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Everything posted by anosou

  1. Oooh burn. Though I have guidelines and standards to follow as a judge, there are no guidelines and standards for this since he hasn't specified what he's doing. All he did was ask for some help and some of you bash him like he's an idiot. Did you start with the best equipment? Is your mixing top notch? You don't even know his musical ability, yet you judge him, basically assuming he has no experience (he said he had little experience in producing, we know nothing about his musical background and his software is decent.) Seriously, to bash someone making a simple request for help so HE CAN IMPROVE for something HE REALIZES he might not be the best at is respectless, especially from people themselves in the same line of work who I bet would've killed for an opportunity like this when they had the same ammount of experience. It makes me sad.
  2. It seems to me you're blowing things out of proportion. No one, especially not this guy, NEEDS Stylus RMX, Atmosphere and EWQL plug-ins to make music. He hasn't even mentioned what style, what kind of game and what "level" the game is on. You're basically only giving what's needed for a typical western modern close-to-AAA production, putting out any enthusiasm and hope this guy has because I'm pretty sure that's not the type of game he's doing. I also like how you say "Garage band ain't gonna cut it" even though he mentioned Logic Express 8, Sibelius and Reason which are respectable apps (Sibelius only for composing obviously) that could easily produce results that are acceptable for most smaller-scale games. Also, dynamic score? next-gen game? find "such a job"? Seriously? However, original poster, you should be a bit more specific when asking for help or it's really hard for anyone and everyone to give you any help. Posting examples we can give feedback on, details on the projects or even your background would help immensly.
  3. Actually the press they get gives M$ so much money it ain't worth it Anyway, congrats man and welcome to the 'omg xna wtf hax musix'-club
  4. I don't remember the voices actually because I generally ignore them. I'm guessing you wouldn't stand any of the characters (FUCKING HATER GO DIE, ANIMUH IS AWESOMEST!!) in this game either.. they're not deep. The story is great however and the sci-fi epic feel is always present with a pretty cool encyclopedia you can use to get info on like, anything. It's one of my favorite JRPG's anyway, I lurrrv the tri-ace.
  5. I just picked up two awesome stor displays for SFIV at the supermarket where I work. They're as tall as me, made of cardboard and has awesome on them. I will eBay them in ten years, keep an eye out
  6. MAN you're late to the party. I should hit you for not buying it until now but I'll settle for giving you tons of advice instead. Also, stop writing like atmuh, it brings back memories! All games you mentioned are hot games. Your "might" are the best of the bunch, that makes me sad. Here are the definite list of awesome experiences á la anso (i.e. mostly JRPG's) and some other stuff thrown in for great justice: Gitaroo Man - because if you like music but don't play this someone should kill you. Persona 3: FES / Persona 4 - the best RPG's of the PS2. If you don't like the high-school theme you should instead try: Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne - it has monster collecting, strange cults and a whole heap of awesome. Prince of Persia-trilogy - if you like a good action adventure these three games (re-issued together) are fantasticular. Rogue Galaxy - This game has so much content it's silly, I love it but the style is an acquired taste for some. Shadow Hearts-series - awesome. Hihgly stylized and unique JRPG's with an intelligent battle system, GREAT mood and soundtrack, good characters and a good story. If you only get one, get Covenant. Star Ocean: Til The End of Time - has the best plot-twist in video game history, the most frenetic battle system and a truly amazing ammount of side-tracking (item creation, hidden treasures, unlockable extras, battle trophies, tons of dialogue). A gem. Valkyrie Profile: Silmeria - see above but less sci-fi and more nordic mythology. If you ever feel like you want more unique stuff that might not involve characters, an experience or you know.. what you like (we're talking shmups, quirky japanese shit and all kinds of awesome) just say when and I'll drop the bomb.
