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Everything posted by anosou

  1. Well then, I should get to work on that then, shouldn't I?
  2. Here's a new track (full-length) preview video. Now with 100% more Swede: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UUmCzGTpSb0
  3. For a while now I've been working on a project of my own. I've been remixing music from the Armored Core-series, a sadly underrated explosion of awesome robots and music. I've got quite a few tracks done so I decided to make a little video preview! Some of them even feature DragonAvenger as ROBOAVENGER on vocals. Very sexy! Anyway, here are the links: Vimeo: http://bit.ly/95bB4h YouTube: http://bit.ly/9fp60E I've not decided exactly how to release this yet but chances are it'll end up an OCR album. You just have to wait and see. In the meantime, get hype and let me know what you think!
  4. Stop posting in this thread, you're not even playing HoN anymore because you're playing SCII.
  5. Here's an almost up-to-date list: http://anosou.com/games/ Here are some pics: ] Crappy pics, I know. I've even re-arranged since! Also, ignore the DVDs in the Wii/GameCube pic. Missing in these pics are all my PS1/PC/Mac games.
  6. Characters, story and bar music is ace.
  7. Please note that StarCraft 2 will melt your graphics card. No, really: http://gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2010/07/28/blizzard-confirms-starcraft-ii-overheating-bug.aspx
  8. Do you have an example? I personally know plenty but I'm quite the obscure gamer! To verify it's actually from the game I would suggest a video first a foremost, seeing that the audio is indeed from the game, and maybe audio to accompany that just for clarity. I know this is much to ask but it'd at least make me more comfortable. Good point you brought up, we will no doubt discuss this further!
  9. oh social group cool
  10. Using "Come On Nexus" from Armored Core: Nexus, it has a particular ring tone quality to it! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZzI7swGFng0
  11. Got it two hours ago. Got my Collector's Edition signed by Chris Sigaty , the lead producer of the game. Pimped OCR a bit to him, nice guy. Also, I'm like THE ONLY person ripping the soundtrack before installing the game or looking at anything else :3
  12. 160kbps on the CD? That should NOT happen.
  13. I hate everyone who hates Tekken AND you'll all eat your words when you realize these will be really fucking good fighting games. You make me sad in my eye and a bit in my tummy
  14. Where the HELL is Jigglin' Jon Titties!?
  15. Sooooo... how about making this album extremely awesome? I just grabbed another track and will proceed with rocking it. I trust you all do the same! Looking forward to this.
  16. Didn't all this attitude use to be ON YouTube?
  17. 2:38 before the source comes in is really pushing it. And when it DOES come in it's identical to the source, no real variation or alteration. The woodwind counter-melody was pretty nice but not enough to keep it interesting and fresh. You keep the chordal structure but that's not a close enough tie to the source, especially considering how standard the source chords are. Production was pretty good and the transitions were nice. Sadly you missed the mark on the arrangement, at least as far as OCR is concerned. Not a bad track at all, I bet many would enjoy it, but too liberal for OCR. NO
  18. I still think the Pokémon soundtracks are bloody brilliant. Bias aside though, this certainly walks the not-so-well-formulated source line. Since it's roughly 50% AND I think how you handled the source was very nice I'm cooled with that. Nice solos too! Production was above the bar but like OA said the drums were a bit of a weak spot. In my ears the whole track was a little bit muddy but it wasn't a big deal. Overall a great personal take on the source and another solid Willrock piece. YES
  19. Good personalization of the source, especially like the jazzy chords thrown in there. Very slick. The production wasn't all that, the piano had no stereo width at ALL and it was a bit dry and fuzzy. With some better recording this would be one of the sexiest piano mixes on site. While the production leaves some to be the desired I think it just about weighs up for it in the arrangement, really spectacular one.Keep up the good work but check out how to stereo mic your piano to get some width and clarity YES(borderline)
  20. Making fun of (but mostly promoting) Apple is a long-running Futurama thing. They were hyping Apple WAY BACK WHEN. Honestly though, I thought the latest episode was really good. This season has been high quality so far, you can tell it's the same writers. Keep in mind this is from a guy who's watched every Futurama episode/movie at LEAST 5 times each (and twice with commentaries). Watch the episodes again, they grow on you
  21. Not to be a douche but there's still an NDA, you can't post stuff like this.
  22. Civ IV Complete Edition 75% off, Introversion Complete Pack 5€, Gridrunner Revolution+Space Giraffe. Best Steam sale ever (because I've only experienced one!).
  23. Like previous voters said the production is a tad uneven. The kick could have more presence, the bass could be a bit quieter but with more low-end and the samples are of varying quality. Overall it's a neat little package though, nothing that REALLY holds it back. Arrangement is moderately interpretive, enough variation to keep the listener on the edge too and the changes in instruments are very nice (accordion? sweet!). The percussion-only part is a bit long but nothing that ruins the track. Basically the production isn't all that but in my opinion it doesn't hold the track back from a pass. The arrangement is interesting, interpretive and the track overall is a good listen. YES
  24. Pretty fun take on the sources. Production was blazing hot, I think you could've pulled back the bass a bit and lowered the overall compression but it's not enough to bring the entire track down imo. Not a ton of variation when it comes to melodies early on but it picks up. The melodic lines sadly gets a bit drowned by the distorted drums and ridiculously heavy bass. I personally liked the transition to 6/8 but was not a big fan of the heavy low-pass filtering. Overall this is a bit rough around the edges but the arrangement is creative, the sounds are a good blend of simple chiptune textures and modern sounds and there's a lot to like. The production is not all it could've been but I think the whole package is good enough to pass. YES
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