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Level 99

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Everything posted by Level 99

  1. http://www.techspot.com/news/43811-psn-restart-not-allowed-in-japan-until-sony-proves-its-safe.html "Speaking to Dow Jones Newswires yesterday, Kazushige Nobutani, Japan's director of media and content in the country's Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry, said that as of May 13 "Sony was incomplete in exercising measures that they said they will do on the May 1 press conference." He didn't comment on which measures were lacking, but it's certainly a blow to the company as it tries to convince people that it will be safe to use the network now."
  2. What if i just want her? In the worst possible way?
  3. Ummm yeah, I need new pants now. That's perfect. Chest size is exactly what I imagined.
  4. You have a PC. Therefore, you are good. Hmm...I wonder what they could be doing that's taking them so long... ad infinite
  5. Love it. Agreed that the chest could be a little bigger, but not HUGEMONGOUS or anything. C-cup'd would be just fine for it, right now she looks like a B. The figure and facial expression are fantastic, and the glasses are perfect. Hair? Love it. So OCR-Tan faces the enemy from the enterance of the fortress while OCAD-Tan would attack from the sewers? Oh yes, needs to happen.
  6. Shut up and get back to making music and being a jerkface (you do both things equally well) Quick, someone photoshop me over a birthday cake with Ben's name on it!
  7. ? Close enough, also could be a LOT worse.
  8. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/jarek/chip-maestro-an-nes-midi-synthesizer-cartridge I already know at least one of you has already backed this project, but I think any of you chip-oriented people would be interested in this. They've already passed the bar to get funded but there's still a bit over 100 of the standard carts remaining to get dibs to preorder for $50. "I am prototyping, designing and assembling a special cartridge called Chip Maestro which can be used in any Nintendo Entertainment System. This cartridge will accept a MIDI input from any instrument, and by passing the MIDI notes through the NES, the cartridge will make the NES synthesize 8-bits of awesome in true NES squarewavey goodness." There's a video demo on the kickstarter page. Thoughts? Did you back it?
  9. WE'RE WORKING ON GETTING MORE SHIRTS. First we have to kick off our planned use of the OCR fundraiser money: send every member of OCR staff to Japan to eat hot wings with Shigeru Miyamoto. What, that's not what we're doing with the money? DAMNIT!
  10. You know, you KNOW I've been waiting on you to finish this since the day you started it. I too have an unfinished WIP of Memories from FFT but...I have no idea where to go from where I'm at with it.
  11. Shut up, you're a horrible advertiser. Horrible. Horrible Horrible Horrible. Looks like notch was considering a MinecraftCon in Vegas this year to commemorate the release out of Beta. http://notch.tumblr.com/ $90 for entry WITHOUT hotel and travel costs? pfft, that's a tad much even for my wallet unless it is some VIP shit. Yes, it would be cool to see a live release into full on stage, and they did talk about food or something (which is what I would assume would be part of the cost inflation, along with the cost of having the Mojang gang fly out there) but meh, I still think it is a little steep. I'd do $50, maybe, unless they gave me a few free copies of Minecraft or some super sweet schwag. Or concerts. Or hookers.
  12. This track was awesome when you made it, and it is still awesome now. As for being OCR material, I am not terribly familiar with the source, but I'll check it.
  13. I'll tell you what: for every new song claimed on this project over the next 24 hours, I will donate $5 to OCR. PROJECT REVIVAL GET. Come on, make me empty my pockets for awesome music.
  14. If you're content, sub it. Let's see how it does. I know you didn't want to compromise your artistic vision to make it "OCR passable" but I think it has a fair shot at this point. Not a clear pass I would think but it has enough going for it. Edit: Don't forget to include the source breakdown in your sub letter. The judges definitely appreciate source breakdowns in sub letters.
  15. My beard is with you. You will win. You will win it all.
  16. I don't know what y'all are talking about, I couldn't sign in yesterday.
  17. I meant her current EQ where the high shelf is is fine, just needs to even it out a bit on the mids (and again, it could be the listening setup I'm on at the moment.)
  18. I guess piano tone is something that is relative. I understand melody's position on how honkey tonk piano accentuates certain parts of the mix, evoking specific feelings. In the end, I guess it is your call if you want to keep this sample or go for something more traditional. It is probably the relatively bad input I'm listening on but it does sound a little bit high-heavy, like there's been some scooping in the mids. Will have to listen on a few different setups to confirm, but the high shelf shimmer right now is alright as long as the mids and midlows balance it out. I'm not hearing the timing thing melody is refering to specifically. I will say the timing is, overall, very good, but there's some places where the left and right hands could do with some more alignment. This is usually at the beginning of measures, but it might be worth the time to go through with a fine tooth comb and tweak some of the timing to be tighter. I'm not saying make it sound robotic, but you're the pianist, so you'd know best where to tweak timing tightness. The volume dynamics are very effective, but I do think a little bit of volume boosting during the quieter, less-intense sections would smooth out the track as a whole. I found myself turning up the track at the beginning and then had to go turn it down at 3:24 when it gets loud. Maybe not using a master compressor, but automating the volume to be a bit louder for softer sections. The volume, when it is at its loudest, is great - its just a bit too much of a contrast for me between the loud and soft. (Could also be the fact that I listen to lots of loud music, so that this advice with a grain of salt...maybe a few grains). Reverb sounds pretty lush, no qualms with it.
  19. Ryuko Dragonhalf did that. She had done the majority of the artwork for the album. She's practically nailed the "storybook style" of drawing which I wanted for much of the art (which also explains why I asked her to do the drawings for my proposal book ). I uploaded the physical disto's design package last night. I'm shipping off the master discs today or tomorrow. Should be 20-25 business days from confirmation for them to complete it, so I'm expecting to have the shipment in my hands around mid-June. The online release is pretty much ready to roll, just needs to be organized and I have to finish things like director's notes and stuff like that. But yeah, we're good to go, for the most-part.
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