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Everything posted by Pavos

  1. You've added to me to GBA version of Rainbow Road, but I want to do the SNES version. Could you fix that before there will be misunderstandings?
  2. I'd like to do the SNES Rainbow Road. And can I do a Koopa Beach/Vanilla Lake mix instead of a Choco Island/Vanilla Lake mix?
  3. So, where are all the track-by-track reviews you guys promised us?
  4. Not yet, but you can expect one soon. A note to all mixers on the album: Please register at the KNGI forums, so you can post your WIPs there. That way everyone can give you feedback. This will help your mix improve and we will also discuss private project related stuff there from time to time. It's here: http://kngi.org/phpbb3 If you're already registered there, but don't have access to the BadAss 2 section, give me a PM and I'll give you the needed access.
  5. Awesome, I'm glad I can finally hear some other tracks fromthis album! And thanks for the kind words about my mix
  6. Congrats guys! Rozo already had tons of time to spare, so this will only help him
  7. Nope, not having that. I do everything by ear (but I usually know how to play a song after hearing it by practising it on the piano for 10 minutes or so). That said, I can't really plan on how the mix is going to be before I start playing. I sometimes have a very good idea what feeling I want to convey, what vibe and emotion it needs to have, but other than that I just sit down and begin to play. After I have the "skeleton" of the mix in piano form, I start adding extra instrument, redo sections, tweak stuff, etc
  8. When I saw the "Most played OCR songs" thread, I was wondering this. Do you (artists) listen to your own songs often? I listen to them while I'm working on them to be able to improve them (duh), but almost never listen to them once they're done and released. How about you guys?
  9. I submit mixes because I love making remixes, but I like it even more if people can listen to them and enjoy them. I submit to OCR because it makes me so much better as a musician, because of all the feedback on the wip/project boards and of course the evaluation of the judges themselves. By having the bar this high, it really psuhed me to continiue improving: I had a goal to work forward to. If I compare my pre-OCR stuff to the things I make now, there's a world of difference
  10. Just what this project needed: More drama It's too bad that we have to share the remixer pool (and especially the more experienced mixers) between the two projects and that the attention for the 2nd FF6 album will probably be less than the first to be released. I remember when Heroes vs Villians was announced when we were working on BadAss, which wasn't something I liked very much. Fortunatly we could differentiate ourselves by having only boss themes and sticking to a dark vibe on the entire album, but I don't see such a difference possible between these two FF6 albums. I highly doubt that the other one is genre based, just that it is handled by the 'pro's'. Ah well, there's nothing that can be done or could have been better done otherwise and we'll make sure that this FF6 album will be a kickass one. Just one question Prophecy: with your strict deadlines (which I liked about this album, it meant that it could potentially be done in a year), would we face the same potential release date as the other album? In other words: do we have to wait to make the time between releases larger?
  11. So, there's another FF6 project in the works that already has OCR approval what's the plan?
  12. Why don't you do it? We can always use the Darkness of the Pretzel on our project
  13. You shouldn't post WIPs in the Project Thread, it decreases the chance of this becoming an official OCR Project. PM the directors or wait untill we get our forums at KNGI
  14. This sounds a lot better. I'm going to talk to The Joker about this and I'll let you know what we think. Could you in the meantime remove the link from this thread? I have it now and we don't want other people to be able to listen to potential album tracks already.
  15. You should PM Kyle (KyleJCrb) for project forums over at kngi.org. That way we could show each other our wips and giving feedback without letting everyone else hear (almost) finished songs
  16. Probably shouldn't be doing this... but sign me up for the Edgar/Sabin theme!
  17. Got my gift from neoforte today: I got a Pokemon figurine and a stress ball (which hopefully I won't be needing very often ) Thanks man!
  18. Very nice remix, I really enjoyed the guitar but when the organs came they really complemented the rest of the piece very well. Good stuff
  19. I'm glad you like it and I'm glad you FINALLY got it! Now I just hope that I'll be getting my present soon aswell
  20. We're always open to new blood on the project, but the mix you have isn't what we - or OCR in general - is looking for. It feels way too much like background music. Ambient is not the style to go for here at OCR, it really needs to be something you can listen to as a standalone track that will get your blood pumping. Check the first page for the different genres we're going for: the mix has to be BadAss. If you truly want to be on the album and are willing and able to shift genres send me a PM
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