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Level 99

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Status Updates posted by Level 99

  1. Sounds like a mighty fine plan to me! You are now added on our list of people to contact this week!

  2. Speak to Larry and DJP about policy in regards to who gets credited with what, and where. I appreciate your concern, and understand how it probably looks from here, but it was definitely not intended as a slap in the face. My position is to simply follow our guidelines for projects, package things up, validate and get things ready to roll.

  3. Speaking of, how's that coming along, buddy? Also, how's school?

  4. Stop watching your forum thread and get back to work! I SEE WHAT YOU ARE DOING. ALWAYS.


  5. Sup sup sup sup slurpie

  6. Thanks for joining us in OHC, buddy. Hope to see you around here doing good musix.

  7. Thanks for the bday visitor message. And ironically, I guess kinda do look like the doom guy a little in real life. I know my eyebrows do that thing he does.

  8. Thanks for the supporting words, dude!

  9. Thanks, man! Really wish we had time to hang out at MAG, would have loved to have met ya. Let me know if you're ever in the Baltimore area, you me and Xenon can hang out or something.

  10. That radio thing was fun the other night. Sure there's no way in the world you can do one itty-bitty little OHC between now and next year?

  11. That would be Jof, a good friend of mine and an AWESOME NiGHTSy dude. He also did a lot of the artwork for the Winter Dreamers EP last Winter. Definitely expect more from him.

  12. The King AND the RoboKing are fucking douches.

  13. The Metal pack was absolutely worth the money, the FX pack...not so much. The amount of additional amp models from the metal pack is great, and I've found user-created content that contains metal shop amp and cab models to really use those new inclusions to the fullest. I got them both when there was a combination sale, but anyways, it also depends on what you're planning on doing guitar-wise. Hope that helps!

  14. Then turn OCAD pony-only and I will retire. Your move, Mr. Beardsly.


  15. There is no such thing as a "cool" staff member. don't you know? Ocr sucks! (ps. don't sweat it, just keep at your schoolwork and come back whenever you have the time/mental capacity :D)

  16. There was a BOOMTISS and she GUITAR WANKERY in teh APPLE JUICE and YEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH "Imma hav a SEX MACHINE" and thn the APPLE JUICE broke and thn her FAX MACHINE left her and thn she had a 4ONDAFLOOR and thn she MIA FEY'D

    if u dnt DRUNK IN THE HOTEL ROOM this to all of THE SHTYJDGFGTS (or OA, because there is nothing he won't suck) thn....whatever. whatever. whatever.

    I'm glad you're feeling better, but there's got to be some infectious stupidity going on round here lately. Go shave your head, white-vin-diesel.

  17. There was a little spanish flea.

  18. There. Now give me some pie.

  19. THEY WERE f-ING AWESOME! Seriously, it's up there in my top 5 ska bands now. Thank you so much for introducing them to me.

  20. This is what I think of when I think of David/Brian/Cyril/Any of those pony people:


  21. This man is the master of Irish women.

  22. To quote on of your posts about bLiNd: "PLUS I'm the one that makes him do the projects most of the time anyway."

    This is hillarious and revealing. I loled.

  23. Tonight is party time? You gotta feel tha beat!

  24. Tropomode! HOW ARE YOU!

  25. Umm how did I get such an obscene amount of page visits? Or for that matter wall posts...or for THAT matter, FRIENDS?!

    I wuv you all. Especially when we're all in the magical space of Fishy's Enchanted Shed©.

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