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Everything posted by Weirdboyscott

  1. Z is for Zoids Vs.
  2. X is for X-Men Legends.
  3. U is for Ultima Online.
  4. K is for Killing Floor.
  5. Reminds me of a friend of mine who used to pirate every single game he owned, just about, but then he actually went out and spent money on Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. Ohh, the irony! But yeah, I was totally expecting to summon a scarecrow and then have it be completely ignored by crows. They just kinda run away with their head held under their beak if they get to close to one. Now try putting a murder of crows in between two scarecrows within close proximity and they just keep pacing nervously back and forth between them! Hilarious. EDIT: Also, I just found out you can summon Ninja Sharks in this game.
  6. I found out about OCR in about January of 2002, and I would have signed up for the forums earlier than June if I was more of a fan of forums in the first place. I methodically downloaded just about every remix from every game I've played, and then when I actually signed into the forums I made my way like straight to UnMod and rarely ever posted elsewhere.
  7. E is for Earthworm Jim 64.
  8. Porcupine Tree - Way Out of Here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P3ihI_5t9Ws
  9. V is for Vectorman.
  10. Maybe Australia is just a big fan of the Steam community L4D2 boycott and felt like they should enforce it?
  11. That was pretty impressive, now if I could only find a download of that Beatdrop song. EDIT - Found it. http://www.wushuplaya.com/boundtogether/
  12. Ohh sorry, shoulda spoken up about it being a TF2 mod, I thought it was a given being I posted about it in a TF2 thread. I kinda like that you can't change your model when you're on the prop side, kind of makes the whole process a lot more fun to hide. There was one time where I was on a map with a setting similar to the Valve map Egypt, and I was turned into a palm tree. Now normally I'd be really upset about this, but I ended up being the final member on my team to survive, all I did was go to an area with scattered palm trees and set myself down in an area properly spaced out from the rest where a tree looked like it could be. I was totally hiding in plain sight, and it worked for the longest time. If I could change what prop I was it'd be just too easy to want to be the small object every time and never be forced to find interesting spots.
  13. To think, Kanye was a huge douche only a couple days ago and already he's turned himself into a classic meme.
  14. I know it couldn't be incorporated into the OCR server, but... has anyone ever played Prop Hunt/Hide and Seek? That has to be one of the most fun game modes I've played in a long time. One team is turned into a handful of different objects on the map, all of which appear regularly on the map so you can still kind of blend in. You run off and hid somewhere as that object, and you can hold right click to freeze in place with a regular object's positioning, and the other team has to find you. They only get to be heavies and pyros on the attacking team that hurt themselves as they use a weapon. Just hide for long enough and your team wins. It can really lead to some bizarre and hilarious matches. Like seeing a Control Point move around on it's own and run for it's life is pretty classic.
  15. Ohh shit! I summoned god and a vampire and... the vampire turned god!
  16. This is awesome, looks like I'm getting a copy of Muramasa. A friend of mine told me that I shouldn't buy the game, and I thought it was because she thought the game was awful or something, and she wouldn't give me a reason why I shouldn't buy it. Turns out it was because she is getting it for me, and when I asked why it was because she "couldn't wait for Christmas."
  17. O is for One Must Fall: 2097.
  18. Kimito Totani - Treasure Sniper http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DeAsDym4UDo Yes I know, I am way to obsessed with this show.
  19. Hey Coop, you remember how you made a custom little animated smiley for me when I was asking to have one staring at Felicia and drooling? Your current sig just reminded me of that.

  20. Communists are fun to summon... Make a lot of money and then summon a communist. Summon a capitalist next to a communist. Try giving a priest the necronomicon and have him fight Death with it, it's pretty amusing. Also for some reason if you have an ape fight a shark underwater the ape will win. Somebody mentioned Longcat earlier, but yeah he can kill Tacgnol in a couple hits. I had Longcat fight a giant enemy crab and they were both duking it out for a very long time without a clear winner, until I hit the giant enemy crab with a laser sword. You can summon an Anonymous or just Anon, and he'll make little boys and girls run away from him.
  21. I guess my biggest complaint really is that just the fact that they released the trailers for L4D2 less than 7 months after the release of L4D1. Just knowing that made it feel like Valve was already labeling L4D1 obsolete after that short of a time, and that's what really got me upset the most. A few months after the announcement of L4D2 to be honest I look forward to getting the game. It's just that anybody who is part of the Steam community can't help but think that Valve could have given us more updates, and better quality updates. Like how long it took to get Death Toll and Dead Air in Versus mode, it just feels a bit inexcusable to push a new game after the first one didn't get a fair amount of love from the developers after release. This is really a unique situation for me and many other people. A sequel to a game getting released within 1 year of the original, from a company that's well known for new content and fixes on previously established online games. I've heard a lot of counter-arguments that say that nobody complained when Metroid Prime 2 or Gears of War 2 came out, but this isn't the same situation, really. I guess you can just say Valve spoiled us.
  22. WeirdL4D2boycottin', yes...
  23. I can't be the only one that was reminded of District 9 when they saw the boxart. Similar sounding name theme with an alien looking kinda guy on the front.
  24. The part where it leads into Left 4 Dead 2 made me a little sad. I mean while I'm part of the group that joined the L4D2 boycott, I'm still going to end up buying it anyway. I was just upset that it meant the many updates that TF2 got wouldn't really mirror L4D1's progress when I first heard of the game, but... This video just made me realize that Francis, Lous, Bill, and Zoey are going to be out of the limelight come this November. By the way you should all check out the rest of the series of The Idiot Box videos. I was going to recommend watching the rest of this one video I linked, but it'd be funnier if you were tuned into the rest of the inside jokes first, really.
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