halo.bungie.org: But I can email them to you if you want. The first track uses the theme "Leela" from marathon and mixes it with various motifs and rhythms from the halo soundtrack, mostly from the theme 'Covenant Dance'. The second is based on "Chomber" from Marathon and "Under Cover of Night" from Halo. No samples from the originals were used. I'm not good with names so I've just been calling them Marathon Mix 1&2..pretty lame I know. anyway let me know if there's anything else I can tell you By the way I'm a composer from London Uk working freelance for film/TV and trying to break into the game industry, more info on my website if you're interested. thanks for your time Nick Singer http://www.nicholassinger.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Marathon - "Leela" Halo Original Soundtrack - (14) "Covenant Dance" Pretty subtle on the arrangement side. Basically takes the slow progression from Leela's melody (first used around :26 of "Leela") speeds it up and adds notes to help achieve the Halo style from "Covenant Dance". The stutter style intro of the arrangement is arranging a backing part from :33 of Leela (also at 1:00 of Leela) as well while having thematic similarities to "Covenant Dance" (e.g. :54 of that source). The progression of the Leela melody was all over this arrangement starting at :08, transitioning into the bowed strings brought in at :22 handling that aspect on their own at :39. Switched over into some wholly original industrial type lead :54 while the strings were brought way down (but not out) and proceeded to fade back up all the way until the end of the section at 1:25. Nice work there. 1:25 then worked in the style of :54 of "Covenant Dance" with some vox-like pads to add to the emulation of Halo's feel. Pretty liberal, but uses a small phrase from C-Dance and worked with that 1/4th of the time until 1:55. The rest seemed original from there to close it out. Wow. My intial impression was that it ended before it got started, but I wasn't appreciating the subtleties here. The development and dynamics clearly were there. Super-liberal approach on Leela via the bowed strings, but I thought it was a very viable one. May run into some disagreement there. Otherwise awesome stuff and by my conservative estimate (about 1:32's worth of overt source) just over the 50% source usage threshold that I look out for. Nice work on combining elements from these two Bungie cornerstones. Hope to hear more from you, Nick. YES
  14. - My ReMixer name: MagnumWave - My real name: Aurélio Magno Costa Cunha - My e-mail adress: aureliomagno@terra.com.br - My website: ---- - My userid: 21581 - Name of game ReMixed: Castlevania New Generation - Name of song Remixed: Iron Blue Intention Additional Information about game: This is the only(I think) Castlevania released for Sega Genesis. The title is also seen(in other roms) as Castlevania Bloodlines, but a friend of mine, much more fan than me, said that the real title is Castlevania New Generation, and even not visiting fan sites, I trust him... And I've played both roms, and they are pratically the same, with differences in speed and graphics changes... Well, it's a normal Castlevania's 2D aventure-like game, in that classic style of the versions for SNES, but the essential difference is that Genesis has less buttons(I think X, Y and Z hadn't been created yet), less quality in graphics, sounds, and a simple story, but it's somehow atractive. I felt like wanting to finish it everytime I was playing this game. Although the sound quality is that, the musics have goods melodies. Iron Blue Intention is used again in Castlevania Portrait of Ruins for Nintendo DS and Sinking Old Sanctuary is used again in Castlevania Circle of the Moon for Game Boy Advanced, whose games by the way have qualities similar to Genesis' ones. Well, uhhmmm... and the composer, Michiru Yamane since those days... =D I don't know in which year it was released, but I saw her name in the credits... - Link to the original song: - My comments: This is my first complete work with Reason 3.0... Until then, I was just a midi composer. =P I did my best to use the material from Reason. Everything in this remix is from Reason, and that may be very easy to recognize, maily from those who also have Reason or those who know samples very well... I worked basically in cleaning the original samples with the synthetizers as best as I could, adjusting(or trying to adjust) every option that was avaible... and used reverb with the same method with the synthetizers... I have no experience, but I've payed attention in many details... Anyway... I did my best as an amateur. And the only thing that doesn't belong to Reason is the Church Organ. Resuming... It's basically treated with reverbs, and sample "cleaning"... make it sound good, and, as a reverb job, make it sound "well placed" in an imaginary space.... And here it is: the inspiration! Well... Iron Blue Intention is one of the best musics of the game, and I was crazy to remix this song. After, I think, 4 attepts, I've decided it would be an orchestra with some drums... Then I decided it was like a "scene". Every remix I finish, I link a "scene" to it. They are the base of my inspirations. So, here it is: "Dracula, bored in waiting 100 years, maybe unexpectedly less than that, waiting to get rid of human kind, gather his servants to make a song... to break the boredom... And they try to entertain their master..." Well, a cool "scene" to at least begin the remix... Let's see if Dracula would like this idea... hehehe! ------------------------------------------------------------- We generally go by the US name of a game, which is in fact Castlevania Bloodlines. http://project2612.org/download.php?id=11 - "Iron-Blue Intention (Stage 4)" Really interesting hearing this type of beatwork in the Castlevania source tune; definitely not something I'm used to hearing. Pretty interesting stuff from Michiru Yamane. Unfortunately, your percussion writing doesn't pack the same presence, and your patterns are pretty bland. The string work comparatively sounds the best out of everything, but most of the elements here, especially the brass, sound very poor and MIDI-quality. Was almost ready to drop the form rejection letter based on the very beginning, but I'm glad I kept listening. You should use the ReMixing forums to learn more about Reason. The arrangement ideas are ok and in the right direction, but the sounds don't rise to the challenge. NO
  15. Aetherius, Aurora, Brad Smith, Christian Pacaud, deim0s, Disturbed, Double A-Ron, E-Bison, EgM, Fairlight, Gman, MAG, Norrin_Radd, Paul Levasseur, Prasa_U., PriZm, Random Hero, Rayza, Skrypnyk, Spekkosaurus, Trance-Canada Probably missed 1 or 2, but that's the best list you're going to find.
