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Everything posted by halc

  1. these retards have two of my free albums on here: http://www.legalsounds.com/download-mp3/halc/pixel-perfect-%28lp%29/album_458558 http://www.legalsounds.com/download-mp3/trending-topic-ep/album_536387
  2. moved this to community. nice release guys, excellent stuff!
  3. whoa, i had no idea this guy was still around that said, tl;dr
  4. on the topic of amusement parks, I'd throw Kings Island out there too. probably not as long of a drive as Cedar Point for us IN/MI/IL/KY folks (about 2.5 hours from Indianapolis compared to 6-7 for Cedar), plus the lines are generally much more tolerable. some of Cedar's rides (Raptor, Millenium Force, Dragster), as amazing as they are, take like 2-3 hours to get through the line on any given weekend.
  5. never heard the original sub, but this pretty cool. pretty darn conservative in most regards, but this had plenty of personality, was well produced, and worked nicely as the backing for a hip-hop track. fine work, guys. YES
  6. Deia laid down a nice vote here. unfortunately the beginning of the song is exactly the same as the source, but with a lesser-quality sample. I agree that the song needs a lead or a vocalist or something to give it some drive, it is a bit repetitive as is, and I agree that the glitching was excessive at times, but there were some tasteful moments in there too. I think the song has potential, but even if you glossed up the mix, it still needs some kind of melodic or lead focus. keep at it. NO(resub)
  7. cool source tune. never played either of the portal games. I suppose I should. anyway. pretty conservative, yet quite interesting stuff here. Emu laid down a nice vote. can't say it's my favorite song of yours, personally, but the execution is extremely solid. good work on this. YES
  8. I like this. nicely adapted to the style, though I think those drums were a bit to stiffly sequenced, and the lead could have been a little more forward in the mix. I didn't think the song was too repetitive though; overall a nice treatment of the source with solid transitions and production. I'm down with this one. YES
  9. I more or less agree with Deia's vote. I thought the mixing was pretty decent for the most part with the exception of some of the busier sections (1:10 for example); instruments fighting for the spotlight, crowded in the highs.. and overall it's just a bit sparse, and relies on reverb to fill in that space. I agree that the reverb needs to be toned back, maybe add some subtle non-chip (perhaps gated) pads or strings in the background. the arrangement is conservative in style and terms of melody but I did think this had a lot of personality to it. this is a very very close call for me but I'd like to see it with just one more coat of polish. NO(resub)
  10. I'd have to think a little harder to answer any of those questions, but I am most definitely down for another meetup!
  11. I've never once had a single ounce of worry that something like this or SOPA/PIPA will actually happen. there's no way any of these bills could ever work, even if they somehow passed. I feel like I'm tripping balls or in some weird alternate universe when I read this shit. am I insane?
  12. I use a midi for most of my remixes. it saves me a metric shit-ton of time and is a good part of the reason why I am able to finish a track in a single day or less. the parts still end up sounding the way I want them. melodies are one thing, but I don't have the time to sit around trying to figure out chords. which I really, really just suck at doing.
  13. I agree that it goes a little off the rails melodically, but the sources were never lost on me. production was a definite improvement, passable imo, but I agree that you might wanna think about expanding your horizons, in terms of your workstation.. like Emu said, it's not like you can't make good things in GarageBand (you've done so here), but.. well.. I'll just leave it at that. nice job, YES
  14. another excellent arrangement. I'm beginning to wonder if you can work your magic in any other styles. not that I'm complaining. nice sounds, smooth production, and great vocal integration. keep up the good work. YES
  15. honestly, I'm surprised you haven't been DP'd yet. or perhaps you have, it just hasn't actually been posted yet. I wouldn't know. nice work, once again. YES
  16. not gonna bother with nitpicks, this was plenty solid. tight performances, nice lead synth too. enjoyed this one quite a bit, nice work here. YES
  17. I agree with the three issues being brought up by the other J's. you're definitely pushing the master too hard here. those timestamps Emu mentioned are definitely thorns in the side of a solid track. I'm not gonna comment on the 22 seconds of trailing silence >.> fix that stuff and this is good to go for me. mighty impressive track you've got here. NO(resubmit)
  18. well shit, that solo at 2:19 caught me off gaurd. that was pretty damn slick. anyway lots of good crits here, not a lot for me to add. I agree that the track was sparse overall and some of the sounds were weak (opening bells, snare, etc as mentioned - everything else was pretty serviceable though), and the arrangement had a few moments in the first half where it kinda just went really auto-pilot with the melody. promising, but the arrangement and production both need some work. I could definitely see myself passing a resubmission, it just needs a little elbow grease. NO(resub)
  19. please, please, please submit more mixes. I'm a sucker for a good collab, but your solo mixes are always just simply, mindblowing. YES
  20. very impressive, no doubt, and MUCH more impactful than the previous version. lush soundscapes, great transitions, and a killer arrangement. solo at 3:30 is just ballin'. you definitely raised your production bar with this mix. nothing but praise here, you're making this remixing business look really really easy. YES
  21. I'm right on board with Emu's vote, sorry to say. it has tons of merit as a track but the arrangement isn't expansive enough for us to accept. continue making kickass music, hoping to hear some more of your stuff come this way in the future. NO
  22. no sampled orchestra is going to sound perfect but for what it's worth I thought Will pulled it off pretty damn well. certainly nothing cringe-worthy; Emu, I think you may have over-thunk this one a bit. the arrangement, as stated, is most excellent, DP-worthy imo. another sophisticated, out-of-left-field mix by Will. YES
  23. glad to see this one on the panel again. the mixing definitely sounds better in this version, and the arrangement is just as rocking as I remember. nice job addressing the criticisms from last time, this is a mighty fine track now imo. YES
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