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Everything posted by anosou

  1. Quoted for truth. An interesting thing to discuss where the individual person draws his/her own line. Since we are mostly gamers do we pirate more games OR buy more games but download all seasons of say.. family guy? Is music MORE okay than games? Just interesting to see where you guys stand. I enjoyed Dave's post here (no time to quote it) becuase it brings up another question that is very relevant: Does piracy HELP the copyright holder? We have the tv-series that might sell really well as DVD-boxes because many has watched the TV-ripped .avis. We have artists who get recognition and fully booked concert because people heard about them on the internet. And so on. I can say, hand on my heart, that I buy more stuff (music, dvds, games and so on) than pretty much everyone I know around my age. My guess is that the rise of internet piracy and the many MANY products that brings to the user also makes said user interested in more products he would've otherwise never even heard of, possibly leading to him buying them. Now I don't say piracy is right (it's illegal for a reason) but there are other sides. Another positive aspect is that it keeps stuff from being rare. For example older LP's of certain unknown bands that since long abandoned their career can be put out on say former music tracker OiNK's pink palace and suddenly a whole heap of people has access to a potential masterpiece that is IMPOSSIBLE to come by otherwise. It is also equally disturbing to some to see companies still profiting from albums and such of dead artists that can't POSSIBLY need the money (they're dead..) but because of copyright laws they can't release it for free. There are a LOT of different aspects on this. Here in Sweden it's a hot potato ofc with the Pirate Bay trial and the newly formed Piratpartiet (a political party with the main intent to keep personal privacy and promote alternatives to todays aged media distribution and copyrighting). Piratpartiet has gained a LOT of members and are running in the EU election in a few months so we'll see how that turns out.. Anyway, interesting subject, stop bashing eachother and discuss. EDIT: Pirating software is NEVER stealing. It has never been judged as such and probably never will. It's copyright infringement and nothing else.
  2. Drums were definitely a weak link. The lead guitar could be a tiny bit louder and with some nice reverb on it. The backing guitar lacked body but that's not major. Piano was a bit on the unrealistic, clanky and dry side too. Strings, I can live with. Arrangement was cool for such a short track but could've been a bit longer with an original breakdown or such. Good for what it is though! Definitely work more on this. NO(resubmit)
  3. I think this is more cohesive as a whole than Hot Pink of Blues. The small transitions and occasional noodling pretty much always sticks close to the source progression and hints to the many smaller elements in the source in clever ways. With Larry's breakdown he's not counting small "gaps" between the bass licks (for example not counting between 4:11.5 - 4:12.5) but I don't think that's a good idea. The bassline in the source has the same "gaps" so he's actually being even CLOSER to the source by having them. It feels very anal and most of all inaccurate to not count these. A pause is a musical element, a phrase wouldn't be the same if you didn't have said pause. Also, in general I'm agreeing with Vinnie here The performance is (obviously) nothing short of excellent. I get serious Jaco-vibes on many parts and the slapping is well done too. The clav-solo was a different take on clav playing that I really enjoyed. The guitar harmonies were VERY well done. The overall dynamics of the piece was a bit flat (i.e. no real drop-offs and such) but that's a minor personal complaint. Production is good but I had a few things to say about it for future submissions. The guitar leads are a little too far back in the soundscape and the drums could've been a bit more audible in the higher frequencies too. It sometimes gets a bit crowded (around 3:40) but that's minor. Overall the production is much better than Hot Pink of Blues with much smaller clipping issues (3:17~18 and 3:50~51 for example) that were barely audible. If anyone goes conditional this is a good fix but I don't think it keeps the remix off the front-page. In my opinion the connections to the source here were much more focused compared to Hot Pink of Blues. While there definitely could've been more source crammed in there I think it's above the bar. Coupled with a stellar performance and well above the bar production I have no problem going yes on this. Nice work Tony, keep it up! YES
  4. I just raced past the other WIP-stage remixes, you'll see! UP YOURS SLOW PEOPLE!
  5. No. I now roam the internet as a spirit, constantly trying to sabotage other people's success by not judging.
  7. My bad, should've clarified. PS2 port of Grandia II!
  8. Made me cry that the PS2 version of Grandia II brought so much slowdown that it wasn't far more fun anymore. At least the GC version of Skies of Arcadia was a good port ;P Also, get all shmups. ALL OF THEM! Power Stone and Power Stone 2 are avaliable together on PSP if you enjoy the portable format more. Jet Set Radio Future is pure sex. The Shenmue-series are obviously awesome games too btw. You've already got Soul Calibur so that's good.. ehh.. otherwise I say get all shmups. ALL OF THEM! FIVE COPIES OF EACH EVER MADE! (then donate the dreamcast and games to me please. thanks.)
