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DJ Mighty

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Everything posted by DJ Mighty

  1. i submitted earlier, i did it during my break at work yesterday. I did it more to show FAC support.
  2. So i attended a small lil tourney with a friend. Some one he met in college was holding it and had 2 spots left so we jumped in. it was $20 a person there was 20-24 people. There was a bunch of preliminary matches which they used to place you and determine byes. I dont remember exactly how it worked. I didnt do so well and switched between Ryu and Cammy. I was doing alot better with Ryu but i figured i was going to be knocked out first round anyway so i choose Cammy when the whole thing started. I actually did pretty well. I beat a, Sagat, Ken and El Furte before being knocked out by a Blanka Player. After this experience, i learned that El Fuerte was awesome. I have been practicing with him since. Prob one of the most fun characters i ever played.
  3. Every remix i click on to listen to comes up with an Error.
  4. i remember watching the original one and not being all that thrilled about it. After caving in and getting Complete, i now enjoy it a lot more. The extra scenes stated earlier added more depth to the story and it actually made sense. I loved the added cutscenes with Zack. Maybe because i just finish Crisis Core a few days ago(AWESOME game btw. I fell in love with Zack ::no homo: but seeing more of Zack, especially at the end really added some emotional depth. Visually, it looks amazing on Blue-Ray. Bahamut looks awesome.
  5. yeah, awesome Christmas album. They are prob my favorite right now. I found another one a few weeks ago but i cant remember their name.
  6. i dont think there is a acapella band that doesnt cover that song. They sounded ok, but not my favorite
  7. Kung Fu Panda was a great movie. Smooth animation, funny & entertaining. The story though was very basic. The story kinda reminded me of Forbidden Kingdom. The chosen one learns Kun Fu in 3 days and saves the day, etc. etc. Wall-E however has a much richer story with tons of emotion. On top of that it has very little dialogue. Animation wise it was more stunning. They really focused on depth perception and focus effects. Dont get me wrong, i like Kung Fu Panda alot, but Wall-E def deserved Animation of the year.
  8. i remember playing Super Metroid and loving every second. The end when the Metroid dies protecting you actually mad me very upset. Seeing that trailer brought back memories.
  9. Cammy can get it after a jump in but you dont get the full damage. Or maybe i am not hitting it right. I havent successfully mixed it into a combo either. Fei's is harder to pull off.
  10. Ummm, i think all together i own like 10-15 games. I also sell 90% of my games when i am done.
  11. admittitly i walked into Kens Ultras a few times because i screwed up doing something else, but the damage was still insane. You're right about Akuma. I finally broke out the SF4 controller i picked up. Going to give practice with it a while and see how it is.
  12. i was thinking the same thing
  13. i finally got back into the game after being gone for a month. i went from 1500 to 900. What is really annoying are most of the matches i lost i should have won. I either did a "Canon Spike" instead or a "drill" or fucked doing something else that set me up for an Ultra or something else that cost me the match. Also i forgot how unbalanced Ultras are. Cammys Ultra does not do as much damage as Kens. Kens is retarded. So is Akumas, its basically half your bar. I still hate Sagat players the most. I did a championship mode and lost in the finals. Then i went back and got my rank back up to 1200. It was a fustrating/fun experience. Which is pretty much what SF is about.
  14. i actually havent played for a while but i played it this weekend on my friends name and now i will be on a lot more prob starting tomorrow. All PS3 users are more than welcome to add me for some Street Fighter fun. Not that im amazing but i wouldnt say i am terrible.
  15. if i didnt hate Anime so much i would give it a look. Maybe i will just try and get the soundtrack
  16. agreed, def not my favorite by him.
  17. i use to find his reviews very funny but lately i havent caught myself laughing at all. I dont know, doesnt do it for me anymore i guess.
  18. while i may not agree with what you say i will fight to the death your right to say it.
  19. eh, not sure how i feel about this month. Maybe ill do a Sam & Max. I loved that game back in the day.
  20. good work man, and to everyone else.
  21. you forgot about PaPa Roach. Lyrics that are even worse then Limp. I have nothing against mainstream rock. There are some bands i like and some i dont. However, I can not stand either of those bands. I never thought Limps lyrics made much sense. Fred Durst just comes off as a wanna be hardcore rap/rock/what ever the fuck he is trying to be, in a band that actually has talent. He just didnt fit. Creed, well, is Creed. i could rant about them but ill just leave it as i dont like them.
  22. hope i got my votes in on time. sorry it took me so long.
  23. i had to rush mine, which you can tell in the background and highlight color penciling. And my scanner made my yellows brown or dark orange. i dont have time to fix it but hopefully it will be good enough. Really wish i put more time into it. i do this every time.
  24. i am 85-90% done. I hit a wall though. My printer is out of ink, which is stopping me from finishing it this week. Will be done next week though. not the greatest piece of art work but i think it will fun.
  25. Agreed. Though i would play The first Shadow HEarts as well. Good game, and it will give you a good back story for Shadow Hearts Covenant. SH:C is prob one of my Fav RPGs for the PS2. Such great characters, story and emotion behind it. For me anyway. I recommend playing the first SH though, you will appreciate Covenant more. Also, i think Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter is a extremely under rated game. Yes its really short, but its meant to be played through like 4 or 5 times to get every ones back story and the fighting system is fun.
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