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Everything posted by anosou

  1. That pretty much made my day! Thank god I stumbled across this thread ;P
  2. You made me sad now because you seem serious :'(
  3. You're probably thinking of THIS RIGHT HERE
  4. Armored Core: Formula Front, for serious. Other hits include Crush, Gradius Collection and Valkyrie Profile Lenneth. I'm also a sucker for R-Type Command but that's an acquired taste.
  5. True story but we can get along anyway, TAKE THAT WORLD!
  6. R-Type dimensions is awesome if you can handle the fact that it's basically just R-Type and R-Type II with fresh graphics. 1200 is a little hefty but if you know you will actually try for high-scores and not just complete it and put it down it's WELL worth it. Some annoying misses and dumb prioritizing bums me out though. For example you can't customize the control scheme, the music is still the same, some spelling errors and not full widescreen (the last one is understandable though since they didn't want to stretch or alter the gameplay). Overall, I approve! My personal list of XBLA games that I find awesome goes a little something like this: Omega Five - Amazing soundtrack, amazing graphics, amazing gameplay, amazing value. Amazing. Space Giraffe - Once you get it you realize it's the best game ever made, really. also 400MS points! Galaga Legions - Underrated and missunderstood. It's pure awesome. Rez HD - duh. Pac-Man: Championship Edition - best Pac-Man version ever. the Mutant Storm-games - if you're into dual-stick shooters these are gold Carcassone/Catan/Ticket to Ride - Strategic board games VERY well adapted to XBLA. Also, if anyone wants to co-op or vs. some XBLA titles I have most interesting ones and just recently (finally) got a headset! However my connection is at times crap and at times awesome so I can't guarantee a pleasant experience :3 Just add anosou and make sure I know you're from here (i.e. don't be a lurker) and it's on! Remember I live in Sweden so it's GMT+1 in my world, might not be online all the time Here's a list of XBLA games I own, if you wonder anything about any of these just write it here and I'll try to answer. It's updated only once in a while (and so is the rest of my game collection) so there might be new stuff I haven't added yet. (btw, thanks for the plug Maco, <3 u)
  7. rofl, sorry man I didn't think anyone downloaded it O.o and that you had unlimted bw.. This will however be released by other means soon so it will not be the official link for long. Also, thanks :3
  8. When I actually sit down by my desktop, this is it. Notice the awesome toys, the national symbol (for shits and giggles), the legal software (!), the very old russian stringed thingy I never use and the gaming controls I didn't realize made the picture ;P
  9. I throroughly enjoyed it (and still do since I'm still at disc 1) I say buy since it's so cheap!
  10. Sorry I had an issue with the server, it should be up again in less than an hour. Glad you found the thread EDIT: Back up.
  11. you're welcome. Also, your attitude is 100% awesome. Everyone who talks about what a game "could have been" can cram something in it. Talk about what the game is. Enjoyable is a good way to start.
  12. You, you're the hold-up. :'( Seriously though, it needs two more votes. No holdup. Just no votes.
  13. Who are these Pendulum guys everyone likes? I think I'll eventually have to check them out... On to the mix then. The beats were quite cool but a bit repetitive (Drum'n'Bass can be varied!). However they occupied too much of the soundscape and left the rest of the instruments (like the leads) sounding thin. Another reason for this might be the complete lack of reverb for the most part, it makes the track sound really dry. The arrangement, like Vinnie pointed out, doesn't have much to do with the source except for the chords. Try using some melodies, perhaps adding some things to them and twisting and turning the chords a bit to spice things up. The instrument choices were quite cool but the sounds in themselves weren't handled as well as they could and sounded thin. Also, cut-off ending You have some way to go but you also have some cool ideas. Get some feedback (I recommend #ocrwip at irc.enterthegame.net), learn more about your DAW of choice, find some quality samples and you'll be in much better shape. NO
  14. Seems like a bad idea to submit a "quick mastering" when you know you're going to fix it later. Shame on you all! Anyway, I must say I'm with Larry here. Hey, Cid! is a theme that's very easy to spot (and incorporate, you guys easily could've added more obvious ties to the theme in the solos!) and I'm not hearing enough. It was a good arrangement ideas and the transition to minor is well done but you're putting too much focus on your own original ideas. Also, I thought the solos (keyboard especially) was at times a bit out of key to the point wher it wasn't cool but annoying and could've been a bit tighter. The distorted organ was a nice touch but was a bit too distorted and sounded more like clipping and a marshall metal amp. The arrangement and production was good overall though. However I don't feel comfortable passing something that doesn't have enough source usage AND suffers from the other issues I mentioned, sorry. NO(resubmit)
