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Level 99

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Everything posted by Level 99

  1. You quit stalking ME. BTW, set up that bar rendezvous for your staring contest. Tickets are sold it. It will be on pay-per-view, too.

  2. I see you. Looking at me.

  3. This. Is. Not. Your. Project. If someone were behind on a Teen Agent track for two months, then that is your business. This is Emunator's project. let this stuff stay between the artist and the director. And "Calling it like you're seeing it" is just that: speculation. It has no basis in fact and is a result of your opinion and assessment of the situation. I agree with Rozo that people need to communicate their situation to project coordinators. This entire thing should have been handled privately. Now I think we should just stop talking about it, out of respect for Emu and his wonderful project.
  4. Excuse me, where do you get the right to call people lazy? Having more songs != having good songs. Calling people lazy blindly make you also look like an asshole. Let people take their time and give the songs the care and attention each one thinks it deserves. Let the director direct this project however the fuck he wants, it is his right to do so. Calling people names and accusing mixers of laziness does nothing to help the situation. Real Life > OCR.
  5. While I understand the frustrations, I really don't think you have any right to be mad at anyone but yourself. Let me give a few reasons why: 1) It is the director's perogative as to how best to manage their project. Some directors set deadlines and will cut anyone who waits a day later. Some are more understanding and will give extensions. Some set deadlines to simply give the illusion of progress and try to pressure people into doing things, but might not act on it if there are delays. Some want to get the project out as soon as possible, quality be damned. Some would rather just wait and give the best goddamn product that they can. Really, as a mixer, YOU sign on to be managed however they see fit. You are an piece of the puzzle, not the alpha and the omega. If you have concerns like this, tell that to the director. However, making a post like this publicly is really rude, and shows little to no concern for other people on the project, most of all emunator. This is basically a slap in the face to him and anyone else who might not have made it for that deadline, whatever their personal reasons may be. 2) I feel for you for having a shitty time in school because of your work ethic in regards to mixes, as well as whatever shit you have going on with yourself now. But you know what? That was your decision to flunk a test and miss class and whatnot in order to do a mix. If you tell a director that REAL LIFE is getting in the way, then they always understand. If they want to keep the schedule super-strict, then they will have to unfortunately cut you. If they have some kind of flexibility, they will give an extension. Just because you chose remixing over your school studies does not give you the justification to complain about the ramifications of your decision. 3) You don't know what other people's lives are like, and this is a hobby for everyone on the site. Nobody gets paid to make an OC ReMix. Let me repeat: THIS IS NOT A FORM OF INCOME FOR ANYONE ON THE SITE. It is for FUN, it is to HONOR THE MUSIC AND THE COMPOSERS, and unless your staff, it is NOT TO BE TREATED LIKE WORK. Once you lose the fun, then you should stop right there and reassess what you're doing. And never assault other people for delays, not even if you are privy to the intimate details of their private lives. Again, I feel for your frustration, but you are definitely not in a position to be making these comments to emunator, especially publicly. Keep the drama to yourself or between the people it involves. Drawing attention to it like this just makes you look like a whiner, no offense.
  6. I pretty much only use presets, and/or slightly tweaked presets in order to achieve my results. If a preset gets you the desired sound, why not use it? I understand the purity and feeling of creation when someone makes their own synth sound, but some people a) don't have the knack for it, don't have the time to learn it (less of an excuse though) and c) might just be happy with the way a preset sounds. I also failed to see why it is bad to use a drum loop.
  7. 1) That latest preview was pants-wettingly awesome. Seriously. Definitely recommend checking it out, even if you've listened to all 37 other previews! 2) It is so far past the Feb due date that you should break out the cat o' nine-tails for people who have yet to finish. DISCIPLINE THEM, MISTRESS!
  8. I love how you folks are talking about another project idea when you haven't even heard how awesome this one is yet. One step at a time Oh man, it is so close. I'm so close. I came.