  7. Arrangement is solid, great ideas all around. As you might've guessed after two votes though the production is the issue here. The instruments doesn't sound real and they're mixed a bit awkward, the piano being a bit too upfront. The piano sequencing, although I can hear your try, really suffers in my opinion because to me this is basically a piano arrangement and a piano arrangement without a realistic piano sound/playing is a no go. I suggest getting some more feedback or perhaps even talk to some performers or seasoned remixers to record/sequence your arrangement for you as a collaboration. Overall a great arrangement lacking in execution and production. I hope you find a way to make this shine because I'd love to have an improved version on the front page. NO(resubmit)
  8. Some good sound design but overall, like Vinnie said, it seems empty. I thought the bass lacked energy and presence, which is especially touchy when it comes to this genre. Arrangement had the right idea and feel but was repetitive. I suggest evolving your source usage more during the track with different instruments, different variations and developement. Making the backing less static would also help. Keep it up though, you obviously have talent! NO(resubmit)
  9. ilp0 is one of my all time favorite remixers and this remix proves why. Personal arrangements, great playing skills, flawless production and a pure joy to listen to. Fantastic stuff!
  10. Totally off-topic, VISIT IRC MORE OFTEN! WE MISS YOU ((((
  11. Awesome! Congratulations mr. big shot! Now, send me money :'(
  12. Congratumatilations! If I knew you better I'd have made a speech but since I don't you should just know I'm really, truly happy for you
  13. Hehehehehehehehehehe Emotive piece, very pretty. Still, it's a bit too close to the source and should develop more without repeating. I for one did not enjoy the effects on the piano because I thought it lost focus in a way that made it muddy. The ocean effects sounds a bit pasted on but it shows your concept which is good, perhaps use it as an intro/outro? This needs to be developed more in terms of interpretation of the source and relying less on the effects for the mood. Check out the WIP-forums and #ocrwip on irc.enterthegame.net, good luck! NO
  14. Good backing parts and variation keep the otherwise conservative arrangement interesting. Production is good but the backing guitars and bass come on a little strong, cool guitar sound. The out-of-place piano is not to my liking, meant as a cool effect but in my opinion dirupts the feel of the track. Had no problem with the brass and cowbell-part. I'm going to have to ask you to smooth out the awkward string attacks though since that can't really be passed off as a stylistic choice. The ending also cuts off abruptly, fix that. After thinking this through and looking at all the other votes I still think this is a tough call. The track IS rocking btu you just have one too many issues to fix up before this can be passed so I have to go NO(resubmit)
  15. A lot of sounds from the Reason Factory Soundbank, but those are good so I can't blame you. Groove is infectious but repetitive, arrangement ideas also clever but repetitive. The instruments sounds a bit tacked together, a tiny bit of the same reverb and some variation in the presets would glue parts together more. Just a little more polish and I can pass it, this is a solid base! NO(resubmit)
  16. Brian, this is awesome. What's absent harmonically is here in the timbres and rhythm. Ear candy.
  17. A fantastic example of how to make a unique remix and make it work, especially in a style reminiscent of drone. Good combination of different elements and an admirable sense of mood, solid stuff.
  18. 1. I think that, overall, most gamers are: around the same age and 2. most of the gamers I know are: c) between 19 and 24 years old
  19. I'm with 'Ili and Vinnie, stopping the stopwatch in the middle of a measure or phrase seems a bit excessive. I know I've taken this stance before (Tony's Sonic 3 remix comes to mind) and I still stand by it. I don't think it's "counting silence" since it's a complete musical phrase that is connected to the source, no one's going to think "hey where did the source go at 1:08?" because it's still connected enough imo. Also, since the progression during the solo is quite unique and such a defining part of the source I think that definitely makes the arrangement less liberal. Obviously I wouldn't mind some more overt source usage from Kunal next time but this particular arrangement is safe to pass in my opinion. Production is clean and crisp, arrangement is hot and everything is well put together. I especially dig the attention given to the ghost notes in the drum patterns. Guitar sounds excellent too, very smooth to combine soft sounds like that and the electric piano with the busy drums. Great performance too, very nice dynamic playing. I see no problem in busting out the yes vote. Good work Kunal! YES
  20. Damn, XLink Kai is also for Mac! I might join you guys in this, or at least use XLink Kai to play a lot of other games. I'm moved that there even is a thing like this. This makes OCR tournaments and whatever SO much simpler and awesome. I'm stunned.
  21. I feel neglected BUT thankful to be part of the surprise :3
  22. My retailer listed SSV Special but it appears that's the old North American press-release. Ignition's official site doesn't mention SSV Special at all. This is a definite buy even without it but I was certain there was SEVEN games :'( Ah well, I'm glad ignition is publishing these and seems to do a better job overall than other collections.. I'll get this in a few days.
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