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Everything posted by Pavos

  1. Amworking on it... it'll probably be Saturday (what's a day, right?)
  2. What? Updates? Here? Impossible! j/k, nice job Joker I'll listen to it later..
  3. Hey Tensei, I didn't even know you were dutch But a remixer like yourself should go, shouldn't you? What's €25?
  4. Yep, it's this Saturday December 8th... GAMES IN CONCERT II It's the second time there's a Game Music Concert in the Netherlands and it's going to be good. It starts at 20:15 and it's in Vredenburg, Utrecht (Leidsche Rijn). Tickets are €25,- and are available through ticketbox. Artists include the Metropole Orchestra (directed by Laura Karpman), Christina Branco, Brainpower, Intwine, Benjamin Herman (New Cool Collective) and the Pa'dam Choir. I'm going for sure, who else is? (for more info check www.gamesinconcert.nl) These are the games that are included in the line-up: Assassin's Creed - Brainpower & Intwine Everquest 2 Grandia II - Cristina Branco Gran Turismo 4 - Cristina Branco Hitman 2: Silent Assassin Kingdom Hearts Legend of Zelda Leisure Suit Larry - Benjamin Herman Max Payne Obscure II Shadow of the Colossus Soul Calibur 2 Star Fox StarCraft StateShift Super Mario Brothers Tetris Unreal Tournament Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom and some surprises...
  5. You're always welcome to join proph. To be honest, not many songs are done and the project's not really progressing that much. I think we need to do some extreme changes, but Pi's not really around to decide anything. Might do somethign myself in the near future. Anyway, tracks that are mostly done are: Bowser (great work from leepmeister) M. Bison (me) Sinistrals (avaris) Far along (and/or are actively being remixed): Saturos & Menardi (Dash Myoku) Gruntilda (Joker) Mother Brain (mlo) Gilgamesh (me) We have some other mixes half finished, but the mixers nowhere to be seen (you know how it goes)... but that's it. Much needs to be done, but it wont happen unless something changes over here
  6. My condolences to Reuben's family in these hard times. I didn't know Reuben that well, but he was a truely talented piano player. Rest in peace Reuben.
  7. Great idea... we could sell it on the net and give the profits to the family
  8. Jeez this is shocking news... Rest in Peace Reuben. But yea, we should definetely do some sort of tribute. Although handwritten cards from hundreds of forum people would have a gerat impact aswell
  9. We're not the one(s) that quit the Crescendo to Chaos project
  10. Yea I'm really curious what this guy really want with this action... I mean, it really does look like he wants people to realize the link
  11. Yea it's "Summoning of Spirits", a remix project for Tales of Phantasia (SNES) and Tales of Symphonia (NGC)
  12. WOuldn't it be more like: FF7 Project ---> Radical Dreamers --> Tales ---> Us, most likely ---> Next project after that ---> Next project after that? It's still a bit uncertain, with many project being so close to release... I don't know how far the Doom 2 one is, but they also seem pretty close.
  13. That's too bad, Tensei... Thanks for trying to get it finished. I'm afraid you're not the only one who has dropped out or will drop out. Activity in this project seems to have been long gone and there really should be happening something before things will turn around. I mean, I can finish my mixes but I don't see a project being released if there's only 6 or so mixes finished... So, what's the plan, Pi?
  14. lol, ah at least you're honest and it it's not meant bad. But still, that HAS to hurt
  15. Curious, since I'm that remixer and I´m still pretty active in the project. But yeah, the Goldenrod theme is being done.
  16. It's just a shame that these posts occur too often and that they're not really motivating us. You are the people that we're mostly doing it for (the fans), but if you guys keep complaining then we don't get that eager to finish it... It's good that you've apologized and just make sure never to be impatient with something like this, we want it to be finished too, but we want it to be perfect. Just trust us that when we finish the project, it'll be awesome
  17. Here we go again... You can take my word that every mixer in the project knows (or can see, if he/she wants to) how far the unfinished mixes are along. I really should comment on this, because it just feels like another "hurry up with the project you guys are slow and this is stupid"-post, but I'll give you one good reason: Not every mix was started at the beginning of the project. Mixers come and go and there have been a few mixes that have started only recently. This, however, won't really delay this project much as there is more stuff than just the mixes themselves. And, with the release of VotL not long ago, you´ll definetly have to wait a while beofre DJP releases another project...
  18. I haven't been able to open the project forums for the past 2 days... Is anyone else having this problem (so it's the site) or is it my computer that's being a pain in the ... eh Koopa shell? EDIT - Seeing as Fishy's signatures won't load, it's probably Esc's server
  19. So, andyjayne got me some feedback on my new WIP and it seems almost done arrangement wise. Anyone else got some comment for this?
  20. Panning is a bit strange... especially in the beginning, drums sound a little too compressed but that can be the style. I don't know, there's not too much to comment on (since most parts aren't done yet), so I'll hold back till a next version comes
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