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Level 99

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Status Updates posted by Level 99

  1. you and me, sir, we must talk soon. we must talk about antics for the next OCR fundraising month.

  2. You are now my current sig quote. Conglaturations.

  3. You do realize I am an old man and go to bed quite early, sir. I has received your messages, let me know when you want to chat or just send me a pm. ENJOY YER SNOWBOARDING.

  4. You have more official OCR friends than me.

    But I have more profile views than you do.

    Ah, the joy of useless numbers, just like post counts.

  5. You look like you need some wall-love.

    You wall has thusly been loved by the man of 99 levels.

  6. You made me cry, you jerk. And I was gonna jam out with you at Taucer's too! Well, you can just FORGET IT! :(

    What kind of guitar do you normally play, anyways?

  7. You never answered my PM. I have a big laundry bag with a characteristic dollar-sign on it for you...

  8. You quit stalking ME. BTW, set up that bar rendezvous for your staring contest. Tickets are sold it. It will be on pay-per-view, too.

  9. you scare me in IRC sometimes, just saying. It's a good scare though, keeps me expecting the unexpected.

  10. You should remind me to do TF2 one of these days, so that I have even less free time. :-)

  11. You should tell me how that "party" went on Saturday night. Your message left me at a cliffhanger!

  12. You sir...have my respect.

  13. you smell weird and i don't like you. No, I lied, you smell fine and you're awesome. I just like spamming your wall sometimes.

  14. You stole my Stevobomb and I want it back! That or British Cuisine!

  15. YOU tell ME not to bump a thread with whinning, Mr. almost-troll?!

    Dude, I really can't wait for Taucer's meetup. It's gonna be such a blast.

  16. YOU, SIR! Can you get online one of these days? I has things I need to talks to you about. Many, many things. PM me so I can know if and when to meet you online...by the streetlight....in a trenchcoat....

  17. You, sir!

    You are most definitely Sora 20+years after the adventure. Keep that hair looking like that, seriously. It's awesome.

  18. You, sir. I will refute your Failure to Launch > The Legend of Chun-Li later tonight, when I have access to Paint.NET. I will also look up the definition of the word "refute" in the mean-time.

  19. YOU! Where's that render you promised from the other day? I will render YOU in contempt of awesome, soon.

  20. YOU!!! I am the one that keeps touching your eggs.

  21. YOU!!!! You made good stuff thing.


  22. Your sheds make my ears bleed. I will harvest your fingers one day.

    That is all.

  23. Your sig makes you look like you're 13 and awkward.

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