As hunter, as long as i have good distance i can own a warlock, but if you start close, you stand a good chance.
I know this is a Horde bias forum, but im a Alliance player. And though most people shit on shadow meld and Night Elfs(mostly because its made up of mostly young annoying noobs)i for one love it. Not just for hiding but for fighting purposes, defensive wise in BG its great for surpise attacks, throw you pet in prowl and you can send him to distract and then wont notice me going out of SM to set up an AIM shot. I also just chill in the path of who ever is carrying our flag so they run right into me, i time it so i plant a trap just as they get to me, they never see it coming. SM is the reason i went Elf over Dwarf. And though i hate the fact we always lose in AB and WSG, Alliance aint all that bad, i kinda wanted to be horde but all my friends were Alliance,and i kinda like having everyone hate me, makes the game more fun when i kill
See ya guys in Azeroth!!
Detheroc/DjMighty/Alexandras/Proud NightElf/Hunter