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Everything posted by Pavos

  1. I was going to do Vigorous Town, but I chose for Triumph instead. It's a little late now to start another mix, but I promise you I will make a remix of that tune one way or the other
  2. While this is a great sounding ambient mix, it feels more like background music than a real main song (which is what these remixing sites are about). In other words, while everything sounds good, I'm missing a real build-up. It just feels all like the same. Sorry to sound harsh...
  3. Ah it's too bad you kill of the build up when you get to the melody with the fast toneladder (about 2/3 of the mix... why doesn't quicktime just show the time of hte song), because this mix needs a climax. The rest sounds good
  4. I have to agree with SnappleMan about the drums being WAY too compressed. The mix is way too packed, it needs more space as avaris put it. Because verything's so loud, it feels like it's coming from a car or something, in the way that it all seems locked. Nothing too much to comment on the arrangement side, though
  5. Alright, not too big of an update, but I did some improvements. The transition between the first and second part is... well there is a transition now. Also fixed panning, some volume things, some reverb at the end (where the other layer piano for 2 seconds comes in). I also trashed the bass, because the timing was completely off. Why I didn't redo it is because i believe the song doesn't need it and it just made stuff too muddy. Yours thoughts on this? Also, as I previously said, Nutritious will do live sax, so I'm waiting for a final version when he did his awesomeness. Anyway, here's version 2. P.S. Anyone got an idea for a better name than Bonus Saloon?
  6. I can't imagine who would not update in a while.... ahem
  7. I'll eat some pie in celebration of this beautiful achievement!
  8. Ah well, we all want something. Just keep hoping and maybe...
  9. Thanks for the positive feedback guys! I already contacted Nutricious (he contacted me, in fact) so the sax will be no problem if things go well.
  10. It was quite a surprise I can tell you Guess I'll have to update my favorites Ehh... every log in link links to the www.kylejcrb.com site. Can't log in and can't see the forums
  11. Well, at least you're decent now and make an honest reply. You have to understand, we do our best to get this finished and maybe it's just us, but you just hit a nerve every time. You acted - on purpose or not - like you could do anything, see anything, interfere with anything. That pissed most of us off. Keep asking for a release doesn't help. I believe that maybe your intentions weren't like this at all, but if you look back at your posts you can't really be saying that you weren't arrogant whatsoever. Just be patient and wish us the best (results), instead of (seemingly) complain about the slow speed of the project in your eyes.
  12. What's a "release"? I might try to tackle ToS... I'll see what I can do
  13. They're working again EDIT: Seems like andy's got some more competition with the new ReMix posted of "File Select"... We can top that stuff, right?
  14. Lets say that the first WIP deadline isn't near yet... Hopefully that'll be enough info Don't be impatient yet, we still have a year to go probably. P.S. Check the first post for track stats and WIP deadlines
  15. If only because it can erase Elektra from existence. Right... and Elektra only had one good thing in it...
  16. All these dutch people are far too lazy if you ask me... We should kick em all from the project
  17. Works perfectly for me... strange stuff :S
  18. Yea, another reason why I don't like Daredevil I still want the WIlson Fisk as they put him in the Spiderman cartoon. He was so much more dark and imposing there.
  19. There's a lot of things I wanted to say to DJDarkmaster... too bad all of that is already said now. Why this guy is even getting some serious replies is beyond me. If you don't like the speed go make your own pokemon remixes, and we'll tell you why all of them are shit. Get lost before you get kicked away. And the psyduck stuff HAS to come through... I mean, it's just too lame to be passed
  20. Yea, this project is about the least active project I'm on but I still think it suffers from exam-time. But, if you look at the Summoning of Spirits project for instance, you'll see that every project has this sort of problems. Fact is, we need some more artists (and perhaps some more experience) in this crew. I think when a few mixes are ready (avaris', mine, there are other that are close to being done with the arrangement), we could use some for promotional stuff? Just throwing ideas here. And I'll make some more GIFs (I know I should've done that ages ago), who knows it might help
  21. I couldn't agree more with Eshto... the bad-dude Parker was never meant to be cool. I like the way they did it, bbut there were things over-the-top. And the eyeliner had got to go
  22. In the middle of my exams right now... I'm done in about 2-3 weeks, so I can finish my stuff
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