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Jedi QuestMaster

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Everything posted by Jedi QuestMaster

  1. Curse you, DJChAko, for allowing me to listen to this before playing Mega Man 8! Now the OST's bassline sounds out of place! You should definitely do that! I really like the "Chill out" vibe this mix gives off, even though I don't really like the "chill out" genre in general (Groove Armada - At the River). If this is what you could've produced then... what, pray thee, can you do now?
  2. Finally, something NEW! I always found SF2010 an odd title. But the music was always an old favorite. Good to hear someone jumped on it! I, too would like to hear a less-compressed version of this. And this came from DoD? I guess I need to remove all my previous notions of that being the nerve center of all unpolished, video game-related garage metal covers.
  3. Cripes! I can't see how anyone listens to this with earphones. I just finished hearing this on my speakers & the constant fading was too annoying. Sorry but... NOT ACCEPTED Not trying to be mean or anything.
  4. Whoops! Here's the correct link: http://www.box.net/shared/b4gg4n7f0h
  5. Whoa Glad I'm not the only one. If you think that's bad enough, listen 8 seconds into the remix here: http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR00869/ (listen for low choir-aahs/strings) & then listen 7 seconds into another track I made for the same RPG project: http://www.box.net/files#/files/0/f/0/1/f_424116320 Just wondering, is that part of the remix or was it actually in the game? (If you were able to hear it.) I swear, I only experienced Tomb Raider once, & I don't remember if it was the first or the second one (this was 10 years ago!).
  6. A while ago I made this rendition of Ken Goach's "The Rain" theme, but I just realized I can post it here: http://www.box.net/files#/files/0/f/0/1/f_423962530
  7. Has anyone here ever written a piece of music only to find out that it resembles something already in existence? Years ago (2003), I made up this little melody, only to find out later that it resembles the Tomb Raider theme: http://www.box.net/shared/3lps7s79x3
  8. Yeah, I hate it when people just sit there at the machine; I'll go somewhere else - do three sets then come back & they're still just sitting there. And then I go & do 3 more sets of something else, & I come back - & they're still freakin' just sitting. I've got my MP3 playing . So I'm going insane & I just want to f'n kick them, & say FU & have it all go away!I'm done ranting.
  9. Working out for me is no problem - it's a habit now; I go almost once every two days (if I don't go to the gym once in a while I'll go nuts ) & I go alone & bring my Zen. As for next year; I plan to kick major ass in everything I do, just like I do now - but more! Where's the strikethrough button? I mean go to the gym just as much as I do now. By the way, 2010 will rock! (I figure if I keep saying it, it will come true)
  10. Awesome! Jabond23, I think you'd be a good candidate to arrange Theme of Tara. I think I'd like it to sound synthesized at first, like the Zelda dungeon theme in your vid, then start turning into rock music. I'll upload the files & details tomorrow. Edit: Okay, technically it's 23 min past "tomorrow," but I still have 30 if you live in Alaska. geocities.com/jedi_questmaster/MetalGearMetal.zip Everything you'll need to know is up there ^
  11. Okay, back in business! I'm going to try getting the ball rolling on this one last time. Not much has changed: -still canned the competition -will include both NES/MSX versions of the game -Hard Rock/Metal/Orchestra arrangements -will include virtually all the music from the game -it WILL be an album project (free of course) -to spark interest, I will be offering a stipend to submissions that make it onto the album (I will post the song track/price list)
  12. I'd like to hear some sort of arrangement for the Exercise theme from this game, seeing as it was awesome & was omitted from the official soundtrack.
  13. Ditto. What do you need?
  14. Is that why this thread is getting no attention? I thought the Remixes forum were only for WIP that were going to be submitted to OCR. Does that include Remix Albums, even if they are not intended to go on the main site? Either way.
  15. Okay, I've sequenced a bunch of MIDIs over the years, some of them for games, some for other people ('s games) & some just for the hell of it. I'd like some input on some of these (keep in mind I'm not a musical major; I can't even read music): One of my earliest, done in '03. Actually an arrangement: someone gave me a MIDI with some notes in it, & this is what I did to it: http://www.geocities.com/jedi_questmaster/SexyHand.mid I forgot how this came about. But I submitted it to someone for a Tetris-like puzzle game: http://www.geocities.com/jedi_questmaster/Athena.mid A game I canceled in '04. One of the better themes, in my opinion: http://www.geocities.com/jedi_questmaster/Stage_6_The_Hunt.mid Same game, different stage: http://www.geocities.com/jedi_questmaster/Stage_X_Enemy_Fighter_Suprema.mid One of my more recent ones, done in '05. Opening theme credits: http://www.geocities.com/jedi_questmaster/MenaceReturns.mid (doesn't sound well in QuickTime)
  16. Some of you may remember my first thread about this several months ago here: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=15552 It's a metal/rock arrangement project of the Metal Gear music. I still want to get this project started. A little bit has changed now. I'm canning the competition idea. It will be just a straight up collaboration project - I think it would be less stressful for everyone & hopefully result in better quality work. I want to include both NES & MSX versions of the game, & include most (if not all songs from the game). I've compiled a list of remixers (& non-remixers) who I'd be interested to have in the project who I'll be contacting soon. Who would be interested?
  17. I think it was this very song that made me start seasonalizing my music. I mean, I don't listen to Christmas music all year like normal people.
  18. Okay, maybe not that one... but who's to say Konami won't release another album like this one: http://vgmdb.net/album/276 I'm just saying that releasing an arrangement/cover of a video game album may not necessarily conflict with a game's sales, but it could be viewed as a deterrence on the sales of a game's OST (I know it's not a very strong argument unless the game's OST really sucks). :/
  19. My final run tonight was 19:08 - not bad. Tomorrow I'm going to the gym & the next day I fly out of here to Kuwait. I'm going home!
  20. If there's an OST CD of Gradius III, which there is, there would be good reason to care - it's competing against their CD.
  21. I recommend taking a break from running, take a day off or do a slow jog once in a while. My last run was 21:38, which is not nearly as impressive as 18:whatever I got the other day.
  22. Be sure to stretch out after the run - very important. <- bold + underlined for emphasis Oh, & !
  23. This sounds completely false. Define "healthier."
  24. How are you with Stair Masters? Can you still do those? Definitely a good quad/hamstring workout.
  25. My last night's run was 18:55. Now I definitely know it's less than 3 miles; I've never ran that fast before, & I'm still recovering.
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