  9. This one's definitely too close to Rayza's remix. All melodic motifs and rhythms are pretty much the same. Another issue is that you re-use these ideas multiple times in a short mix which is a bad thing because 1) they are not your ideas and 2) it gets repetitive. The beat was also quite repetitive and didn't feel very focused. The new style was quite nice but I felt the main lead was a bit hard on the ears and could've been pulled back a bit or at least play something other than legato I also agree with Vinnie about the mix sounding a bit distant. The overall production was pretty good though, I liked the sound you used for the chords! This is a good remix in the traditional sense of the word and it's a good arrangement of the source but it's not YOUR arrangement. When you personalize your ideas more and move away from re-using Rayza's parts, awesome as they may be. Good luck getting to that point, you've obviously got the tools for the job! NO
  10. BIG shout-out to OpenDNS, it fixed my router and finally made it possible to download a remix in less than 30 minutes On to the mix then! Very nice ambient soundscape but it's feeling a bit static even though the textures are pretty. Might be the lack of changes in the overall sound. While I understand you're going for ambient you need to develop your ideas more to keep it from taking down the arrangement as a whole. Arrangement has some decent ideas but overall you need more melodic interpretation, variation and developement. Nothing wrong with a minimal approach to ambient but you could easily keep the mood while adding arranged material like counter-melodies, changes in the harmonies and a more varied take on the melody. NO
  11. A tough one. Took the liberty to break it down for future voters. Breakdown: :00 - :55 - vague hints to 1-1's melody, not enough to count imo :56 - 1:24 - guitar-ish sound arranging 1-1's melody 1:35 - 1:45 - original or too liberal. 1:46 - 2:00 - arranged version of 1-1 2:01 - 2:13 - original or too liberal 2:14 - 2:26 - good connections to 1-1 2:27 - 2:55 - vague hints but not enough imo 2:55 - 3:31 - good connections to 1-1's second part 3:32 - 3:47 - original or too liberal 3:48 - 4:00 - 1-1's melody 4:01 - 4:16 - original or too liberal 4:17 - 4:29 - 2-1 finally enters! 4:30 - 4:43 - original or too liberal 4:44 - 5:32 - good source usage 5:33 - 5:47 - original or too liberal If we go by the 50% guideline that's 162 seconds of non-source (or vague connections) and 185 seconds of source. That's just above 53% for anyone that cares. Some of the vague transitions does keep the general feel and to some extent the chord-progression of 1-1. Making hints to the melodies (especially 2-1) less subtle would've helped to make this seem more like a Super Mario Land arrangement. Additionally, some variation to the drum patterns (especially the later loop) would be very welcome. I thought the production had issues. The melodic connections (the guitar-ish lead, some of the brighter synths and the chip leads) all sound a bit buried compared to the quite loud drums and bass. Especially the guitar-ish lead. The mixing was a bit unbalanced in general (quiet backing pads, leads, loud drums+bass) and the track lost a lot of focus because of it. When the arrangement borderlines on too liberal you really shouldn't mix the hints to the source lower since it hurts the overall arrangement. The soundscape sounds quite sparse too, the bass is the only thing with any low frequencies and the rest just seems very treble-heavy. Some attention to equalizing each sound to ahve it's own space would've helped a lot. The distortion on the acoustic guitar near the end hruts the track in my opinion but I won't hold it against you since it is a pretty cool creative effect. Overall I would like this to be touched up before I can comfortably pass it. Since both the arrangement and production is hanging loose I'm going to go with a resubmit and hope that you take some more time to really perfect this. I can see this being passed as is but I wouldn't feel comfortable doing that. EDIT: I've settled for a conditional vote based on brining the melodic material (guitar-ish lead especially) a bit more to the front to keep the melodic connections more audible. YES(conditional on touch-up)
  12. Racist Congrats you wielder of the 1337-5P34K handle. And many more!
  13. Now that I've finally purchased my FightPad I should start playing seriously again. Just picked up Rose. However I really need to get used to the fightpad so now I suck back at square one
  14. I'll buy this. Even if it sucks. It's hot. It's Dewy's Adventure-concept art-hot.
  15. I like you even though you don't agree with me on SFIV. Best friends forever?

  16. That was so not my point I think I made a killer argument this time around! You suck man!
  17. I agree (except that the flashy graphics, ultras and unlockables aren't really aimed for casual players imo). Everyone can appreciate that. This is not the argument I'm not buying though. Here's where we disagree. First, harder than what? SF2, Tekken, Guilty Gear, Virtua Fighter or King of Fighters? It's the comparing that I dislike. For example, this game is easy in my opinion compared to Virtua Fighter 5 for example where you have to memorize pretty much every characters every chain to be good and then learn to time every counter attack and combo. That doesn't make Virtua Fighter a game I complain at because "it would be preferable for more people to be at the same level of play". Virtua Fighter is one of the deepest fighters avaliable and you SHOULD be rewarded the more you practice, link combos and move memorizing both good examples. Our philosophies about fighters clearly go apart in other words. I also still think most people ARE on the same level (mid-range) and I ENJOY the bump you need to get past to get to tournament-level.. It should be something you need to put time and effort in to be able to do. I also think SFIV is PLENTY enough fun without getting to that level of play. Also some of the "execution barriers" he brought up (two button throw, wake up-game) aren't execution barriers in my opinion. Two button throw actually solved the (according to Sirlin: non-existant) problem of throwing by mistake for me. I very much prefer it. What pisses me off is that no one respects this as my opinion but instead tries to "prove me wrong". Even with everything you said above it IS your and Sirlin's personal subjective opinion about the game. Probably based on previous experiences. That has been my main point all along :/ I haven't tried to say Sirlin's opinion isn't "right", just that I have another one and it's just as valid.
