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Everything posted by anosou

  1. Drinks!? WHERE!? EDIT: I should thank YOU for making music. I got a little caught up in drinks though.
  2. Good point. Although I doubt a beginning listener would be as interested as the inner workings and happneings in the community as for example the oldies but goodies are.
  3. Great It seems we had to lay that FF7 collab on ice. Fishy didn't feel it enough to hurry it to finish before the deadline. I don't blame him So I might have some time working on Storm even though school's starting
  4. It does make me a bit more horny now. But still I need more pure guylove.
  5. I give up It just didn't please me the way a man usually pleases me
  6. JUST START RECORDING ALREADY LARRY! and be sure to talk about the community a lot. good. later EDIT: okay okay, about the length. Keep the filesize okay and any length is good. A n00b would listen for 10-30 mins tops. But you ain't doing this for n00bs are you?
  7. Damn. You got me buying stuff again. One SGX album comin' up. I also bought 3 Electrofolk albums. What can I say, I'm a daredevil.
  8. I LOVE SINGING! Seriously. Especially epic singing about swords and stuff. I would personally want a bit more beef in the backingtrack, but that would make it a bit too much rock'n'roll, now it's just wonderfully schizophrenic. In a good way. The distorted bass that is a bit to the left annoys me. It's just not that pretty. You could make something way cooler. The whistle part is superb The guitar solo is good Personally I would like some omre fleshing out of the instruments, everything feels a bit thin but it may be my crappy listening. The voice weighs it up but not all the way. Great song, I look forward to downloading it from Aplus mirror EDIT: check 6.08 out. Seems like a sour note?
  9. Soryr Larry, all caught up in a late wip for FF7, it's on top of my list. And I'm starting school. And I just bought 10 ps2 games. I twill be done, you have to keep faith.
  10. this was a great refill guys haven't tried everything yet but the things I tried. Wonderful Keep up the good work I.O.U.
  11. Sounds underbart Well, I need to do some original freaking muzak first But when I have something to send you I will thanks for the reply dude, later
  12. I wanna release muzaks too! I'm even swedish! What to do? send you stuff?
  13. thanks for the tips guys, now I have something to do
  14. Best. Thing. That. Ever. Happened. Also.. Point me to some equally interesting speedruns? preferably assisted by glitches. and preferably 3D, I find the glitches more interesting! Every link appreciated old SNES platformers is also cool mind you
  15. lol, and suddenly 20sum remixes was judged *whistles*
  16. OMG, now I just gotta get home and on to my own computer
  17. YAY! 10CHARLIMIT! (we really need to do something about 10 char limit..)
  18. No. But I figure it'll be a while.
  19. AAAGH GUILT! Well I'm still working a lot but I may have some time over soon. help me via the LSDJ rom? well.. not really I could load it over to my cartridges and sample whatever you made on the LSDJ rom (legally I hope) but it would be loads of trouble ;P Instead I'm-a-doing it myself. soon.
  20. Word. It would require a complete rework of the remix, complete change of sounds and in many cases heavy money investment in samples and software. that's a no from me.
  21. I think we should just keep on submitting sources, no matter how many or if any tries it out. It's great fun for those who does. And I promise I will not submit another source
  22. Larry! If this isn't a reason, what is!?
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