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Jedi QuestMaster

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Everything posted by Jedi QuestMaster

  1. Not a big deal, & I might be alone on this, but I find it awkward having the album title "OCReMix.org" as well as having that be the title on the album artwork. Why not "OverClocked ReMix" ? Surely you want more visitors to the site, but isn't there a snazzier way of doing this? Please don't kill me.
  2. There's still my suggestion.
  3. I would recommend Anvil Studio, but it's cutting it close. Requirements: A 100 mHz Pentium or faster running any of: Windows 98, Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Windows 7 At least 64 megabytes of RAM, A Windows-compatible sound card and/or MIDI controller. It displays notes as staff, guitar tabs, & piano roll.
  4. I haven't even played that game & I know it! As for Castlevania: The Arcade... I never knew that existed, why am I always the last to hear of these things?! Wait a minute - it didn't arrive in the U.S... oic
  5. The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask ~ Boss Battle http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gbgupNMxNrA Whether good or bad, Majora's Mask borrowed heavily from its predecessor, Ocarina of Time. Music was no exception, but the few themes (& even fewer that weren't composed by Koji Kondo) were excellent. This theme in particular made those epic battles seem much more... epic. You can even feel the build up right at the beginning. *CHILLS*
  6. What did you use? How did it not work?
  7. There's the SPC soundfont, but that only tries to emulate SNES samples (or borrows from various SNES titles - I don't know ). I haven't ever looked into ripping SNES sounds, but I think you're best bet (if someone hasn't made a soundfont already) is to open Super Metroid in an emulator that allows you to mute sound channels individually & record the instruments you need. Then use the recorded sounds in Vienna (or Viena ).
  8. I can understand film over digital but jpg over png? There is nothing glorifying noticing minor pixel discrepancies.
  9. Hitler is a 7-foot tall badass & is allowed to swear on NES... before he unleashes a doomsday "big bird," tries to escape in a helicopter, & his head explods
  10. I just listened to this again; can't believe this artist only has this one remix to show for. One of the best mixes I've heard here.
  11. Is DistantJ still around? I only see one mix by him & it's one of my favorites.
  12. Wow - am I the only one who doesn't like this guy? I'll admit - he's good when it comes to filmmaking. I was rather impressed by Friday the 13th, but I just don't get most of his humour - or his reviews. Seeing as how he seems to know a lot about the games, I was actually looking forward to his X-Men "review." I was expecting him to cover the part about beating the levels & getting no ending because there's a hidden stage you must access by holding down the buttons written on the label of the cartridge that happened to be typed WRONG. But he didn't.
  13. Speaking of The King, he's one rich mofo & will keep giving you money if you keep running out.
  14. -rations keep you from drowning -40 bolts builds another Mega Man -channeling a spirit is no excuse for murder & this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m67CDDnHrsI#t=13m30s
  15. The obvious:
  16. You know, making movies out of video games? Anyone have any good ones out there? Here's a couple of mine: (skip to 1:53 for the action)
  17. Playing Phoenix Wright really makes you think harder & analyze situations. As long as you're not using GameFasq. Doubt it helps with the dots though.
  18. When I used to work at my last school's gym - I'd play some OCRemixed CDs with some of Goat's music & Sprinting Riffs, Walk on Water & other upbeat stuff. Only one person came to me saying he knew it was VG music. But other people have asked what it was cause they really liked it. I think the CD is still there.
  19. Is this the guy who named all his remixes after himzelf? Like: AmiIEvil Jazz Or am I thinking of someone else?
  20. Damnit!! 8 pages - how could I have missed that? How about this one: Lawn plants & pots sometimes contain rupees & are replaced periodically so they're an abundant source of money! Speaking of which:
  21. Best one. Let's see... shooting furniture explodes (GoldenEye)
  22. I think I'll pick a side quest everyone hates. That way I can depict the hero in an upset mood, allowing everyone to relate to the character in my masterpiece, winning me emotional votes, clever & manipulative!
  23. Does Mega Man 8 count? That whole game felt like a side quest.
  24. Oh okay, that's definitely not me. I only had a cat for about 5 years before he disappeared; coyotes or something. Does Inception have anything to do with the movie?
  25. I don't get it. Is there something I'm supposed to know before I watch this?
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