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Posts posted by Maco70

  1. I've never trust third party for anything to do with playstation, but my friend gave them a shot.

    They have several generic PS2 memory cards. When they save to them, they work fine for a while, but after a couple days there is an error, and they have to be formatted.

    This has happened 4 times in the past two weeks.

    Any ideas?

  2. One of my first memories is trying to get the NES to work. I always needed my brother's help. I remember him playing metroid, and my sister beating bowser in SMB3. I also remember making ridiculous levels in excite bike.

    My first significant memory is playing through sonic 2. It's the first game I ever beat, and I remember how intense the final boss was the first time.

    Also, I remember taking a tape recorder to the TV to get Metropolis Zone's music on cassette.

  3. I ended my subscription with them years ago.

    The 1up website is the same thing, and seveal times while reading the article would point me toward the website.

    It seems almost as if they wanted this to happen.

    Why would anyone pay for something when they can get it free?

  4. It's okay, I still love you. Also I forgot it was new years eve and shit so Ikaruga will have to wait a while ;P sorry

    Yeah, what was up with that?

    I didn't expect Ikagura of all games to be unplayable online.

    I was disappointed.

  5. if you knew your xboxes you'd know there are tons of Red Rings. :) The RRoD is the one where every "area" on the xbox button is red except the upper right which isn't lit.

    Other red rings mean other errors including, but not limited to: no video output, faulty wire or such...

    I knew that; I was commenting that others don't.

  6. I saw the story on msn, and checked my Dad's zune.

    Yeah, that's really garbage.

    I'm not full of microsoft hate like others are at this point, but that is quite a mistake.

    My understanding is that they forgot to include the leap year, so today doesn't exist. That doesn't make a whole lotta sense to me, but yeah...

  7. I wonder about the RROD a lot actually, my friend got it on his while in Iraq and he shut it down and fired it up the next day. It worked just fine, and the same thing happened to myself, so I think it's more of an overheating problem than an actual critical error.

    Was that actually the red ring though?

    I've talked to several people who were freaking out because they claimed to have the red ring, but it ended up being loose wires, or the hard drive wasn't connected properly.

    One friend of mine had a hard drive failure. The system still worked fine, just the drive pooped.

    A lot of the RROD shenanigans is just people being over dramatic I say.

  8. Perfect time for my Xbox 360 to RROD, right in the middle of playing Fable 2. So it's true, these boxes magically crap out approximately one year after buying them.

    My brother's g1 360 is still going strong.

    I really wonder how the RROD works.

    As far as I know, it's caused by the motherboard warping due to overheating.

    That would take a hell of a lot of heat.

  9. It will have 40 games, I'm pretty sure at least 10 are Sonic ;)

    Since I have Mega Collection for GC I'm more excited about Space Harrier and Phantasy Star. I'm lame like that.

    I own the sonic mega collection on ps2 and xbox, and I'm still buying this.

    No matter how many times I play it, the sonic games never get old for me.

    I've been looking for vectorman 2 and some of the other genesis games for a while, this is a cheaper and easier way to accomplish that.

    I am very excited for this. Sucks that I have to wait for february.

  10. In regards to Sonic's Genesis Collection, I may check it out, as long as I can play Sonic 3 and Knuckles on it. I had a PC set of Sonic games (non illegal emu disks), and Sonic 3 and Knuckles I'd play non stop!

    I still have the pc disc version of that. Good times.

    The collection will have s3&k on it. It will probably be an unlockable.

  11. In related news, I pre-booked that yesterday :3

    I never had a Sega-console and I haven't emulated shit so this is kinda the best thing that's ever happened to me lately.

    I was gonna preorder, then I realized that there is absolutely no reason to preorder.

    I'm excited even if I've played most of these games before. It;s the closest vectorman and Ristar will ever come to xbla.

  12. You know, I wanted to say this, but I know some of the mods are just gunning for people that even have a slight hint of mini-modding.

    That's a bit much.

    I'm not threateing the kid, I just remember similar threads being locked.

    And if I am in the wrong, and it has taken more than a day for the mods to catch this thread: Shame.

    Also: Jeepers Creepers was a terrible movie.

  13. Nobody ever buys only one game for the 360. They say that then they proceed to buy 20 more. The 8-game ratio for the 360 is THE highest in game consoles, so the numbers seems to support that idea.

    The difference is I can only AFFORD one.

    I would love more, but my options are limited.

    Although, I could buy several arcade games instead. =D

  14. There is a tiny bit of lag in the controls though. Any help on how to fix this?

    Sorry, I have no idea.

    Around these holidays, outside of the gifts I get; I plan to buy one 360 game.

    Just one.


    I am considering Bioshock and Mirror's edge.

    Also, maybe Sonic Unleashed.

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