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Level 99

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Everything posted by Level 99

  1. Just recorded with Alex Esquivel aka a_rival aka skill aka skillyskillz aka AE on Sunday night! AND we have more fanfiction to record and push out soon! Also, Minecraft server has been reset for 1.5 and we are welcoming folks to come in and help build cityzero. We need a town charter, and any assistance with determining zoning regulations.
  2. It is their right as an admin to use the power as they see fit. However: Very yes. I've only seen it called the "official OCR minecraft server" a few times, and even in the OP it is only implied as the "OCR minecraft server", but unless this is something that is managed and/or sanctioned by OCR staff, I'm not sure how official it can be. The OCAD minecraft server is the official OCAD minecraft server because it was created and is managed by the people who made the show. Even OCAD the show itself is billed as the "Official Unofficial" podcast of OCR, because it has tenuous links to OCR that are in no way official. Calling something officially unofficial still means there's not direct approval or sanctioning on OCR's part, but they do pimp us every now and again, and has thus far had no problem being involved in what we do sometimes. I really don't know what went on in IRC, GMAN, or what question brush asked or why he was kicked. But I do know that this: This is unacceptable. When BStrader was tempbanned from the OCAD server, I didn't advertise it as a fucking feature of the server. He was eventually allowed back and, while I haven't seen him log in in a while, that issue is now behind us. If you had let Brushfire back in, or planned on letting him back anytime soon, this could be seen as playful ribbing. You've made it clear he is not, and will not ever be, welcome on the so called "OCR minecraft server", therefore this is just rude and immature. Brushfire, I don't think it is worth wasting any more breath or energy on this matter. Instead: BRUSHFIRE-APPROVED! It'll be updated later today to latest bukkit. No donations necessary, always open to suggestions for improvements and mods!
  3. Security through obscurity is a good FACTOR of overall security (added confusion makes it more difficult and longer to hack), however having it be one of your only means of security is a total joke. I've said it before and I'll say it again: you never, ever fuck with Linux users. Not ever. That's like taking away the food of a starving, rabid wolverine that you have trapped in the corner...and you're wearing a bikini. "Your ideas intrigue me and am interesting in your publication."
  4. In other words, you don't have a clear path to restore service. I'm glad I'm still a snooty snobish PC gamer at heart. That's basically what they're saying. All your credit card info is now in the hands of teh hakkerz. Also, why aren't you all up in arms about General Electric yet?
  5. Start a GE hate thread then, Andy. Let us complain about Sony in here! I BET YOU SONY DODGED TAXES TOO! AND EATS KITTENS! AND SHREDS WHALES!
  6. Your post came up with the "Seriously" Homestar Runner image right underneath it, and I couldn't stop laughing for 2 whole minutes. The whole epeen contest between PSN and XBL is total BS. One service is pay, the other isn't. They've both experienced downtime before. However much Sony deserves bad press right now, it in no way indicates XBL is superior in any way. (Ninja edit: "In all seriousness, Home is terrible, but PSN aint awful for being free. It's still no Steam though. Which ironically you could get on PSN. If it weren't down." <-- I agree with this 110%) That being said, it sucks that regular gamers are getting the short end of the stick with all that is going down over at Sony right now. While some are becoming a little more enlightened about what was done with the removal of Install OtherOS on the PS3, I guarantee you 90% of the people right now are thinking "Oh, those fuckers who were hacking that one game in COD:BO have taken down the whole PSN and taken my credit card info! DEATH TO ALL HACKERZ!!!" Funny thing is that many of the people I know who aren't computer-savvy actually draw a correlation between technological prowess and an affinity to hack. So I feel worse for anyone trying to defend open source software and the Sony-Linux issue because they'll all automatically be labeled as teh h@x0rZ.
  7. Posted this today to celebrate that my facebook fan pages has over 200 fans, because the weather is gorgeous, and because I just kinda felt like it. All acoustic, I hope you enjoy. Happy Easter and Happy Passover. Youtube: MP3: Level 99 – Gliding on a Silver Lining Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36BThV-1A0o
  8. That was my choice. Reason: I felt like it. Edit: but yeah, the reason is mostly personal. In development, some of the folks in the WIP forums wanted both clean and dirty versions. I figure the clean one reaches more ears so that would do better being clean, and the dirty one gives MWW a bit of spice.
