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Everything posted by Zutnunzor

  1. PSN : Zutnunzor
  2. This game makes my life, immediately posted it on Facebook. I went with Simon, although I think he needs holy water or the stop watch. Nothing against axes, considering they are fairly bad ass and get the job done, but for a guy who can't even handle falling in a pool of water, he is severely limited. Oh, and I call for an SNES version.
  3. I remember downloading House of Leaves off a huge compilation of music and liking it, who knew it was Sefiros. Great ambient music (in my opinion). Downloaded everything
  4. I think any online gamer is going to suffer these people, whether you like it or not. It has become MUCH worse since mic's became main stream, and with current gen consoles practically emphasizing the voice feature. But you do meet mature people, especially for their age. Its just getting by their voice which you mistake for being a girl. I recently started playing PSO again on the SCHT servers for blue burst and granted it is an older game, I have met 14-16 year olds who are not only incredibly mature, but just wanna play the game and have fun. And whoever mentioned Counter strike 1.6 hit it dead on. That game is like the father of the Halo and Call of Duty pre-pubescent asshats of face smashing.
  5. Remember that scene in Braveheart where Mel Gibson breaks down a door with a horse and smashes the guy in the face? Thats gonna be Kotick.
  6. Just tried it, not too bad, only problem is I have all crap cards. If you wanna play sometime, add me.
  7. Would I be missing out playing the english option? I don't mind reading subtitles... but I don't know a single word of french. I feel like it would be more immersive playing it the language I know best. Also I thought the detective, Scott Shelby's voice acting was pretty good, although Norman Jayden reminded me of Colin Farrel sometimes.
  8. It isn't on the OST, but was released under a separate album called "Document of Metal Gear Solid 2". Linky to song :
  9. I own the soundtrack, but I havn't played the game in such a long time, what track/scene were you looking at in particular?
  10. I would love to buy this game but 60$ is too much right now. The demo was very satisfying, especially the fight scene, it was incredibly frantic start to finish. Also between this, Bad Company 2, God of War 3, and White Knight Chronicles, I won't be anywhere near this game for awhile. Time to avoid the spoilers!
  11. Hey if any of you guys wanna play sometime, I have characters ranging sl 35-180. The later difficulties kinda suck... or if you get invaded right after you beat the game and lose all your souls. My PSN is Zutnunzor
  12. You can buy hardstones/sharpstones from the vendor at the beginning of 2-1, they are 500 souls each, or go to 2-2 with a bow and the thief's ring and farm the gecko pit.
  13. Yeah, crescent stuff regenerates MP and blessed stuff regenerates HP, its awesome. The Meat cleaver is painfully easy to make, ya know, once you can actually kill flamelurker, lol, you feel like Pyramid Head with it. Make sure you rescue Graverobber Blige too, he sells the cheapest arrows in the game and also the best that you can actually buy if you don't consider white arrows.
  14. I havn't hit the max level yet, but if you need a few pointers I can help you out. Plan out your characters stats as to what you wanna do, because when you get invaded or invade and play with blue phantoms, they need to be within 10 levels of you to play, although it ramps up as you get higher, 25 levels when your around 100, etc. After beating 1-1, if your looking for a solid weapon right off, there is a crescent falchion +1 in 4-1 on a cliff guarded by a black skeleton. You can also trade items to the crow alittle futher in for rings, souls and arrows. Finally if you can get scurry past the Vanguard, you can find an uchigatana also. The guy in 3-2 that starts killing everyone ( I think his name is Yurt), the best option is to immediately kill him after freeing him, you can just backstab and kick him off the ledge, then reload your game and all his armor will be on the ground outside the cage he was in. The magic spells you wanna obtain if your going as a heavy mage would be Fire spray, Firestorm, Homing Soul arrow, Warding, Cloak, and Soul Ray. Fire spray becomes crazy when magic hits 70+ and you use the Kris, Ring of magical sharpness, Monk heads collar, or Clever Rat's Ring and the Morion Blade. You can use the spell while sprinting and it only takes up 1 spell slot. Homing Soul Arrow ROCKS, it only takes 2 slots, and it is pretty much 5 soul arrows that hover around you and fire when an enemy comes near, I can easily do 1500+ damage with a single volley from this. Kinda jumping around here, but good weapons to get are Moon/Blessed/Crescent anything, Dragon Bone Sword, Meat Cleaver, Blueblood Sword, Lava Bow (even if you don't use bows), and the purple flame shield. The katanas in this game are kinda limited unless you upgrade an uchigatana, but the makoto is good if you can offset the health drain. Sorry for being all over the place, Havn't posted on any forums in awhile. Great website for information : http://demonssouls.wikidot.com/
  15. CTR is awesome, Better than Mario Kart 64 in some ways, more skill IMO with the drifting/boosting combination, I ordered that, Crash Bandicoot 1 and 2, Rayman, Gex, Croc, and Spyro the Dragon off Ebay. Noone else has any other suggestions?
