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Everything posted by Pavos

  1. Oh a DKC2 project! I gotta get myself a WIP very soon to send in... hmm which track?
  2. Since when are you active on the forums Damned? j/k EDIT - Posted a pretty important question (for me at least ) for you on the forums Damned
  3. Well like I said, I am still working on it (and I already had a wip that was quite far along). So if you'll make one, mine gets thrown straight into the trash bin I'm afraid . If you really want to do this song, then I guess I have to use mine for somewhere else since I'm sure you'll do a better job with it. But if you can, I would appreciate it if you'd pick another song Let me think... The Midgard theme is a good theme, but perhaps a bad genre, how about Euclid or Ary? Or the Piano solo of course EDIT - Some might say that I've uploaded my last version of Triumph. Some might even go so far to say that it's done. Who are you? (in other words, got new version up plz say if its done or not k thnx)
  4. Right, updates for my song come after I finish the pokemon ones. I'm already pretty far though, so I don't think it'll be the reason this project gets delayed Also, hail Audix
  5. I'm hoping to get my Vigorous Town ReMix up to project standards... Don't know if I'll make it in time though. My other song is practicly finished, so I will have time for it now
  6. FYFTYE? FTYEFTYFPFFF? FYYYTFFTYTTYF? Whatever, I'll get working tomorrow aswell, as soon as I finish my Summoning of Spirits song.
  7. Which happens to be a little slow now and then
  8. Hey sorry, been absent for about a week, but I think I can post a finished version of the song this weekend. And yes I'm alive
  9. I say go for it... only thing that can keep a project going is a coördinator that's on everybody's asses if you ask me
  10. My request: Game: Wario Land 2 Song: Credits Theme MIDI: Here (yea it's a vgmix one) GBS: From Zophar's Domain
  11. Hey I got you an eery silence... that has to count for something right?
  12. Well you guys better hurry up with commenting on wips then, so we can finish it up
  13. Well proph, you're another one that's practicly in every project around... knowing you you could put something together pretty quick.
  14. Yea it exists, but whether it's alive is another matter
  15. Busy, busy... Got to finish some stuff for the Tales project (since I'm one of the 4 people remaining that needs to finish stuff) and then I'll resub the Rt 10 thing, and post my new version of that Ending theme
  16. Won't you at least submit it as BOnus track or something Coop? I'd love to have this one included on the project, as it's really enjoyable Oh and please some comment on my new version so I know what to do it it next plz
  17. I think you guys are right, but I think Fishy has been kind of the coördinator for quite some time, since Pocket is more offline than online these days or so it seems. So... Fish as the new Master around here?
  18. Yea, so since nobody made this thread yet (as far as I can see) and it's officially 2008 here in the Netherlands I want to wih everyone the best wishes for this new year and that 2008 will be a year full of great ReMixes! And to all you U.S. people. just a few more hours
  19. Yea I kinda made the Deadline! New version is up and running, almost in complete form. No new version for Slider yet, I'll finish the Castle first
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