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Everything posted by Pavos

  1. Thanks for the update man, just try to post something new on the forums if you have anything: maybe we can help with some feedback
  2. I guess you already got some work to do for BadAss 3 then
  3. Wow... just wow. My favorite two mixes on the site are now both from the same source (Beneath the Surface being the other one). VERY chill this, you can just close your eyes and let yourself be taken away by the sea and song
  4. I'll be away untill September 2nd, just so you guys know
  5. The track is real good as is - you'll hear it on release, it's going to be badass
  6. Congrats on your new status Will! I have to admit, I needed to get used to the synths you used at first, but the track has been in my playlist for quite some time now. You captured the source perfectly and the soloing was delicious. Great stuff!
  7. Sure, but I also have have a different timezone (GMT +1)
  8. Just so you guys know, I joined the other FF6 project with my existing wip so I won't be participating in this one anymore (if this one is even still alive)
  9. Well, since nobody picked up Walls and Steels yet, I guess I'll just have to finish it, don't I?
  10. Congrats guys, I'm looking forward to the final release!
  11. I guess I'll just sub my mix to OCR as a non-project mix then
  12. Rexy, Prophecy, is still project still going? It's been quite some months since you last updated
  13. I'll be on vacation to Budapest for 10 days tomorrow, so I won't be giving any feedback or replying to PM's during that time
  14. Sounds good, only the choir patches you have in there don't really sound right for some reason
  15. Yeah, Mokram as an official OC ReMixer! Congrats dude. This song (despite it's for the NiGHTs album) always reminds me of Prince of Persia, but nonetheless it's a great mix
  16. You're in. Please post your track at the private wip boards there

  17. Yeah he contacted me about it. But you should definetly participate! Join our forums at http://www.kngi.org/phpbb3 and I'll make sure to give you acess to the private BadAss forums

  18. Alright I gave everyone feedback on their wips. Just because Joker is away for a couple of weeks doesn't mean we don't want to see progress. As always, if anyone has questions feel free to contact me
  19. I'm back and I'll be giving feedback on your tracks next week at the forums
  20. Been having some medical issues since January, haven't really been able to motivate myself to get things done. This is, unfortunatly, not the only project where I'm currently slacking. I'll hopefully get it done before somebody else delivers a final wav
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