  16. Hey, long time, no post, was gonna make a new thread completely but thought I would go here first. BASICALLY, I'm looking for 2-4 player games ranging all the way back to archaic PS1, to the shiny, misslekickalicious PS3, I mean I'm looking for adventure games, racing games (serious and comical, ya know, like kart-esque) anything that is easy to get into, something I can play with the girlfriend and she will actually play. She loves most adventure games from the ps1 era, but ps2 and beyond, Don't know. So im asking for recommendations of the most epic sort. Any ideas ladies and gents?
  17. They bettah not have gotten rid of goliaths for the viking unit. Oh HELL no.
  18. Is it ironic I was eating KFC while playing this?
  19. Play the first Wizards and Warriors. The music is so annoyingly awesome. OH YEAH, and Destiny of an Emporer. Awesome RPG. Clash at Demonhead is great. Definately play Castlevania 1-3. Like nonstop over a weekend. 1 and 3 are short, and 2 will quench your castlevania lust easy. Cobra Triangle is a sweet game. F'in boats man! AND I FURTHER SUPPORT DUCKTALES. THAT GAME WILL MAKE YOU TEAR YOUR EYES OUT WITH JOY. Actually... FF1 will make you tear your eyes out. But its the first Final Fantasy! You can't go wrong!
  20. No problems with mine either, except this one time on Oblivion, doing the Umbra quest, she kicked my ass so hard, it crashed my ps3. Then on my friends ps3, I do get slowdown on some of the games he has, but he leaves his damn ps3 on ALL week, running Folding at home, he has like 240 work units done, crazy bastard.
  21. Yes... AN MMOFPS. MORE HEADSHOTS, LESS GRINDING. With linkshells and guild halls and HEV suits! Maybe a much bigger battlefield-esque game. Any time period, I don't care, do the year 9671 for all I care, just give me a game that WORKS. Or howabout Bethesda gives us a Co-op/Multiplayer compatible Elderscrolls? None of this sloppy mod community stuff. I wish developers would get a bit risky and make an MMO-type game with permanent death, but that doesn't sell too well... Maybe they should make a seperate mode for those who live on the edge? Sorta like the hardcore mode in diablo II? God that was fun. And we need WAY more PSO-esque games. WAY more. I CANNOT stress this enough. Okay I'm done not making sense.
  22. No surprise, Connecticon has been getting more and more craptacular since 03' or 04' I went this year, but couldn't make it friday night, which is when they have the street fighter and halo tourneys, bastards. But all we saw was Naruto and Bleach cosplayers, and it seems like they have been offering less and less every year. ALTHOUGH I did buy some asian candy, Hi-chew, VERY good, get it if you see it! Going back on topic, Never seen anyone with OCR apparel or known about it
  23. So I joined the PS3 ranks in this console war although who can blame me for the price I payed. 60GB PS3, barely used, extra controller, and 4 games (Resistance, Call of Duty 3, Oblivion, and Marvel : Ultimate Alliance) All for 400$. A buddy of mine bought it earlier this year, and now he is going off to Iraq and wants a psp, so he gave me a deal. Needless to say, I have been enjoying the SHIT out of it.
  24. Looks cool. Not to steal any of your thread thunder, but there is another game coming out this month that is a survival/horror FPS that takes place in Chernobyl. Check it out here
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