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Everything posted by Weirdboyscott

  1. I don't really have an interest in playing Gang Garrison 2, I just thought it was quite the cool sort of homage for Team Fortress 2. Also it seems like the main charcter in Cave Story is a secret character in GG2.
  2. I'm sure this has been posted before but I thought it was relevant and worth sharing again. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uh1jB4hVJRg
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BRuyjVPu1sY
  4. Not many of these are ones you can beat in a day but these are the ones I've played all the way through multiple times over the years. Super Mario RPG Resident Evil 4 Zelda: Ocarina of Time Zelda: Majora's Mask Zelda: The Wind Waker Toejam and Earl Streets of Rage Starfox Starfox 64 Goldeneye 007 Perfect Dark Jet Force Gemini Metal Combat (really hoping they bring this to the VC because my super scope broke) Metroid Prime Beyond Good and Evil With all of these I've played through them at least three times each. As far as long epic games go SMRPG and RE4 are the ones I've played through the most at around nearly ten times each. The shorter games like Starfox 64, Streets of Rage, and Metal Combat I might have played more than just 10 each but it's been a while.
  5. The mimics are always the enemies I dread the most... you know the really tough monsters hiding in treasure chests the like to summon monsters to fight with them and heal themselves as well. Technically they aren't bosses but they're still a huge pain in the ass, and I always end up forgetting which treasure chests are which and still open them.
  6. You mean second best medic, bonzai is tops on the server.
  7. Well no wonder we're having problems with the new server... it's in Houston, and a lot of that area is without power and such. ...Why did we switch to a Houston server in the aftermath of Hurricane Ike?
  8. I didn't play much of Cave but since there are so many Badwaters in the rotation replacing one of them with Cave couldn't hurt.
  9. So are we still having problems with the new server? What exactly was wrong with the last server again?
  10. I guess Geno was so cool beacsue of his backstory and his character design, I mean he just oozed cool all over, but even then I still think it was the most badass thing ever to have Bowser team up with you. I remember after that getting into Super Mario 64 and wondering what the hell Bowser was doing fighting Mario still, and it felt so out of date. I also remember playing Mario 64 at a Blockbuster and the lowest save file was 1 star and I just had to delete it because I thought they had gotten pretty far! But that was of course before I knew that Mario 64 had 120 stars instead of 7.
  11. That 3D maze in the sunken ship was a bitch but you know what was worse? The barrel counting quiz in Bowser's castle, that always frustrated me.
  12. I remember somebody made a thread about how cool it would be to blast Da Pipes in a car stereo while bobbing your head to the beat... and it was fun to do just that once I got my own car. You may have said that this wasn't a thread for how you discovered OCR but damn it those are memories tied to remixes, as well. My first mix was Soap and Water and I found it up on Kazaa after downloading some heavy metal remix of Bubble Man as well. I checked the ID3 tag and it mentioned http://remix.overclocked.org (I still really miss that url). I really miss UnMod the most, though...
  13. I remember that I rented this game and completed it before I had to take it back before I eventually got it for Christmas. Ohh god... that's PEARLS password! I was so pressed and worried for time when I rented it and I had read the "L" as an "I." I got all the password clues and I was still totally lost. Like SwordBreaker my mother tried to help me out with it, I went with her to Half Priced Books and searched through the dictionaries and scrabble dictionaries and stuff... but it was a total bust. On the way home she had the idea to go into Blockbuster and just sneak a peek at the strategy guide, and when I figured out that was an "L" and not an "I" I totally flipped out.
  14. Okay I was wondering why HLStatsX weren't showing up. Thanks for actually putting it up in this thread instead of doing it in secrecy like the stat reset.
  15. Who cares about the isolation factor of Metroid Prime 2? I thought a lot of the fun in Metroid Prime 3 came from how you got to interact with the Galactic Federation and your hunter buddies, and it was a nice change of pace. There were only 2 songs in the entire game that were listenable beacuse of the whole idea that dark dimension songs were more ambient... but you ambient up an already extremely ambient song and you just get a held note with some blips. And saying that Prime 2 has more area to explore because of the 2nd dimension is pretty cheap, it wasn't interesting exploring Dark Aether it was just a chore making long travel between the two to solve something a total bore. Good boss fights? Right... half of them had very obvious and lame strategies like the big bug you had to use multi-missiles on and the one you had to spider ball bomb, not to mention with such inspired names like "Jump Guardian" and "Bomb Guardian." But anyway... back to SMRPG, am I the only one here that feels guilty for using the Lazy Shells? I only really can feel good about using both of those shells on Culex, otherwise it just feels too cheap. Although I do really like the whole bit with the gardner in Rose Town when he babbles so quickly... one of the most memorable little optional encounters along with tickling the village elder in Seaside Town. Ohh... and everytime I get to Marrymore I always have to save my game and totally screw around with the suite, I just can't help myself every time I play through this game. I'll order the suite and keep the bellhop waiting by jumping on the bed of the sleeping guy in the regular rooms, of course I'll never tip. It's always great to take at least two showers and bounce on the beds before you go back and tell the bellhop to get lost. Several showers and like an extra week later of staying in the suite it is pretty fun trying to sneak out and then have to work for the hotel for a while.
  16. Guess you were just there at the wrong time because before you logged in to the server we had at least a couple plays on Steel.
  17. There is no part of Metroid Prime 2 that was even remotely better than anything in Metroid Prime 3.
  18. This is my favorite SNES game and even though I played it about a year ago I'm going to play it again at the same time as a friend of mine who is going to play the game for the first time since it came out on the VC.
  19. So how about that script that auto-changes it to Dustbowl when Bleck connects?
  20. Wow, something that EdgeCrusher and I actually agree on.
  21. Bahamut I mean did you at least ask any of the other admins before you did this? This was a pretty dumb move.
  22. Ohh hi, I thought this was Super Smash Bros BRAWL not Super Smash Bros Let's just Put Around and Not Actually Play.
  23. Any of you recent posters wanna play today or what? I'll add all these recent codes.
  24. So some OCR people are brawling it up now? Codes? 1676-3396-3796 I'll go by Aliks in game.
  25. Ickes, if you liked that you're gonna love this.
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