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Everything posted by Pavos

  1. Won't be able to make this due date I'm afraid... I'll get something fresh up as soon as possible
  2. @Dash: You're looking at the old forums. The new one is here: http://z8.invisionfree.com/CtC_Project_Forum @Knives: It means the Gary Oak theme
  3. Sounds good... now just rate those wips dammit
  4. Check the front page to see what tracks are already taken. Basicly any boss theme will do, but it would be preferable if you chose one from the list that's still free
  5. lol, I never bothered to listen to the MIDI But that's the fanfare that plays after you defeat a boss... Is that really what you mean?
  6. N..No sir! Won't happen again sir! I'm sorry sir!
  7. I counted 21 songs for the ToP and 24 for the ToS side? EDIT - Not that it would stop me from making another ToP ReMix... or at least an attempt at it
  8. Hey V, you're largening the ToS part of the project... now I practicly HAVE to make another ToP ReMix...
  9. Do you really think I would pass a chance to have some complaints about something that the coordinator did? Usually it's the other way around with coordinators and mixers
  10. Hey Damned, just a few things: You named Proph's ReMix Viridian Vibe: Another Day (that's kinda double right?) Fishy's Gym Battle ReMix is "Battle for the Badge". Game On is another ReMix. Clash of the Titans is a ReMix of the Champion's Battle theme, that's not the Elite Four music. You called Gslicer and Another Soundscape's ReMix Casion Lounge instead of Casino Lounge (small typo). And I believe DA and I agreed to the title "Brand New Day", but I'll have to check with DA on that. There, that's enough complaining for one day
  11. You know that the ending theme from SMW is practicly the same as the overworld theme from Super Mario Bros 2 right? Check the mixes there, there are some pretty cool ones
  12. I also think I'll be able to finish it before the 31st
  13. Yea that's true... it's naive to think that a project will be done at the end of a year, but we do have to get back our momentum. Perhaps move the thread once more and make a call for more remixers (I don't know how). But it's not as if there's nothing done yet. I mean, there are some tracks that are pretty close to completion (leepmeister's track is done right?) and some are good on their way. Not all is lost
  14. Ah, we always seem to be able to make new friends real quickly
  15. So... weekend's practicly over, time to make up the bill. The big question being: Where do we stand and what are we going to do about it?
  16. This is supposed to feel incredibly disjointed, right?
  17. Look Pi, I know things havent been flowing with this project, but you;re suppoed to be the motivating guy or the one that goes behind everyone's asses to hand in their WIPs. I think play time is over for a while, but being depressed about it isn't going to help. We seriously need to look for another method to keep/get this project running
  18. Yea did another update, new version for Gilgamesh is up and totally from scratch like I promised. But I got it all figured uot in my head already, so it's basicly done (it'll just take some time to play it ). Seems like not many people are going to make the deadline... Is anyone active xept for Joker, avaris and pockets?
  19. OMG double post! Any way, things didn't go as planned, but I was able to get an updated version of Rise of the Shadow up. Check forum for more details
  20. So....... I've finally found myself some inspiration and if everything goes as planned, you can expect an updated version for both songs (the the Master of Blades is from sratch actually). Aside from that, SIGN UP REMIXERS! Don't be afraid to make a wip for a boss that's not on the list. If the wip's good, chances are pretty big it'll end up on the list aswell. Just sign up
  21. Well, just check the forum to see what's taken (you're still listed as remixer so you can see what's taken). We don't have too much time left, but if you have something already, by all means post there.
  22. Oohh... in Site Projects AND Stickied. You did a nice job, Damned
  23. I remember his pokemon remixes from way back from the wip forum... would be nice if he's still in on the project
  24. Ya little rough playing, but it doesn't irritate and it contributes to the live feel of the tune. I do think that you could use an acoustic bass at about half of the song
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