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Everything posted by Petara

  1. It's... interesting. Kudos for the homage of my fav OC Song.
  2. EARemix was freakin great. Blew this one out of the water
  3. QFE Couldn't have said it better myself.
  4. QFE Excellent RPG series. I finally found the original Shadow Hearts just the other day and I'm diggin it so far, even if is almost 6 years old now. The second and third just kick ass.
  5. How much $ is too much?
  6. Petara


    Kinda like Reno 911!: Miami? I watched in horror as these two women brought a bunch of what looked like 6-8 year-old girls to that movie... For the record, all dozen plus folks that I went with the past two times had nothing short of an orgasm after seeing 300. I'll probably wait a while until I see it for a third time.
  7. Petara


    Are you sure you watched the same movie as us?
  8. Petara


    After the movie was over, I noticed that I had grown a large beard.
  9. mmmm MM! This was one of my fav tracks from the soundtrack. Interesting take on it, to say the least. I likey!
  10. Petara


    IMax, eh? Must have been pretty wild. I wish we had one here in Montana...
  11. Petara


    Anyone else pumped for this ultra-violent bloodfest? I just picked up my ticket for tonight and I can't wait. The reviews seem fair and almost all seem to mention the healthy dose of violence, gore and adrenaline, which is exactly what I've been hoping for. Extreme!!! I'm gonna go drink some Mountain Dew! Stay tuned...
  12. Bah! We don't need no stinkin E's! ...or apostrophes for that matter. Back on topic, though- I've gotta agree with the whole "positive outlet" idea. We love video games for all too many reasons. An important one being; they take our minds of the nasty shit that goes on in our lives. At least, that has been my experience.
  13. Could it have possibly been Genji? http://www.gamespot.com/ps3/adventure/genji/index.html?q=genji
  14. ...wtf? Of course I didn't get it but I actually kinda liked it for some odd reason. I was hoping the small dog was gonna get the grenade in the end.
  15. Yeah, man, Virtua FIghter is pretty badass. I just picked it up a couple days ago. The heat kinda worries me too, but it has helped as a mini space heater during this winter. PS3 no like old TV. Me want BIG Sony Bravia! ---So, uhhhh.... start saving up? Seems like, at this point, the only remedy is to buy a new TV, which is kind of a shitty deal, but I bit the bullet anyway and blew a grand on a Philips 32" HDTV (Which I would recommend.) I would have liked to get one with Ambilight, but that was a lil out of my price range.
  16. You're doomed... welcome to the club.
  17. lol... leave it to D2 to get everyone involved
  18. Arrrrgh. I totally shouldn't start playing again for fear I wont be able to stop... oh well. Count me in. Same account name
  19. Woo! Just got it. Too close for Tiger... switching to Windoze. Stay tuned
  20. WTF? So, for no apparent reason, all my saved data for the PS2 games I've been playing just disappeared. Guess that'll teach me to backup my shit... The disappointments keep stacking up.
  21. ONLY 720p/1080i? I gotta tell ya, it's nothing to shake your fist at. 1080p is far overrated. My Philips HD doesn't have 1080p capability, but the quality at interlaced mode compared to standard definition is very much noticable. I've only bought a few bluray movies (mostly because they're freakin expensive) but they look wonderful on my tv. I am quite content with it and probably will be for quite a while.
  22. I dunno about you folks, but I'm keepin the ol' PS2 around just in case...
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