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Everything posted by anosou

  1. Search for them, push the "Add to my games" button. Pretty much.
  2. What Bahamut said. For example I played some Holy Invasion of Privacy, Badman! today and it's awesomesauce. MOAR PPL ON RAPTR PLZ.
  3. No it's because they will release more Dragon Age games where you import the character and events from "Origins". I bet make-believe money!
  4. THREAD NECROMANCER IS HERE. Fittest (the game) just dropped from 400MS to 240MS. People who were on the edge about picking it up should go for it now. http://xboxindies.com/game/fittest
  5. I'm gonna have to side with the nay-sayers. The track is simplistic and slightly repetitive. The drums certainly doesn't help remedy this. While the new mood is really cool it feels like it's on auto-pilot. The whole-note chords, the lack of some of the original's finer examples of music, the strings and the pan-flute all contributed to a rather dull feeling. The overall production is okay in my opinion but the sounds themselves are bland. If you couple this with the sparse arrangement I just don't feel comfortable giving this one the pass. It is my firm belief that most of these things are quite easily fixable and that you'll be able to pass the resub so I wish you the best of luck with that. I hope to see it on the panel soon! NO(resubmit)
  6. Guess I'll be the lucky man who gets to close this baby then! This theme is actually my little sister's favorite VGM theme of all time and damn man, way to bring it up a notch. The beat's huge. The synths are huge. The swells are huge. Hyrule Castle is huge. Your e-penis after this has been posted will be huge. Production is crisp and clean, arrangement expands the original by just enough and it's a very dynamic piece. Minor repetition be damned, the track's just crammed full of awesomeness. I congratulate you in effectively melting faces and hope you melt many more faces in the near future! YES GET!
  7. Yeah, I don't really see were OA and Palpable are coming from here. It's definitely all sequenced (the chords NEVER change velocity) and you can tell. The arrangement was quite good but it sounds very mechanical and the way you separated the pianos sound very odd. Definitely would've appreciated some additional movement in the "left hand" too. The piano sample is pretty good but where are the lower frequencies? While the arrangement is good on paper the execution falls short. If you get someone to play this (or work on humanizing it) it'll be one of the coolest arrangements on OCR but right now I can't comfortably pass this. NO(borderline)
  8. I've been over this a lot now and I think I can finally put down my vote in words. This song suffers from a lot of issues you get from creating a track of such epic proportions. The arrangement (while mostly well written) is disjointed and doesn't sound cohesive. The parts sometimes just feels strangely glued together. The production is at times crowded and the blend of voices+real instruments+synths+samples is probably to blame. It's very hard to make out single elements in the mix for example. The growling, production of the female lead vocals and the drums were definitely weak points production-wise. The drums especially seems out of place and sound a bit flimsy. Some of the (many) highlights were the choir and guitar licks, well produced and musically pleasing. While I certainly appreciate the try at an arrangement of this proportion you really have to make sure everything works together properly, it's easy to go overboard. This mix does a lot right. When it all comes down to it though, this track falls short in a few areas and ultimately ends up sounding too disjointed and messy. Sorry guys, I'm gonna have to vote NO(borderline)
  9. Very true, I've grown quite fond of her as a person too. She's very well written.
  10. Fuck it, I'm ressurecting this thread. Raptr is still going strong, it's especially tasty for gamers who mainly play 360 and PC but open to all the rest. I've recently added my entire game collection (almost) too! http://raptr.com/AnotherSoundscape So, make an account. Add some games. Start registering gameplay stats and befriend all the OCR dudes so we can do silly stuff like comparing achievements and game collections. 1.. 2... 3..... GO!
  11. The funny thing is that I totally picked that line.
  12. I, like Palpable, am a HUGE fan of minimal house and techno. This track did bring some of that deliciousness to the table but it's lacking in a few areas and that's holding it back. With a track this long (even minimal house tracks) need more variation. You could do a LOT to change up that main melody but keep it within the context of a minimal house track. Layer some instruments from time to time, gate these, process with sudden bursts of reverb, change up the melody slightly, add a few small notes in the "gaps" between the melody to make it more rhythmic. You don't have to do all this but it feels like a lot of potential is lost at the moment. Overall some more subtle variation would help a lot, especially in the melody, bass and harmony. I thought the vocal clips were pretty cool but perhaps used a bit too much after all. Production was overall good but I thought some of the sounds felt a bit thin and generic, like the track was lacking certain frequencies. I suggest comparing your mix to other minimal house tracks just to get a direct comparison to something else. I personally really like Boeoes Kaelstigen, although it's more minimal trance be sure to check them out! Overall this shows a lot of promise. The groove is great and you're well on your way to have a really great minimal house remix here. However to groove with OCR I'd like to see some more fleshing out. Work on expanding the arrangement, maybe shortening the track down a bit and balancing the sounds a bit further. Good luck and keep it up! NO(resubmit)
  13. My vote is essentially Vig's vote. An overall good production and arrangement despite the few balance issues. Can't see any good reason for this to be rejected, the mixing isn't enough to keep this back. Nice work with the resub man and keep it up! YES
  14. Major bummer.. As soon as we get a remix of the AWESOME Tekken soudntracks there's something big holding it back. Palpable said it all really, sampling is a no-go here, especially when it's used as much as it is here. The additions were pretty cool but there wasn't enough to make the arrangement your own. You definitely have potential, you just have to step outside the source make a proper arrangement instead of a remix like this. Keep it up! NO
  15. I'll just reiterate what I thought were the biggest issues here. The strings sound fake when exposed like that, the lead guitar is slightly out of tune, the arrangement could use some more variation and the mixing is a little muddy. You show great potential though, with a bit more polish this could definitely pass. Work on varying up the arrangement a bit (vary the lead perhaps?) and make it sound it's best. Good luck! NO(resubmit)
  16. This remix makes this happen: ( ~v~) He's having an orgasm, see? (____)B==D~~ YES
  17. The sad part about Cone of Cold is that you really have to control it because in almost all instances the enemy has better resistance and unfreezes faster. I've had many bad battles because of friendly freezing.
  18. What sustainables do you use (Morrigan's support included)?
  19. This annoyed me to no end so I booted him and got Oghren. For some reason he doesn't die as much. Zevran on the other hand... damn close quarters rogue..
  20. Finished the game yesterday btw. Already started a new character I'm gonna be a real asshole Elven Mage, slept with Morrigan just when I got out of Lothering.. such a pimp. I didn't get the stupid bisexual elf last time, I realize now that I killed him in my last save but now I'm making him (and blood magic) my top priority this playthrough. Being evil is fun :3
  21. That's why there's two difficulties above Normal and specializations. While it still may not be as deep as previously mentioned half-orc system there's a LOT of variation and tactics avaliable to you. also, WELOME TO THE DARK SIDE
  22. I still haven't dared to listen to this. All the hosts are complete assholes too.. what gives? Also, Scott Stapp is god.
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