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Posts posted by Maco70

  1. I still haven't been able to get into a multiplayer game, I don't get the lobby :/

    ah well 190/200 gamerscore in 30 minutes ain't a bad deal :tomatoface:

    Yeah, I got them all in about 20 minutes as well.

    What confuses you about the lobby?

    It's only local, not live if that clears anything up.

  2. Yeah, I pretty much feel the same way. I mean, how are you supposed to even play it on an iPhone or iPod Touch, anyway? Seems like it'd be really tough to play. I wouldn't mind being proven wrong, but....

    It plays like Duck Hunt.

    You tap the screen to shoot.



  3. Actually, taking that into account; if they did port it to the 360 would they change out all the Apple stuff for Microsoft stuff?

    Seeing as the only reason products were placed was to fund the

    project, I'd say odds are good that Microsoft would be willing to pay Konami to port this to 360.

    But realistically, I think this is an acid game for iphone.

    But, I'm not giving up hope yet.


  4. upside down exclamation point = lowercase letter I? (i) maybe?

    I caught on to that from other posts.

    After thinking about it, I think the likelihood of MGS on iphone is better than MGS on 360.

    The only thing that confuses me is the use of green. I wouldn't associate green with mac anything.

  5. The upside down ! mark is probably just an indication that if you spin the ! around in a 360, you get that picture. This pretty much confirms that there's an MGS for the 360, as for what it is, who knows.

    Oh, good call.

    I am going to laugh at my brother, who told me MGS would never come to 360.

  6. if it is Ac!d for ipod

    that would be a pretty big wtf, Kojima

    Would you really be surprised? There was an ipod IN THE GAME.

    I think this is pointing to MGS on 360. I have no idea what the upside down exclamation point is for though.

    Also just to make a point; MGS2:Substance on the original xbox was better than the PS2 version if you ask me. I know the 360 isn't as powerful as the PS3, but I think that Microsoft would be as particular as possible with a title like this. If the 360 version is indeed coming, it would be a huge blow for Sony.

  7. I used to play sonic 2 just to hear the Metropolis zone music.

    I think I even used a tape recorder so I could listen to it away from the game.

    I also remember a speciffic time when I heard "the lion king" playing in my genesis, but I was nowhere near it. Apparently my mom liked the music, so she put the game in to listen to the menu music. I tried to explain sound test, but it was a bit too much for her.

  8. 7? how about 1.2 gigs left? ha ha

    I have 6 mb left.

    In other news, select games are available to play over live for free in the month of December. Titles include Aegis Wing and Uno. For silver members like me, this is something to be excited about.

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