  18. RE: kara-throws, that was me missunderstanding "players" for "characters". They do not unbalance the game, just give another thing to practice at, much like links. Sorry about that.. And yes, I understand he and many others are pissed that these points speak against how it's marketed towards a "casual" audience. I understand, but he makes it sound like the system therefore has "issues" and that it would still have issues if it was marketed as "hardcore". That's also how most people reading the post and agrees with him puts it! Pretty much that it's a bad thing then, objectively speaking. So basically reading from your last piece of text, what you're saying is that it boils down to what you (and most people) personally and subjectively like about a fighting game or game in general? That acessible = better because it's about having the most fun as possible and that is in high-level play? I still think YOU are missing my point, it's a subjective opinion that these "issues" making the game harder (Sirlin DID say they make it harder.) is a "bad" (or at least non-favourable.. or else he wouldn't have called them issues) thing or in any way hurts the game. My opinion is just as valid (something no one has agree'd on).. That is my point and you've yet to prove me wrong :/
  19. So damn true it hurts sometime. How can preferring "simpler" operation be objective criticism? I prefer more dexterity based controls, two button inputs and FADC because it makes me practice in single player but that isn't an objective criticism towards games like Evil Zone that has ONE button for attacks? Let's do some copy+pasting: "The size of the stages is extremely large relative to the size of the characters. This helps runaway tactics." - how's this objective? Runaway tactics aren't "bad" per say? just another way to play "99% of the time, I want to get up fast" - HE wants to get up fast. Also, even if the majority wants to, that's not a bad thing but a subjective opinion about a game mechanic. He also says it lessens the importance of knockdowns "lessens" as in compared to other games. This is just tactics-altering, not game-breaking. "Next is the 2-button throw, a bad idea in fighting games with 2D gameplay." "simpler is still better" "adds coplexity" - Again, I don't see how complexity is a BAD thing. It's just a matter of taste! His point about kara-throws is still valid though.. However I can't really say anything about this because I'm unsure how it affects balance of the characters who CAN kara-throw.. haven't researched this.. If it doesn't make the characters REALLY unbalanced I don't have anything against it. re: the dexterity required to link low-shorts I think that's positive since it then takes serious practice and dexterity skill to perform these links into specials. I've yet to see this mechanic make the gameplay "bad" or "unbalanced" in any way. Instead it's one of the best moves and thus alters tactics to rely more on low-shorts. The fact that these are in challenge mode shows that the developers probably think like me and well.. can't say anything more than that I agree with them. The same is through with focus-cancelling. "One friend of mine already does this combo in real matches after only 2 days of playing, as well as other scarily damaging combos off low short that involve hard links." "It's a question of how far to turn the knob towards 1p activities and away from strategy." - Okay. This just proves that the game is now more aimed towards 1player practice to nail the 1-frame combos. It IS a question of 1p activities vs. strategy but again, I don't think that's a necessarily bad thing, instead it's a personal preference. Also, when playing on a similar level (i.e. everyone knows these combos) it WILL still be as strategic because EVERYONE has these moves and know they can use it, basing their movement around it. I wholeheartedly agree about button-configs, online char select, unlocking half of the characters and that most magazines said it was "simple and elegant" but I don't agree that any of the points above bring the game down. Just change it from what people might be used too.
  20. Wasn't really my point though.. :3 but yeah I know he's good and apparently he doesn't like a number of things. I don't agree Somehow this makes my opinion invalid. And even though he's the master of whatever he's still an ass towards anyone who doesn't agree I STILL feel some of his criticism isn't criticism but personal taste in fighting games.
  21. Ah well, then I just don't agree with him. I don't think it will affect high-level play in a bad way, just make the players take a different approach when practicing against each other or by themselves. 1-frame links, two button throws, dodgy jumps. It's a different approach and feel but I don't think it's bad in any way, just for those who are USED to earlier Street Fighters (or in Sirlin's case, Guilty Gear).
  22. I beg to differ, obviously New game, new system. However I really need to research SSF2T to find some "horrible horrible flaws" I can then smugly point out while comparing it to another game I like better. ..no, the war is not over yet >: ) EDIT: btw, I get home tonight so I might be up for a few just-for-fun palyer matches! Hook me up on xbl Andy
  23. No problem man. My main point is still that I think this is too loud and overcompressed and I'm surprised no one mentioned it.
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