  15. The issue with the strings are that the sample has a small "attack phase" that is supposed to make them sound more like strings but with such a rhythmic arrangement it has another effect. Now they sound a bit awkward against the shuffled beat with the sharp attack. Also, they're loud, dry and not that realistic I suggest changing to another instrument if you can find one or at least toning them down, shortening the attack in your sampler of chioce and perhaps adding some reverb. Though a cool synth lead or a hammond organ would also work, right? Other than this, improvements ahoy! The new mixing is really good compared to the last one. Very good to see such improvements. Didn't really dislike the ending either, it worked for me. The snare drum sound was a bit off at first but it grew on me. I'm with Larry here, fix (or replace) the strings and this is good to go! Good work! YES(conditional)
  16. I, unlike Oji, have a lot to say. First off the violin sounds quite unrealistic in my opinion. The attack and vibrato are awkward and notes often overlap which really hurts the realism. Also around 2:16, you realize there are two violins (I think) playing because you suddenly hear one or two notes panned right. If you have another violin there I suggest you make some more of it with counter melodies or call-and-response. If you just want to make the main violin stronger I suggest not letting it get exposed like that. However, the two violins were used to better effect at 03:11 It also sounds like this was multi-tracked by one person and a workstation because at times it sounds a bit sloppy (for example 00:17-00:20 and again at 00:26). The piano is generally handled well though, I like the use of triplets throughout the arrangement. The arrangement in itself is rather close to the basic structure of the source like Larry pointed out but did show some clever new parts and passages (also like Larry said). To be perfectly honest I don't thin this is over the bar. The violin sounds very fake and grating in that high register. The other strings that are barely audible at times could've been used much better and the arrangement could also have been knocked up another notch. I'm going to go with a resubmit here but I hope you do because it was in fact a beautiful piece. It just needs a bit more polish. NO(resubmit)
  17. In other news tri-Crescendo never "broke" from tri-Ace. They were a sound team created for tri-Ace to handle the sound effects and such exclusively but stayed their own company. Their first game as developers was Baten Kaitos together with Monolith. Also, I love tri-Crescendo so much it hurts sometimes. And yes. Eternal Sonata is awesome.. gotta play more. Re: Sakuraba - You can tell from the prog-rock battle themes everyone seems to love :/ His more ambient synth stuff from Baten Kaitos (see: House of Cards) are pure awesome and some of the town themes are simple but effective. I do not however enjoy his orchestrations or battle themes that much.. it's an acquired taste I guess. Infinite undiscovery started out good! I'm just a few hours in but I like it.
  18. Or my latest soundtrack release. Completely ignored. By you too Beatdrop *cough*
  19. I'm going to shamelessly bump this because I just got the cover art and finished the linear notes. The link is updated in the first post and if you've already got the soundtrack you can get the cover art individually by taking the image up there. I honestly thought this would generate a bigger buzz (free soundtrack damnit!) but I guess you need a huge-ass game for that Anyway, for those who DO download the game or soundtrack, thank you and I hope you enjoy it!
  20. SO3 was awesome. Because of it I hunted down SO2 PAL (expensive!) but haven't played it yet. Will by First Departure but probably pass on second generation because I can't really handle RPGs on the small format. SO4 makes me kinda hot though. Hopefully this will take tri-Ace out of the bad press from Infinite Undiscovery and back into the hearts of most people. Also, more weapon customization plz!
  21. Pure. Gold. And here's why: The arrangement is full of energy, varied source usage and clever passages. The performance is excellent, especially the trombone solo. The production is way above the bar. Anything else than a YES would be a kick in OCR's groin. YES (remove the click btw)
  22. I'm gonna hijack this thread to tell you your sig is made of awesome. More Armored Core to the people!
  23. You are officially not my friend. Also, yeah, it's Dynasty Warriors If you don't like Hack'n'Slash this probably ain't your cup of tea. That's why I put it under niche.
  24. Sure thing. It's just that he asked for some games for 360. Ah well Anyway, get these games: Armored Core: For Answer (or 4) - best mech simulator ever. Fast paced like hell and fun! Lost Odyssey - if you like RPGs. I loved this to pieces. Civilization Revolution - surprisingly good turn-based strategy on console. Prettier than Civ IV ;P Fable II - because it IS good. Bioshock - Google it. Some niche titles you should at least research: WarTech: Senko no Ronde - shmup/beat'em up hybrid. Cheap and awesome multiplayer. Project Sylpheed - space dogfighting. hard but rewarding. Enchanted Arms - RPG that most people dislikes. not me Earth Defence Force 2017 - BEST CRAP GAME EVER Dynasty Warriors Gundam (1, then 2) - seriously, awesome. Also, RE: Deathsmiles, I hate that it's not going to be released in US/EU. :'( Also, it's retail not XBLA. The addon Black Label is downloadable though.
  25. Except perhaps if you don't have a PC to play it on. Otherwise, Shariq knows truth.
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