  9. Mod reviewing this right now, will edit this post when done. Edit: okay, this is going to take a while to mod review because of five different sources. I'll just post a new reply when done. Don't worry, the mods have noticed this.
  10. No, OA has it right. It was completed first, and then halc asked for it to be on MWW. I agreed with the contingent that it not be prevented from being posted before the project comes out, since we originally intended it to be a non-project mix. We really just wanted the track to be posted soon, and not have to potentially wait for MWW's release, or even longer if it isn't part of the mixflood. I mean, look how long it has been for the straggling tracks from FF5 V1 to be posted: avaris and my's collab was sub'd 10/19/2009, Nutritious's track was sub'd 10/29/2009. Both are still TBP because project tracks that aren't part of mixflood seem to end up spread out in posting to prevent too much from one game/project/artist being posted in a small window of time. You can see why, after 9 months of working on Ska Buffet, we didn't feel like signing up to likely wait any longer than necessary. MWW's project staff was cool with that, so there's your explanation. The "dirty" version (with curse words) is the one that will be on the project, the "clean" version is the one that's going to be a posted mix.
  11. I, like emu, have been giving this a thorough listen on-and-off to give adequate feedback. Sorry for the delay! First, that source is really nice and soothing. I had a difficult time nailing the usage, because the only time I can pull the explicit melody is at 1:03 - 1:35, 1:58 - 2:05, 3:14 - with the piano during the fadeout as well. If you wouldn't mind indicating where else you used the source tune explicitly, I'd very much appreciate it. I'll continue digging, though. As for soundscape, I really like how moody it is. Some sound samples are good, but on the whole, this needs some more humanization. Emunator's right to call this a little bulky. It mostly has to do with the orchestral elements outside of the pizzicato strings sounding stiff and having unnatural attacks and decays(also that oboe sample sounds out of tune with the rest of the instruments). For one thing: I think a more natural Piano would sound great, something like splendid.sf2 grand piano (do a google search, it might be harder to find these days since the original site doesn't have it anymore, but you can find it if you look) or even NS Piano would do. And if you can take care of those odd attacks and release by using Midi controller data (google for some cubase tutorials on velocity dynamics and automation, that might do the trick) that should help a good bit. I can't speak specifically since I've always made those changes in a VST. Taking some notes and doing slight offsets just enough so that they're still in time but sound "humanized" would be good as well. I'd personally love to hear the inclusion of some of those brass progressions from the source, but that's just me. Melody source in general could probably be beefed up to be a tad more overt. In all, everything Emu said pretty much rings true, and with time and TLC, this already-good sounding track can reach even higher levels. Best of luck, please do come back to it some day!
  12. Aighty, I'll give some feedback. But from what I can tell, this song is incomplete. There are sections missing and, as a song, you seem to only have 1:23. Please remember: -Please do not mark your mix as Mod Review when it is not in a completed state & has spent time in a Finished state to try and get forum member feedback. We do not yet know what kind of workload we will be looking at going forward, so please utilize each step of the process so we're only reviewing mixes that are truly finished and as refined as the mixer is able. -Once you've marked your mix Mod Review, please do not make any additional changes prior to a review from a Moderator. If you do wish to modify your mix, please change it back to a WIP status first. I'll change this back to WIP status after I'm done writing this post, but please make that change yourself in the future. ----------- So, out of 1:23, I can hear source in the following: 0:14 - 0:38 - Modified ice cap melody, first part of phrase 0:38 - 1:04 - Modified ice cap melody, first part of phrase (doubled) 1:04 - 1:07 - Modified ice cap melody, first part of phrase (elongated) The way you have the source is clear for those sections, but it gets redundant very fast. The addition of the other instrument at :38 was alright but when the melody stagnates and is static for that long, it gets boring. The glitching you have after 1:08 breaks the link to the source because of how much it changes. I realize that the genre has a certain requisite repetitiveness to it, but there are plenty of things you could do to change it up: switch instruments, change the last half of a measure to something original melody-wise, change the chords the bass is playing to make the melody go over a whole new chord progression, add supporting instruments that flesh out parts of the melody, etc. So, as far as OCR's standards go, the amount of usage you have so far is fine, except it doesn't really do much beyond validate a link to the source tune. I'd definitely recommend incorporating the organ-esque pads from the source tune somehow as well, as that could be another link to the source and give you more freedom to tinker with the melody during portions. Your choice of sounds is quite good, and the production is also quite good. There's a lot of mud coming in the mid's though, and the fact that volume dynamics don't change too much means some sounds get buried (:56 where that extra instrument comes in, I can barely hear it and it gets masked by everything else going on at the time). The lack of volume dynamics also makes the song sound linear besides radical instrument changes, such as at :14 and 1:08. Using some volume and panning automation in creative ways will help the mix feel more fluid and amorphous, which is a good thing to keep the listener's attention. I'm listening to Daft Punk's Derezzed right now, and one thing they're doing that would be great to incorporate here would be how they use stereo widening and panning techniques to both rhythmically charge the song and make it feel more dynamic. Bottom line: what you've got so far is well-executed in terms of sound choice and production (with a few niggles about EQ and volume dynamics). The best thing right now would be to focus in finishing up the song by incorporating new elements of the source, and in different ways, as well as adding your own spin on things to compliment source usage. Then, go back and refine that arrangement in detail to make sure things don't get too repetitive for too long. Finally, tweaking the few issues with the production will likely yield a great end-result. I really like what you have so far, and I'm rooting for you to continue and complete this.