  9. OC ReMix Presents Sonic the Hedgehog: The Sound of Speed April 12, 2011 Contact: press@ocremix.org FAIRFAX, VA--OverClocked ReMix today released its 25th arrangement album, Sonic the Hedgehog: The Sound of Speed. This album, directed by OverClocked ReMixer and staff member Drew "halc" Wheeler, features 15 artists creating 13 arrangements from the original Sonic the Hedgehog game, released in 1991 on the Sega Genesis. The new album completes the original Sonic trilogy's presence as OC ReMix albums, joining Hedgehog Heaven (Sonic the Hedgehog 2) and Project Chaos (Sonic 3 & Knuckles). The Sound of Speed is available for free download at http://sos.ocremix.org. This album was produced to help promote the music of Sonic the Hedgehog, was made by fans, for fans, and is not affiliated with or endorsed by SEGA or Sonic Team; all original compositions are copyright their respective owners. Director Drew Wheeler says: "Sonic the Hedgehog. Possibly the first video game I ever played. To this day, I still enjoy speeding through the game once in a while, humming to the music all the while. Popular as it may be, its soundtrack is somewhat overlooked in the VGM arrangement world in comparison to the later Genesis installments. But no more! I'm extremely honored to present OverClocked ReMix's twenty-fifth album, Sonic the Hedgehog: The Sound of Speed! From rock to chiptune, bossa nova to jazz, FM-funk-fusion and thumping electronica, this album completely re-imagines the classic soundtrack. Each song is unique, but the over-arching theme is undeniable; The Sound of Speed is a chronicle of Sonic's first adventure, flowing from one act to the next, in and out of the elusive Special Zone, down to his untimely aquatic asphyxiation. You'll find something new with every listen. I couldn't be more proud of the amazing work everyone put into this album, and I hope you all enjoy it!" About OverClocked ReMix Founded in 1999, OverClocked ReMix is an organization dedicated to the appreciation and promotion of video game music as an art form. Its primary focus is www.ocremix.org, a website featuring thousands of free fan arrangements, information on game music and composers, resources for aspiring artists, and a thriving community of video game music fans. ### Preview it: Download it: http://sos.ocremix.org Torrent: http://bt.ocremix.org/torrents/Sonic_the_Hedgehog_-_The_Sound_of_Speed.torrent Comments/Reviews: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=34491
  10. It's not really a secret, though. It's basically something me and Brushy and another dude over a year ago. I'll post the link sometime soon, cause you CAN find it on youtube.
  11. Holy shit, here's three episodes for you jerkholes! http://lemonsinseries.com/ocrab/?p=541 Episode 55 - Dildo, Newfoundland, and Labrador (with Fishy) Episode 56 - Huh, What (with Sephfire) Episode 57 - Yonder Rapehole (with Mr. Magfest)
  12. No, because Sega keeps making money off of selling the same original 3 1/2 games on every goddamn platform, and Sonic fanboys will buy any new game that comes out despite their saying "NO FUCKING WAY". To them, Sonic is an addiction. An addiction they can't stop. Let's start a non-profit organization to help these people! Both of these, yes.
  13. I see what you did there *clicks facebook like button one million times*
  14. HALC, HALC! Is it true that you had a long, intimate love affair with a short, blue, anthropomorphic hedgehog during the Presidency of Franklin D. Roosevelt?
  15. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is that: we now have the finalized cover art, thanks to Keiiii! (See the first post for it) This project has been unbelievably fortunate to have four amazingly talented artists contributing to it. Applause all around!
  16. It's a shame, really. Fans are what are keeping fantastic concepts and franchises like this alive these days, especially with the amount of work that now-professionally-skilled people have put into what they loved in their childhood. Sega has had their ass handed to them with fan remakes as of late, with this one and that Sonic HD demo from last year. It is one thing to lose face because your fans did what you couldn't, but to destroy potential sales of the originals via Sega Compilation Albums by taking down the project? I never understood why companies do that. It is free publicity, and unless Sega intends to offer a deal to the people who made the game in order to sell it pro, they should have left it up. I played a few minutes of it earlier this week, and I was floored by how good it was. I didn't have SoR as a kid, but in my Dreamcasting days I burned a metric fuckton of the BoR mods and got hooked. Great work by all those involved, and do be super-proud, Gecko: that soundtrack is beastly!
  17. You see, that isn't the policy though. Workshop mods have no territory over individual project's private forums, nor should they. The realm of a Workshop mod is in the Workshop forums, and for individual cases via PM. It just isn't in the scope, either logically, nor appropriately. The bottom line is: if your music is private, send it privately to whomever you want to give you feedback, and hopefully they to
  19. Yeah, no need to make forum posts when you can just PM folks privately.
  20. No dates, just have patience. Trailers are pretty-much only posted for an album when a release is imminent. Also, "imminent" is a very relative word.
  21. I've already been working on NSFW Terra, and have been rummaging ideas for a NSFW Tifa's theme. With your sax, and my guitar + wah pedal... *mind aslpdz*
  22. That's actually an old remix of mine, from years ago. You can has that while we tag up the music files, I believe the plan is to get out bundles of the stuff we used on A1. Level 99 - River City Revenge
  23. Won't be much longer, but still, keep it in your pants :3
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