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Everything posted by anosou

  1. Yeah, Larry's channeling my thoughts here. Liked the MELODICA lead a lot, the rest left a lot to be desired though. Drums sounded flimsy and very unrealistic, the guitar was out of tune and the bass was too loud. The arrangement repeated itself too much and you could vary what you have up much more. Sorry man can't go any other way on this one. NO
  2. I've listened to this for the past few days trying to settle for what I'm gonna vote but I always get lost in the track. This would basically be a perfect fit for a remake of Chrono Trigger. However I'm gonna have to side with Larry here. The overall structure, instrumentation and mood of the piece was too similar to the original. Like he also pointed out it basically loops too, taking away some of the initial thrill of supposed interpretation. Don't get me wrong, I hear your additions but I thought they weren't enough to differentiate this remix enough from the source. You've got a GREAT starting point for shaping this into a more interpretive and personal arrangement though and if you do, I'll be here slapping the good 'ol YES on it. NO(resubmit)
  3. Let's get one thing clear, this mix isn't an easy pass or an easy rejection. The arrangement is fairly conservative BUT the adaptation to trance is well handled and there's proper variation and an overall dynamic arrangement. The production is washy, piano's a bit clanky and the lead instrumentation is too far back BUT the overall package packs some nice sounds and good energy. Basically it comes down to if the good parts outweigh the bad here. I must say I think this would be in MUCH better shape after just another stab at the mastering. Sure, if you varied up the leads a bit more and made the piano sound better that's cool but just the mastering would be enough for me. I just can't sign off to this yet. It's very VERY close but it needs that final nudge to get over the bar. Sorry man, good luck with the rest of the vote! NO(resubmit)
  4. Hats off for that breakdown, much appreciated! Even if it's not as detailed as my own would be, it certainly speeds up the process. I really like the way the themes worked together here, no medley-itis at all! The arrangement was also personalized enough and never felt boring. I thought some of the instruments used were a bit weak, the twinklier synths for example, but that's more personal preference than anything. The production overall was tight but I would've liked a bit more meat in the lower frequencies. The piano during the ending was a bit weak, the panning and lack of humanization brought it down a bit. Nothing big though! Overall this is a really solid track that'll surely please many Phoenix Wright fans in ways they didn't think were possible, nice work guys! YES
  5. I have to agree with Vinnie here. The track, while a pretty arrangement, seemed to go on auto pilot through it all. Work more with dynamics and variation in the way it's played. The samples were also not the best. If they were used in another track (say electronica or rock) I might've accepted it but here the samples are carrying the whole track. Solo orchestral needs to use samples, articulation and dynamics to be a convincing piece of music much like how rock mostly won't get by on sequenced guitar. Definitely not bad for a first submission but you have to kick it up another notch. Work with the samples, make the arrangement a bit more dynamic and you should be in better shape. NO
  6. Actually, I'm gonna go ahead and vote on 10 remixes today to celebrate
  7. Awesome logo HAPPY 10 OCR, HERE'S TO A 100 MORE!
  8. [yes] Very nice, groovy arrangement. Making those short sources work, great job with that! Production is cool but could've been a bit more punchier, nothing holding it back though. I dunno, I think this is quite an easy pass so I won't go into anymore detail! Great stuff man, looking forward to hear more from you! [/yes]
  9. So, revisiting this I hear some improvement. Production's generally improved, the highs are a bit less piercing and it's chugging along without any issues in the soundscape. Very solid. The arrangement is still quite repetitive but the overall package feels more cohesive now with the small improvements. When it all comes down to it I think the clean production, stellar groove and shorter length makes up for the shortcomings in the arrangement. I'm gonna side with Larry here, nice work and I'm looking forward to hear more from you! YES(borderline)
  10. I agree with the previous voters here. You're relying a lot on repetition, try giving the arrangement some more shape. The gated rhythms made the source a bit hard to follow and it felt like it could have been used in many different ways. Production sounded a bit thin and lo-fi but was overall okay. Overall this mix has some way to go, you need to expand your ideas, vary stuff up and create a proper arrangement. Good luck! NO
  11. All Armored Core-soundtracks, specifically Armored Core: Nexus and Armored Core: for Answer. DO EEEET
  12. MY NAME IS JIMMY AND I KNOW ALEXANDER BRANDON. ..right? guys? right? *BGC EDIT* Kill u and ur mom
  13. It's funny, there's some truth to this post. However if you're a decent player it should read: FUCK NANCY-MI647
  14. The thoughts he quoted are essentially my thoughts. I don't know, it's hard to come up with a more spot on version of my thoughts than Palpable's vote. The arrangement IS repetitive, and those drums certainly COULD have been changed up sometime. I wished there had been SOME original section or soloing to balance out the constant source usage. The sustained bass WAS loud and the backing writing was sometimes difficult to hear. Sorry man, you've obviously got the skills to pay the bills so I suggest maybe you could work a bit on a resubmission to iron out the problem areas. I certainly think you've got it in you, keep it up! NO(resubmit)
  15. The main issue here is that the source gets completely lost in your otherwise quite cool minimalist track. I mean I like Steve Reich as much as the next guy (no, actually way more) but this style coupled with this source tune hardly qualifies as an arrangement by our standards. Also the way you handled the harmonies and evolution of the motif could've been a bit more sophisticated and cohesive. Beyond that some of the samples used were a bit underwhelming, the sitar, flute and.. was it a celeste? I can't tell. But yeah, while I very much love the effort to make a minimalist arrangement (I've planned on doing that for years) you just have to take everything one step further to make it work as an arrangement. Above all, this source tune is just not cut out to be arranged I do hope you submit more in the future though since you're one of few enlightened ones who think minimalism is just awesome. Keep it up! NO
  16. I have to agree with my fellow judges here. While the arrangement overall is very pretty and emotive, the sample usage (especially during the first half of the song) brings it down. Like Vig my main hang-up was the attack and that the strings felt distant and a bit washed out. The arrangement probably could've done more as it feels like it's dragging slightly at the moment but I guess that's more personal taste (screw epic) than anything else. You did use the source properly and the arrangement certainly has some moments but overall I didn't think the arrangement outweighed the production.. Sorry Brad. NO(resubmit)
  17. I hope they do the same for Microsoft, if you find any related links please link them here
  18. Yes, I cried when I was demoted in Tekken 5 once.
  19. Definitely a nice selection of warm, lo-fi sounds here. I'm a big fan of this sound (check out Moodoorama for even more lo-fi goodness) and ziwtra pulls it off admirably. The string sample puts me off a bit but it's minor when you look at the big picture. Arrangement is liberal but the breakdown checks out and I thought it all felt cohesive, something very important for a liberal arrangement. Overall a groovy track with a lot to love. Nice work! YES
  20. As always there's a nice blend of sounds here, halc's trademark sound. Sometimes I feel the mixing could be a bit better since some elements I find important (melodies mainly) get lost in the back. Arrangement was good with some nice backing stuff, not quite as polished as your other subs but a pass nonetheless. Overall it's a neat little package of awesome and I hope you continue making music and evolve your already appealing craft. YES
  21. So yeah, BitWord's WaveFront refill is one of the best synth refills on the market. So many waveforms, presets and drum samples you don't even know what to do with them. I've been using this refill for a year+ and it's become a staple of all my music. And now it's 50% off! Go here: http://www.bitword.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1&products_id=1 And at checkout type the code FIFTY, valid until the end of november so act fast.
  22. Double check so it hasn't been released under another name or if you're spelling it wrong. Then go here: http://raptr.com/games/request/
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