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Everything posted by Pavos

  1. Yeah, and list all of their email adresses so we can spam them to death! ...ehh I mean consent!
  2. 'Spume' still has to be posted, so there's more Rozo goodness from The Missingno Tracks to come!
  3. I haven't gotten my present yet (I came home today, so it was the first time I could check if anything had arrived). I guess it's going to be a New Years present then
  4. I always like it when sources get tranformed into something that has a completely different vibe. The melody is still easily recognizable but Rozo and Will have added a unique atmosphere to it, excellent stuff. Another great mix from the Missingno Tracks!
  5. I talked to Joker about your wip and he'll send you a PM soon As for einstein, it's not too lae for sign-up for Volume 2. Send me or the Joker a wip and if we like it, you're in
  6. I give each album their own folder and I have one folder in which I dump all the solo mixes
  7. Awesome, let's see who can devlier the best mix! A boss fight within the boss themes project, nice!
  8. OverClocked ReMix itself doesn't even exist! It's LIES, ALL LIES!
  9. So far BadAss still holds the front page (not that I mind too much, but still ) EDIT: That write-up is indeed moving and inspirational. I'm really glad I could be a part of this and I would have done this even if it would've been only for you two. Luckily for the rest of the world, it isn't
  10. Well, I'm pretty busy at the moment so I won't be able to give you anything soon. I'd rather have you finish the track in full and just leave a midi piano for me to replace. For now, the track is way too basic for OCR, so try and flesh out the mix first (use the wip board, it can help)

  11. Sent my stuff out today. I hope it's on time, because it has to come from the Netherlands
  12. DusK already has a WIP for that one (Joker hasn't updated the front page with his wip yet)
  13. True. About the track: Ah yes, a track that has been in my playlist for quite some time (it helped that it was finished so soon). Since I wasn't familiar with the srouce, I never knew you used sveral sources with this, it really sounds like a whole. I love the inclusion of the choirs and bells, making everything a little darker and a lot more epic! Absolutely love the synth solo around the 3 minute mark! Great stuff
  14. Alright, we need to cancel this project. It's just too big and too good. People can't handle this. It's just... too much. We'll get sued for making people's head explode (especially after BadAss just kicked everyones ass )
  15. The crits I have are that the drums sound too weak and that there's not really a build-up or a climax. The piece drags on a bit before the 1:39 mark. Sound effects are used nicely though. I really like the part aroudn the two minute mark, but the track really has to explode after that to give it the most effect. All in all, good wip, just but a little more power into those drums and have a little more variation in the first part
  16. Hmmm... this is difficult. While albums certainly get much attention through teasers, press releases, trailers, etc, I don't think the individual songs get more attention. I think it's more on the contrary. There are very little track-by-track reviews from people for albums. Much kudo's for the few who actually do this, but it's VERY time consuming. That way, individual album tracks don't get much reviews. This is especially true if the albums are very big (30-50 tracks), that scares a lot of people from doing a whole album review. Also, all the attention and promotion of the album is being divided by 50 tracks. Add to that the fact that the tracks that are most listened to are the tracks by teh "famous" people and you really have little attention for unknown remixers that have a track on a large album. Solo OC Remixes on the other hand, lack the trailer and the press releases, but have their OWN spotlight, get their OWN reviews and have their OWN release own the YouTube channel, getting many views/attention and even more reviews thourhg the YouTube comments. To conclude: I think solo OC Remixes get more attention that tracks on albums
  17. This is my first official OC remix, so I'm a newcomer as OC ReMixer. All of the other mixes were on projects, but weren't good enough to be posted as solo mixes.
  18. As always, if anyone needs piano parts I can play them for you. And even though I'm already doing a collab with Stevo, I need a guitarist to collab with me for the boss theme from Wild Guns. So if anyone is interested, please let me know
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