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Everything posted by Ænru

  1. I am really happy that someone decided to remix the piece from the Forest Temple. I fell in love with the music there, and tended to take my time in that place. I love the singing, even though I don't understand any of it, I can see what the artist was aiming for. It's far less distracting from the atmosphere and feeling when I don't have to try and figure out what the lyrics mean. And I hope I'm not intrusive, but I followed you to this forum, Princess, which led me to this song, and I'm so glad I did. Now I have another favorite in my playlist. Thanks again. p.s. I noticed that my boldening of words got a little out of hand, so I'm gonna see if I can keep it to the necessity.
  2. I understand. I still believe this mix is rather unimaginative and unengaging. I'm wise enough to realize other people's opinions and not dispute them...too much.
  3. I meant that I didn't know what s/he meant by "nice and clean". I'm not seeing it. Maybe one can clarify or elaborate? And for the record, I'm not argumentive. I'm debatable.
  4. What is that supposed to mean St3ph3n?
  5. Yup. Just as I thought. I came here to confirm what I thought about the mix. You all seem to agree. This is a ghetto mix.
  6. All in all, I think it was a very decent mix, and I am surely no fan of rap. My only complaint, though, was that Chrono seemed at a loss for lyrics. Did anyone else notice that the lines are very short with long pauses between? Rap is just the opposite, when they Never stop "spittin' out lyrics" (memories of that 'jump' song come to mind). Over all, the lack of lyrics hurt the song in the rap fasion more than lean it toward the genre. He could have at least repeated some to fill in those uncomfortable pauses. Makes it sound kinda silly at times. But I degress. Thumbs up on the mix. Keep up the good work, and take no offense, just use our criticism to better your future works, Chrono.
  7. I almost missed out on Jeremy Robson's other arrangements. He only posted three submissions on this site, unless he has another name. I found his website with a lot more music from him, including FF7 Philiharmoic Suites II, III, and IV. Here you go Jeremy.Narphonax.com From there, another site called Soundclick.com may prove interesting.
  8. This is one of my favorite remixes on the site. There's enough praise on the elements on the boards already, so I'm gonna state another point. The first time I heard this, I was reading Circuity, and the song and the comic seemed to simply melt together for perfect cooperation. It may just be me, but I couldn't think of better mood music for the comic strip. It works well if the song starts off about three pages into the comic, and the bottle-drums playing during the heightening scenes toward the end of the strip. Circuity can be found as a recent addition to Megatokyo ( www.megatokyo.com ) Give it a shot. I have the nine-page comic in pdf version if you want it.
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