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Everything posted by Pavos

  1. If they did that, there wouldn't be many villians left. The game and movies are seperate. The Lizard is probably up for the next film, but he also appeared in a game already. I'm having two thoughts about an eventual reappearance of Venom. I'd love to see him the way he should be with enough screen-time, wicked voice and big posture. That said, it's a little lame to make another move about Venom. He was the big crowd-puller for this movie and they can't do the same trick twice (well they can, but it'd be lame). Let them keep the cast for now, get the scriptwriter from the first film back (forgot the name and I'm too lazy to look it up)and then we'll see about villians and stuff. Also, put a Black Cat in the movie, that's always good to look at
  2. But he didn't get killed. At least not in Spidey 3, but in Spidey 1
  3. This is from IGN: (Spoiler shit)The big surprise in the FoxNews.com report is word that one character who appears to die in Spidey 3 might return for Spidey 4. "It turns out I may not be completely dead," the unnamed actor who plays the unspecified character revealed. So if you don't think it's Venom that's resurrected or alive after all, who do you think it is?
  4. Hey, wasn't it some judge's birthday yesterday?
  5. Who else would be the villian that's not dead after all according to you?
  6. I'm still having no luck... perhaps in a little while EDIT - It's back in business for me aswell
  7. I do think they want to make the Spiderman franchise feel like it's not a comic movie. Every comic fan doesn't like this movie... I think they may have succeeded
  8. What?! Who are you and what have you done with the Proph we know? EDIT: Forum seems to be having downtime... again. GAG!
  9. You know we put the SPOILER stuff for a reason right? Anyway, Spoiler time: But yea, that's about what I was hinting at. I don't think we're done with Venom yet. Perhaps the explosion split the symbiote in 2... Carnage? Although it would seem very unlikely to have 2 of the same characters (who are really only impsessive to look at but do not have such a depth stroy-wise, especially Carnage) and another villian-turns-ally story would also seem unlikely. But I do believe in Venom's return
  10. Hmmm... I could finish my mix. One day... perhaps... hypothticly speaking that is.
  11. I really liked the movie because they did something what I didn't expect (the Harry saga). The movie didn't focus on Venom but it focused on the "dark Side" of Spidey. Spoiler: Besides, a villian that was supposed to die isn't acutally dead according to an interview (believe it was IGN). That will probably be Venom, becuase his death was hilarious and he didn't get too much screentime. The other "villian" would be the New Goblin but his death was too important (story-wise) to undo. And the Sandman didn't die.
  12. What's the plan of release with this project anyway? mp3's only, or are you adding FLAC and/or other stuff?
  13. On a side note, I posted an extra at the SCS topic in the forum... Just to let you know
  14. Well if you go to the project forum you can audition. Whether that already is a track of the project or not, doesn't matter. After that we can decide if you're in or out.
  15. By "us" I meant Fishy and me... Don't get your hopes up. I'm the only one that deserves the label "you suck", you have to earn it!
  16. Doesn't matter. YOu can pick the theme from whatever Sonic you want or you could add several Robotnik themes in one mix. Just make sure it's still a good boss theme
  17. I'm glad at least one of us can supply this thing with OCR quality
  18. Oh come on Fish, it's not like you're in another project already
  19. *cough* drum solo for my Bison mix *cough*
  20. He has a point though... also, a thread called "more wips" is very unlike to draw much attention. YOu could at least mention a game in it. Still, I think making speretare threads for each song would be helpful. And no I have no comment on the songs, because I've never played the games/heard the original. Plus I'm lazy
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