  13. D'awww ;_; If that's the case, I'm marking this as finished. Great job either way.
  14. Have my babies. You obviously know what OC ReMix is about.
  15. I...may have a project for you. I will email you.
  16. The mastering did a little bit to help, but I'm still having some issues with it. I'll save my crits for 32 when you put more of the original stuff in, though.
  17. Might have to wait a while, Mirbs. I have finished primitive tagging and organizing of all the April Fools 2011 material. Here's a big ol' zip with: * Covers * Music * High Def Video of the Preview April Fools 2011 - The Year of the Album
  18. YES! Finally, someone takes on Crash Bandicoot. 1:32 and other loud section clip a bit, resulting in some distortion. I'd put a limiter on there or lower the volume slightly. I love the low end, and how loud it is at time. This piano's got some big ol' ivory balls! What I'm not sure about is how it sounds almost honkey-tonk-ish in timbre. What piano are you using? Source tune is pretty evident from what I can tell. I'm not intimate with the source or anything, I just took a cursory listen so I might be wrong. But right now my brain is telling me I can hear it. Overall, I love the feel of this and the performance is very good and tight. Good arrangement too. A few niggles as I mentioned above, will wait on further info before I make any more comments.
  19. *checks the TBJ list* you've been judges for how long? and I have yet to see any new closed judgements? fire these guys, get j00jcat up in there. But no seriously, I'm so excited for these two to get cracking on the panel. Both are amazingly talented musicians and have a good sense of what is good AND what fits for OCR. Best of luck to you two on your glorious marriage, er- judgehood. Edit: I stand corrected. You've done too much judging. These guys are too biased, fuck y'alls shit.
  20. http://www.tssznews.com/2011/04/12/sega-addresses-streets-of-rage-remake-takedown/ “SEGA is committed to supporting any fans that take an interest in our games, and where possible we do so by involving them in Beta tests and other development, marketing or research opportunities,” said the unnamed contact on the record with Kotaku. “However we need to protect our intellectual property rights and this may result in us requesting that our fans remove online imagery, videos or games in some instances.” So you want to charge $3 for a shitty iOS port of a game from a series you have absolutely no intention of upgrading or reviving in any way, but want to remove the fan project that people has spent years of their life working on that wouldn't even work on that shitty iPhone? *raises middle finger at whoever made that decision* Also, I love love LOVE how the word "audio" is not mentioned anywhere in that sentence.
  21. :o a super-prize?! for me!? I must tune in now to know what this mystery reveal is!
  22. Hiya! No, not being a nuisance whatsoever. The title is She can has long ears. He sent me a WIP while still working on it and, in lieu of giving it a mix title, just kind-of put it as "She Can Has Long Ears" in the filename, very similar to how lolcats speak. He and I never actually were able to come up with a better mixtitle, so this one just stuck. Edit: dang, sniped by the fish himself in my own thread. Curse your British typing skills! *shakes fist*
  23. I see they're just handing out radio shows these days. What'd you do, knock up the station's broadcast director? (ps. will be listening to this whenever possible)
  24. Voluptuous Cauliflower

  25. Just a little confused as to where it was said that this was coming out before Jan 1st next year, and also what the "everything else" you would need to be planning is. Edit: Err, nevermind, I saw where he said it.
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