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Everything posted by anosou

  1. and trying to read it waaay to fast
  2. Larry gots all the info! Also, did you get an answer if this legal? If it's an ad-supported radiostation, as Azul v2 stated, you may have to pay royalties. I dunno much about American law but I would hate for this to get you into trouble.
  3. Actually I didn't see Maccer's post But still , it's a good way to revive it ;P
  4. way to revive old threads
  5. Man this is addictive even in early alpha stage! Must.. kill.. Goblins..
  6. I was ofc wrong, the price for upgrade is 99 Eur / 120$ as the previous versions. Not 100% but I'm rather sure
  7. I'm getting nervous
  8. Awesome. Thanks for the info
  9. Exactly what I meant, except I'm not as good at english as Dave ;P
  10. The argument for paying is mostly remixers who can use OCR blogs as a portal to their music. Wips, remixes, originals and CD Releases can all earn from being mentioned in an OCR Remixer blog. Personally I think OCR should implement blogs. paid or not. And I also think it's more suitable that remixers (perferably posted) will have access to blogs on OCR because they are, as I said, the ones that would gain something on using a blog on OCR instead of say.. wordpress. ALSO, if you don't want to blog. don't pay and you don't have to It's not like paid ocr blogs will bring the community down and ruin it for everyone O.o (NOT that you said so, but you know) Just my thoughts
  11. Just check the wip thread more often! I think it's updated since you last wrote O.o
  12. Because all thoughts are worthless and nobody cares about others than themselves- (okay, honestly, we have a lotta blogs. But I'm interested and I know others are too!)
  13. Whoa! That's pretty damn nice! You could totally do an image I want! Do you take cash?
  14. Wow! I didn't even know people at nintendo listened to fanmusic O.o Kinda cool, eh? I hope eventually the whole business will have some respect for OCR. Maybe feature songs on events, the composers remixing themselves and that kinda stuff. Weee!
  15. I would really like to write a blog, being a remixer and all. But maybe even more I'd like to read other remixers blogs. It's a great way to get people interested in wips or just getting closer to the community. do it.
  16. Thanks for all the constructive criticism guys. I'll try to follow most of your advice and post a new revised version tonight (sweden time) or tomorrow. and everyone just dropping in, keep commenting. I want this to be perfect Thanks for your time!
  17. Okay, I actually updated an adressed some problems. A second pad is introduced and gives a new level to the remix. A fatter drumfill is introduced. One drumfill is completely removed and I used a reversed cymbal, I thought it was too much with two monster fills in a row. I fiddled with mastering. I'm not sure about this, may need some more bass. I did a couple of tweaks here and there. Still no perfect ending same link: http://soundscape.escariot.net/private_files/Breath_of_Fire_IV_Endings_Beginnings_and_One_Hell_of_a_Trip.mp3 Thanks for all comments!
  18. I think this was talked about at beta stage. Upgrade would be like 50$ or something that way.. I may be wrong though. I hope not
  19. Wow. Now I feel I wanna work on it even more A subtle pad for 0.26 might work, I'll try it out 2:01 is a typical trance fill, maybe not good for this genre.. I'll try to make something a little more kick-ass there. Thank you for your comments about the solos, I actually played them also: What's up with THAT!? Don't overdo it It's not that good. but thanks Glad you really do take this wip reviewing to heart OA, you're a true hero to me for doing this and I'm sure everyone agrees
  20. No I don't sadly.. Didn't even know the composers of the OST, the one I have is labeled 'Blizzard' as artist Cool that you knew Chickenwarlord The Terran themes are def the best though
  21. I think he means who did the song as in "who remixed it". Otherwise he wouldn't post on the wip boards I take it.
  22. Updated and pretty much done.. Too bad I suck at mastering: http://soundscape.escariot.net/private_files/Breath_of_Fire_IV_Endings_Beginnings_and_One_Hell_of_a_Trip.mp3 (changed the link up there too)
  23. "August 28, 2007: Propellerhead Software are proud to announce that Reason 4 will be released on September 26 at 12.00, CET. Reason 4 will then be available from the Prop Shop as well as from music stores worldwide. For your convenience, we have added a countdown meter to the Reason 4 banner above." ..I'm speechless
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