  16. Beyond just making a competition, it has to be a good enough idea that it'll attract people and subsequently continue to attract people. For now, everything active will stay in the Competitions area. I've got no problem with putting stuff in General, as it was my idea, but the buck stops with djpretzel. I'd PM him and explain your reasoning behind why you'd prefer current compo threads in the Community area.
  17. Hopefully you get that laptop back! I definitely liked where you were going with the Scumball piece.
  18. The complete version, with production revisions, is now available here and any further reviews can be posted here.
  19. Cool stuff. Glad EA let it out there for $0. I blogged about it briefly. Great catch, Dan. You should get a shot at scoring one of the games.
  20. First, you clearly don't understand the principle behind torrents. Second, your idea is addressed right on bt.ocremix.org. Third, exactly what Soltanis said. n00b! I kid. But n00b.
  21. Yep, don't mind Damned being a dick. I can't think of anything off the top of my head, but I'm sure I've been guilty of it as well. A fair amount of regulars take everything for granted, including how intuitive they perceive the answers to be. For a lot of newcomers, that's just not going to be the case. Welcome! 1) Help & Newbies is for all help; forum issues, downloading issues, computer issues, you name it. So it's not necessarily OCR-exclusive problems, which you can see by reading down the topics list there and getting a feel for the questions that pop up. The moderators can always merge something into the main thread of discussion when that's not actually located in Help & Newbies. 2) I've merged your thread into the main torrenting discussion thread. The talk of seeders is merely a sub-discussion due to the recent new torrent release. You hopefully were redirected to it, but the thread itself is Stickyed at the top of the "Community" forum. 3) Torrents are now updated every 100 mixes (we used to do every 250), so the next torrent revision won't be out for a while (we're currently at #1610). Anything from 1601-on isn't bundled anywhere, so you'd have to grab those 1-by-1. 4) You're correct in that problems with the tracker aren't merely newbie issues. While it *could* be something just on your end, the wording your provided seems to indicate otherwise. We'll have to hit up our torrent guy, Aubrey, to have him investigate further. Thanks for the heads up, and otherwise enjoy your stay!
  22. I would not be caught dead at this product and/or event!
  23. name: Damon Campbell / Shaun Wallace email: avaris.studios@gmail.com remixer name: Blue Magic / Avaris 88369 game: Xenogears source: The One Who is Torn Apart (The mix is part of the Xenogears: Humans and Gears Proj. The mix should not be released until the project is.) First of all I would like to say that we really appreciate everyone's feedback on the mix and apologize for taking sooooo long to finish it on my part. I also want to thank you Avaris, for helping a brotha out on this mix. I was attempting to remix in a style that i don't really know too much about, but with his help, we were able to pull it off. Much love to everyone that worked on the project and I look forward to seeing the Humans and Gears project posted up on OCR's main page. Peace, Damon Campbell (Blue Magic) I’d like to thank Blue for allowing me to join in on this mix. The coolest thing about this collab was that we basically kept on tossing the flp back and forth. One person would come up with an idea and then the other would improve on it and vice versa. That whole concept pretty much applied to every single aspect of this mix from synth design, arrangement, composition, sequencing, FX…right down the line. It was great working with an experienced remixer like Blue, seeing how he approaches the whole creative process. As always thanks for listening dudes and dudet ~Shaun
  24. Contact info Remixer name: Begrimed Real name: Mike Silcox Email address: anzudime@gmail.com Website: http://www.begrimed.com Remix info Game: Super Metroid Songs remixes: Lower Brinstar and Lower Norfair. Comments: "Garden of Magma" is the title of this remix. It is a combination of lower Brinstar and lower Norfair's themes from Super Metroid, fused with Metroid Prime's futuristic glitchy style, and a dash of slow trance on the side for a heavy beat to carry things through. I know these two themes are a bit overdone, but, what can I say? They've always been my favorite tracks from the game, and it's only recently I've felt that my skills were polished enough to attempt a worthwhile remix for your site. Enjoy the tunage. This is my first submission to OCR, but I may crank out another remix or two in the future if any particular themes come to mind. Akuma's ending theme from Street Fighter Alpha II has always interested me. --------------------------------------------------------------- http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=sm - "Brinstar Red Soil Swampy Area" (sm-20.spc) & "Norfair Ancient Ruins Area" (sm-26.spc) There are a lot of bells and whistles in the original writing that forms the foundation of the track. Though the soundscape was thin, and repetitive to an extent, it resulted in some interesting textures. But when it came to the Super Metroid source material, the treatment was simplistic and lacking. It's seems like not as much effort was put in in terms of interpreting the melodies or giving them any body or depth. Brinstar faded into earshot around :41, with some rhythmical alterations. The robovox handling Brinstar at 1:11 just sounded thin & cheap and needed some harmonic support to beef it up, otherwise it just sounded really lonely. The brass handling Norfair at 2:47 (1:09 of that source) also sounded really cheap and flimsy, plus as an instrumentation choice I don't see how it fit alongside the other sounds, but maybe that's just me. Flesh the textures out, figure out ways to vary up the backing patterns more, and do more substantive interpretation with the actual Super Metroid source themes. Interesting ideas though, but ultimately at the expense of doing anything meaningful with the Metroid material. NO
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