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Everything posted by halc

  1. I don't have a lot to say about this one; I liked it on the workshop, and I like it now. good performance, good recording quality, and a solid arrangement. keep reppin' that bandicoot, girl. YES
  2. doesn't stray too far from the source, but there's a nice level of interpretation going on. the ending was pretty weak. a little more original writing wouldn't hurt, but overall I was feeling okay with the arrangement. the mix is a little crowded and overcompressed; might wanna tone back that bass some. the reverb or resonance on the bass also makes it sound a little off pitch when it's exposed. the panned synth playing the motif gets a bit distracting. love that pizzacato line though. not too far off, but it needs some more polish. NO(resub)
  3. soundscape is pretty dry overall. the guitars sound nasaly and theres not a lot of low-end. the changeup to halftime was neat, but I gotta say the arrangement here runs a bit too conservative, despite the variety of instrumentation, there's not a lot of interpretation on the partwriting save for a few little flourishes. neat ideas here, but the arrangement and production both need more polish. NO(resub)
  4. really heavy on the reverb. definitely need to tone that back. arrangement is very simplistic and a bit too conservative imo, and also rigidly sequenced. try editing the piano note timing/velocities just a bit to make it sound more realistic. most of your instruments are in the same frequency range causing it to sound thin but also crowded. taking your pads down an octave would help clear free up the midrange a bit and also cover a little more harmonic ground. NO
  5. cool, really digging the soundscape, though the left-panned piano feels a little out of place. could've been a little wetter maybe, and the sequencing was mechanical, but it's not a dealbreaker. otherwise, lots of really unique sound choices here. can't say I was blown away by the arrangement, but things are definitely clicking overall. I'm groovin'. YES
  6. gotta agree with OA, the transitions are too sudden and medleyish, and it's not gelling as a fully cohesive track, although once things kick in, it gets better. the themes were also arranged pretty conservatively, though with some nice flourishes and personality. production-wise things were gelling, though the backing got a little crowded at times. I don't think this is too far off, but the transitions during the acoustic sections really need to be more fluid, and I could go for a little more re-arrangement of the themes. NO(resub)
  7. haha, nice use of the Link panting sound. onto the mix; firstly, it's not much more than a metal cover at the moment. you need to interpret the source a little more or add some original material to make it your own. production-wise, things are pretty messy. the playing sounds tight, but the soundscape is really cluttered and unbalanced, and the leads are barely audible. try toning down the low end a bit, maybe pulling back the rhythms and EQ'ing out any unneeded frequencies to help clear things up. NO
  8. oh wow, yes. really, really digging the soundscape, this actually strikes a bit of a GaMeBoX vibe to me. I freakin' love those chiptune arpeggios. cool gating too. I thought the overall volume felt a little low and the mix could have been slightly brighter in the highs imo, but those are just broad nitpicks. I think this song is fantastic. YES
  9. very cool source tune! mastered a bit loud, but the mixing and instrumentation overall wasn't too bad, just a little vanilla. gonna have to agree with the others on the arrangement, it needs more interpretation/original writing. and a better ending. NO(resub)
  10. wow, I loved the arrangement here, there are some great harmonic changes in the backing. it was a little muddy in the low end, but overall the production was good and the blend of instrumentation was pleasing. I personally get a *little* tired of hearing those peach patches after having used them in a million of my own mixes, but I guess it's hard to admit they don't sound great. next time try to mangle 'em up a little more with effects, make them more unique. YES
  11. vuvuzelda, best typo

  12. "dear, some ignorant jerk,

    nes, it is wack. all of my music is recorded live vuvuzelda and cricket legs. they can produce some really brilliant pulse waves. and i can play the bongo too, I like to use it. I thank that your my music is awesome. bye.


    the halc"

  13. yeah, this album freakin' rocks. super trippy stuff, arguably some of Will's best.
  14. arrangement is pretty tight here. I didn't have much trouble placing the source once the staccato strings came in. I thought the balance was a little off, all the melodic stuff seemed pretty backseated to the long, low string/cello notes. otherwise I thought this was beautifully produced, with a lot of great dynamic variation throughout the piece. YES
  15. yeah, the isolated loop in the intro was okay, but when the second layered in, the rhythms feel a bit awkward. liked the weird hand drum bit in the middle though. very cool approach to the arrangement, never would have imagined the classic Zelda theme done in this style. I do wish you would have used the rest of the Saria's song melody as opposed to the first three notes, but I thought it was a great idea. source usage seemed okay.. it brushes the 50% mark but is pretty obvious to me until after the Saria's song bit. I'd feel much more comfortable with it if you could revisit it a little more overtly before the end. production-wise, I thought it wasn't too bad, there wasn't any single dealbreaking factor, but there are some smaller issues that add up. the balance could use some tweaking as the others mentioned. piano is a bit loud, the drums seemed to shift volumes randomly at times. I don't think this is too far below the bar, but I agree that it needs a little more work on both sides of the arrangement/production fence. hope to hear from you again! NO(resub)
  16. yeah, this track is awesome. it's even better with swear words. great job to all involved. moar muffins. i need it.
  17. my only request is to continue being awesome. YES
  18. the arrangement has some good moments, but the sounds need fixing. the strings/choir sounds really dry and doesn't have any body, try EQ'ing out the unused frequencies and perhaps adding some stereo seperation to make it sound fuller. drums were too sparse and not doing much to drive the track. the synths are a little vanilla but overall they were clicking. there were a few sounds I was really digging, especially the panned arpeggios near the end. NO(resub)
  19. great arrangement, there are some really great solos and original flourishes here. balance seemed a little tipped towards the low end, but production overall is pretty damn solid. the drop before the climax at the end was epic. keep 'em coming. YES
  20. where'd I go? I'm still gonna finish my Dark Cloud mix..
  21. this is my first time joojin' a Corridor of Time mix, so no nausea here. anyway, this is a pretty excellent electro-house arrangement you got here, and the vocals tie in really nicely. the synths are well chosen and mixing is quite solid overall, despite feeling just a bit sparse imo. the dubstep-ish bit in the middle was really well-executed. cool stuff, I like it! YES
  22. paneling this was a gross injustice. show some pride, man. YES
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