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Arek the Absolute

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Status Updates posted by Arek the Absolute

  1. The avatar you made that is on the avatar thread got 403'd on your server.

    What the fuuuuuuuck

  2. You hella missed the top 8 matches for sf4. I called you just like you asked and you werent there.

    You fgt

  3. Glad to hear that you are a tales fan :)

  4. reupload image so larry can be like "ohok thats rad"


  5. z-z-z-z-ZERRROOOOOO in da house

  6. get on aim more we need to converse more mister briggigiizgizgziiz

  7. For one named frustration raptor, you don't get frustrated very often

  8. i dont see a friend request

  9. hello person who decided to view my profile

  10. oh hi thar miss pokemon fan

  11. Gonna pay for my room+ admission fee? If so, I am down.


  12. Just read level99's message. You know how to record speed runs? I have been wanting to speed run kirby super star for forever. Help would be lovely :)

  13. Hope you have a great new year!

  14. Sup mr warcraft 2 avatar maker

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