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Everything posted by CH

  1. that is wicked awesome one of the best you have made
  2. [quote name=''[\()/];248667']Ah. Didn't notice that part about recording things before' date=' I just saw sound card and went looking.[/quote'] 10 characters
  3. why did they no this this is great
  4. This was posted a while back, but it deserves to be seen again. BT is too talented for this to keep happening.
  5. Stop assuming what every one else fucking thinks. I will say nothing more, per zircon's request.
  6. rofl duh Like you know what that is. We appreciate that my liege. Woo boy thanks for having a vulcan mind meld with everyone on these forums. If I ever need to tell what my girlfriend is thinking I will call you. rofl rofl
  7. gg nextmap The "FFMUSIC DJ" one actually wasn't horrible
  8. Replacing a chipset cooler is always a fun job. Whats that one that you bought?
  9. The fact that you did not know that Ghost Princess was Jimmy immediately relegates your opinion on wether or not OCR was better/worse with him to the trash. Jimmy did everything for the lulz. He still trolls away at remod, and he is still funny.
  10. pretty much yeah
  11. True dat. Its just aggravating to see so much pussy bitch drama drive good people away from the site.
  12. Hurrr internet I swear, people these days take the internet waaay too seriously. God forbid someone hurt somebody's feelings.
  13. Loling at all this. There is a lot of immaturity on both sides of this argument. I suppose I will just cross-post on the lockdown forums(you know they are going to be there)like I do everywhere else. Oh, and most of Recapitated is shit.
  14. Tiny little fan + sleeve bearing + 6-8000 rpm = failure Get one of these and forget about it: http://www.svc.com/zm-nbf47.html That is more than capable of cooling a Nforce 4 SLI.
  15. Winamp FTW
  16. Its not very guerrilla
  17. Uuuum...no?
  18. CH


    i fell out of my chair at the delicious line
  19. Ghost in the Shell Fate Stay/Night Kino no Tabi Black Lagoon Death Note Code Geass Magipoka
  20. You most likely have a Pentium 3 in your laptop soooo...you dont. No really, its impossible. Your motherboard was not designed for anything like that, and most likely does not even have it as an available option.
  21. Zip tie that shit. You would be amazed at what one zip tie can do. Or you could just zip tie an 80mm fan in front of the NB somewhere. It would be quieter and flow more air. Like this: Thats a Yate Loon 80mm at 5 volts. I couldn't hear it if i wanted too.
  22. CH


    this is delicious!
  23. That sounds more like something on the control board went out. You could try taking the HD out of the case and putting it in your computer and see if it works.
  24. Ah. Didn't notice that part about recording things before, I just saw sound card and went looking.
  25. If you ignore all the fatality bullshit this is actually a damn nice card: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16829102005
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